RE: “So a pastor walked into a puff of STEEM one day” Who is this @GenXRev?

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“So a pastor walked into a puff of STEEM one day” Who is this @GenXRev?

in introduceyourself •  7 years ago 

(See what I did there, right? You see.... oh I know you did.)

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That is so wrong. Lolol by the way....I am also the same. When I tell people I'm an introvert... They howl with laughter. Because I SEEM very extroverted but that's just because I know what is expected in social situations. But I would rather be home... Door locked, porch lights off, no visitors please. Lololol

But like you... Once I'm coaxed into engaging... (And it's a good conversation!!) Come get me in a few days! I'll still be talking... Lololol