The Islamic view on Theology Easter

in introduceyourself •  8 years ago 


Rasheed Reno

Easter is the celebration of Christians around the world are commemorating kewafatan and resurrection of Jesus Christ - an event which they believed to be a means of their salvation .

Islam does not recognize Easter , but Islam believes to be the truth of Jesus as God's messenger ( prophet ) is right, who was sent by God Almighty to the tribes of Israel . In fact, Islam teaches to believe in Jesus and his book . Allah Almighty says :

    When the angels said , 'O Mary , indeed Allah . thee tidings with one sentence of his about a boy ; Al -Masih sa name Ibn Maryam , who is glorified in the world and in the hereafter , and he is from among those close to Allah .. ( Ali Imran : 45 ) 
But the understanding of Islam is different to what is believed by Christians today. Islam does not believe that Jesus is the only begotten Son of God literally , but only as the Son of God metaphorically reflecting the quality of piety .

At Easter , Muslims also disagree about the purpose and outcome of the crucifixion , that Jesus died on the cross and was resurrected to redeem the sins of mankind . Islam presents a different perspective .

The first is the purpose of the crucifixion . In Christian belief , the purpose of the cross was to atone for man's sins , while Islam believes that the purpose of crucifixion as a form of truth is a sign of God's greatness . That the survival of the crucifixion of Jesus will strengthen faith in God who saved him . This belief is supported by the prophecy of Jesus himself : 
For as Jonah was in the belly of the fish three days and three nights, so the Son of Man will be in the heart of the earth three days and three nights. (Matthew 12:40)

Muslims believe that the crucifixion was not a resurrection of the dead (revival) but is passed from death (survival).

Thus, the second case of this difference is, as a messenger of God is true, Jesus would not have been killed on the cross by his enemies. Muslims believe death on the cross was accursed death according to the Bible (Deuteronomy 21:23). Muslims believe that Jesus identifies himself with Jonah, that as Jonah in the belly of the fish survived, so will Jesus survived the crucifixion.

The Qur'an confirms this view by stating that Jesus saved from death and protected by Allah Almighty:

    And their saying, "We killed the Messiah, Isa Ibn Maryam, Messenger of Allah," but they did not kill him, nor turn it off on the cross, but he disguised them. And, verily those who differ in this case necessarily in doubt about this; they do not mumpunyai exact knowledge about these allegations but obeyed; and they killed him for sure. (Annisa: 157)

We believe that Jesus, the face of all odds and survived the ordeal on the cross because of the great wonders of God Almighty, so that it meets the prophecy of Jonah. Efforts by opponents to the crucifixion altogether failed and mission of Jesus continues with success, although there have been efforts to defeat the persecution of Jesus.

But while Christians and Muslims may disagree on the details Easter, there are also similarities in our convictions. That is God Almighty in particular has sent Jesus, the Messiah, as witness to the truth of God. Regardless of our differences, Muslims revere Christian brothers in celebrating Easter, and feel the same love of the Prophet Isa ibn Maryam.
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