RE: Transparency Bot is going online to help fight the rampant rise in bidbots and their long term devastating effect on our platform.

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Transparency Bot is going online to help fight the rampant rise in bidbots and their long term devastating effect on our platform.

in introduceyourself •  7 years ago 

I had just followed you and was excited to learn more about you. But when I saw that you guys used a bid bot, that told me everything that I need to know about you. In ten seconds, you are not just going to be unfollowed. You are going to be MUTED!

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Do you think @dunite actually cares that you followed him/her? No fucking way, you should mute your fucking self.

exactly, you are my hero!

Go ahead. Mute me and hide in your filter bubble. Or, encounter me. Social intercourse is about giving, not taking. Human relationships, even isolated encounters, are sacred. Whenever you disagree with something I post, say so, in whatever terms you choose to express yourself. I will consider your thoughts.

My most significant achievement in life is the large number of mistakes that I have made and false ideas that I have embraced. You can quantify the maturity of a person by counting the number of times he or she has apologized and/or admitted that he or she is wrong.

there are so many groups and people using bots! you look fairly new, maybe do more research before passing judgment. if you like the content, which is what steemit is about ... what would a bot matter?

I am new, and I am willing to admit being wrong if it appears that I am. But I am a trained economist, and my trained instincts tell me that gaming the system will destroy it. There's an old saying in monetary economics that is closely related: "Bad money drives out good".

I'd like to have a respectful conversation about each of the types of bots currently in use or emerging, in which we take a good look at whether they are good, or bad, for the platform.

however, you do not know what has been going on for months now including bots being used by many. after only one month on there is a lot of info you are not yet familiar with and you are making a judgment based not all on facts.
thus was the first comment left to you was you are too new to make these statements and basically bottom line is to do the research first before trying to defend something you do not understand. that said, there are people on here that have been on awhile that feel if someone puts in money to the bots and feels the only one getting rich are those owning bots that may be a better argument.
try looking at all the owners of bots first ... someone making money off of a "transparency bot" is still doing exactly as you stated above. do you know what a deli is? do you know that steemit is already transparent? these are things that need to be looked at before taking sides. anyhoo, good luck on your endeavors on steemit. making people upset when being new is not something one can easily overcome. the community is still small.

  ·  7 years ago (edited)

I'm here to give, not to take. The probationary period goes both ways. I agree with much of what you say involving me being a newbie. But ad hominem attack responses just tell me that the person can't articulate why I am wrong.

I don't mind being shown that I am wrong. I appreciate it and will thank the person for it. But the childish responses and behaviors will result in the kind of responses from me that they deserve.

yet when you are given the correct response and law to back it up you continue your behavior instead of doing the suggested research. thus the comment you havent seen what we have and how things change.
this subject is dead so im done. i prefer not to keep repeating whats been said over and over. peace

  ·  7 years ago (edited)

Do not respond unless you want to. Who do you think you are to give me "the correct response" and to refer to me "continu[ing] my behavior"? I opined that using a vote bot, if everyone did it, would convert "proof of brain" curating into an oppressive popularity contest that would begin as cliques and would end as an intolerant mob imposing political correctness on the platform and driving away everyone not willing to participate in the mob thinking.

You have yet to respond to that criticism. Failure to respond INTELLIGENTLY with reasonable and relevant points establishes the presumption that (1) you know full well that my points have merit, and (2) you know full well that what you advocate is selfish gaming of the system that is indefensible.