I Would Love to Connect & Be a Friend - Let's Make Positive Difference

in introduceyourself •  8 years ago 

Hello Fellow Steemians,

Being thankful is a great trait. I'm grateful that I'm here. And I would like to credit my presence here to a wonderful hero who calls himself Suppoman. You can find him here on Steemit (@suppoman). He's an amazing guy!

Let me introduce myself to the wonderful people at Steemit.


First of all, I would seriously love to have a body like this amazing guy. I took this picture from Pixabay. How I wish it was me!

So who am I if not the guy in the picture above?


Here's a quick look at my introduction.

Name: Ilyas Tarar
Country: Pakistan
Age: 27
Skills: Blogging, Content Writing
Hobbies: Book Reading, Article Reading, Sports
Interests: Cryptocurrencies, Cryptotrading, Football, Technology, ICT, Green Energy, Educational Philanthropy
Profession Expertise: Supply Chain Management
Passion: Learning, Personal Development, Making a Difference
Initiative: Educate One Child (https://www.facebook.com/EducateOneChild/)

Let me share some links where you can know more about me. There are more than 10,000 people who are connected with me on the internet.

My Website: http://www.ilyastarar.com/about-ilyas-tarar/
Facebook Profile: https://www.facebook.com/Ilyas2654
FacebookcPage: https://web.facebook.com/IlyasTararOfficial/
Twitter Handle: @IlyasTarar8
Instagram: @ilyastaarar

My story was covered by 'The Uplifting Stories' page and it contains exclusive details of my life's journey. You can read it here.

Link: - http://bit.ly/2rAdY0o

I love to read books and I have read some great books recently. Here are some of the names.

Rich Dad Poor Dad - Robert Kiyosaki
Linchpin - Seth Godin
As A Man Thinketh - James Allen
Outliers - Malcolm Gladwell
Circle of Profit - Anik Singal

I hope you are not bored yet. Here's a short paragraph about me and my life.

I was a decent student who earned badges of excellence in academics. Throughout my school and college stay, I remained a prominent player in football, hockey, and athletics. I still play football at a reasonably competitive level. I also remained an active participant in dramatics and quiz competitions. I am a keen learner who believes in sharing my knowledge. My interests include online learning, education, empowerment, creative writing, blogging, and of course football. I strive to learn about my professional as well personal interests.

Here are some of my certificates.

University of Pennsylvania - Creating Viral Content

Contagious Content Course - Penn.jpg

University of California San Diego - Learning How to Learn

Learning How to Learn Course.jpg

University of Michigan - Influencing People

Influencing People.jpg

University of Michigan - Inspiring & Motivating Individuals

Inspiring & Motivating Individuals.jpg

World Bank - Public Procurement

Public Proc Certificate.jpg

Udemy - NLP Goal Setting

UC-EO65ZTWE - Goal Setting.jpg

Udemy - SEO for Website Owners


There are many more certificates that I have earned but the purpose is not to show off. Just letting you know that I love learning online and offline.

I'm glad to have introduced myself to you. I would love to connect to you across all the social media. Do follow me on Steemit so that I could follow you back as well.


Ilyas Tarar

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Hey Ilyas,
A impressive introduction and I wish I could have those certificates of Coursera too.

Welcome to Steem @ilyastarar I have sent you a tip

Thank you very much.

Welcome to Steemit! :)

Thank you very much.

And glad to follow you. Thanks for the welcoming comment!

Wow ... this is the best intro I've seen. Kudos.Keep up the High Quality content. You have my 100% vote and follow.
tumblr_mnwh9iiuDl1qc4uvwo1_400 (1).gif

Thank you very much! I'm humbled by your comment. Thanks a lot for the encouragement!

I like your reading list and am interested to see how you will contribute to Steemit. Upvoted and followed
Come over and read my blog @tremendospercy
Good luck.

Thank you very much. I would love to make a positive difference through my knowledge, skills and words. Definitely following you and will look up your blogs. Thanks!

Welcome to the steemit community! Check out my page if you like🙂

Thank you and why not. Following you.

welcome to steemit world:D

Thank you. Thanks for the comment and I followed you.

Welcome to the community, Ilyas! Follow me at https://steemit.com/@bitgeek

Thank you and following you.

Welcome to Steemit @ilyastarar :)

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My upvote for you bot! Thank you!

Welcome to the community. Start exercising today to get that body ;)

Thank you very much! I am doing the abs for 10 days now. Add some swimming and regular football as well so things are going smooth. Not to forget that it's Ramadan and all this happens with fasting. Thank you for the welcoming comment!

welcome to this esteem platform @ilyahstarar
follow me https://steemit.com/@fredtomsyn

Thank you and glad to connect. Following you.

Welcome once again, following you back

Welcome to Steemit !! :)

Hi Kenan,

Thank you very much! Would love to connect!


I enjoyed also some books you have read.

I throw you a follow.

Thank you and thanks for following too. Glad to follow you as well.

Great introduction to verify yourself!

Thank you and pleased to meet you too Daniel. Following you.

Hey Ilyas, Really good story. I am impressed with your certifications. I wish I could have all these but unfortunately I don't have enough time to spend in front of computer. Stay blessed.

Thank you so much Hassib!

Thanks for bringing me here. Your posts are amazing

Wow amazing introduction .You are such a talented person. We are always learning different things in our life . Now I learn from you many things about steemit.
Welcome here sir.