Hi! I'm Jared, from California -- storyteller / musician / educator / backcountry cooksteemCreated with Sketch.

in introduceyourself •  8 years ago 

Hi Steemians! (Steemers?) (eSteemed?)

eSteemed Steemians,

Hi! My name’s Jared. I'm really stoked to be here, so I brought you some yums.


I’m an educator, a musician, a word wizard, backcountry chef, urban schemer, utopian dreamer, and I have more harebrained ideas than I know what to do with. When I'm lucky, the ideas get a hold of me and just don't let go until I get them out.

Like this one, which woke me up at 4AM and wouldn't let me sleep til it was drawn:

pan perdu.jpg

It’s an album cover of my band in bed with a human-sized piece of French toast, if we were called “pan perdu” (that's misspelled French for "lost bread," or French toast), and we did a cover album called "covers."

Actually, we're called Open Sorcerer. Here we are playing a house show and benefit for the Ugandan Art Consortium, surrounded by their vibrant paintings. I play keys.

open sorcerer.jpg

Right now I'm in the foothills of the Sierras with my partner, Brooke, on a little retreat. She's pretty great. She took a lot of these pictures, and she's taught me a ton.

me n brookey.jpg

Most of the time I live in Berkeley, California, across the bay from San Francisco. 90% of the time I tell people I’m from Berkeley, they ask, “Are you a student?... or… professor?”

About 5% of the time, they go, “BERZERKELEY???”


[photo by Wikimedia commons user Urban~commonswiki]

I love where I live. I love the people-- so many artists, wingnuts, activists, queers, healers, community builders. People of all stripes, unafraid to live life unabashedly, and, often times, not only accepting of people's differences, but celebrating them.

And the land! Coastal hills, ocean, redwoods, birds, wetlands, food that grows wild in the soil or on the rocks and fog that tucks you in at night; super dreamy, especially if you're a water and mountains person like myself. It’s a damned privilege to be here, and I don’t take it for granted. In fact, I’m super privileged. I live in a concrete castle:

orange castle.jpg

I've been in The Orange Castle 2.5 years. It’s the first time I’ve ever had creative control in crafting a living space, the first time I've ever had my own place, and it feels really really good. The orange room GLOWS in the morning sun. Admittedly, the heights are not quite as awe-inspiring as this castle I got to look over once upon a time in Patagonia Chilena.

Cerro Castillo.jpg

Anyway, before totally lucking into my current abode, I lived in housing co-ops with lots of people where we lived like a big, happy sometimes-dysfunctional family. I even co-founded one while I was a student: The Trash Farm. There, I proudly fed 11 humans on a diet of 95%+ dumpster dived food.

More often than not, we ate really good food thrown out by fancy markets. Once or twice a week I'd come home with my little hatchback packed to the brim with food they tried to throw away. Then we'd have to figure out what to do with 20 pounds of tomatoes, like in the pic below, from wikimedia user Sigurdas.


Other times, it was day-old bagels. Lots and lots of day-old bagels.

I shared my first room at The Trash Farm with 3 other people. It was just a couple mattresses on the floor, and when you wanted to go to sleep at night, you cuddled on in wherever you could find space. Freed up from needing to make money, it was like we could do whatever we pleased. Ahh, youth... Forever naïve!

In a talk I saw about the future of money systems, Charles Eisenstein said that what the world needs right now is people who are absurdly naïve, because our problems demand solutions well beyond our current conventional reckoning.

Well, that was pretty affirming, because I had just come out of putting all my energy into an absurdly naïve dream that failed gorgeously: Villagecraft.

Screen Shot 2017-06-29 at 11.02.30 PM.png

Our idea was to build a network for free and cheap in-person educational activities and a platform where people would be merited by what they teach and share, and what they’ve done to offer their gifts to others.


She's drilling a log to make room for some shiitake spawn so that wood will into mushrooms.

And he's showing folks how to start a fire with a bowdrill:


And everyone's having fun!

Just imagine if all skills and knowledges were freely shared, and people got to choose for real what they wanted to do, and how to contribute to their communities.

That was our dream, and we went for it for 2 and a half bootstrapped years before burning out, having almost no conception of how naïve our aims were. Only afterward did we find out that projects like these apparently just don’t get funded, because investment professionals consider them to be nearly impossible to carry out.


Still, I say: forever naïve!

Oh, and, speaking of naïve… Check out the guy in the top right of this picture, still wearing his oven mitt.


That's @ItchyKitten, with his "empanada assembly line." Villagecraft was actually his brilliant brainchild, which he invited me into co-creating. I met @ItchyKitten years ago quite serendipitously and circuitously through couchsurfing and he’s easily one of my favorite humans ever. It's largely due to his encouragement that I'm here writing this now. And the strange coincidence of simultaneously finding out about Steemit from another cherished and revered friend, @AnwenBaumeister.

Thanks, internet! You work in mysterious ways.


That's a “visualization of the network structure of the Internet by Hal Burch and Bill Cheswick," recopied from Livin’ in a Mycelial World by Claire L Evans for ScienceBlogs.com.

Looks a lot like a mycelial network, the vastly interconnected underground structures that give rise to mushrooms [below left]. Or like 'dark matter,' whatever that is [below right].

mycelium:dark matter.jpg

Or multiple instances of a basic pattern for truly durable non-linear existence.

In his "6 Ways Mushrooms Can Save the World" TED Talk, Paul Stamets said:

I believe the invention of the computer Internet is an inevitable consequence of a previously proven biologically successful >model. The earth invented the computer internet for its own benefit, and we, now, being the top organism on this planet, are >trying to allocate resources in order to protect the biosphere.

This idea totally blew my mind. It just makes so much sense.

Can we make it true together? Pretty please?

The internet needs our help. Because sadly, like just about all other technologies, it seems, it has been leveraged by powerful people in a way that has actually increased inequality of wealth and prosperity-- to their most unjust global proportions yet. Even The World Bank said so, as reported in this 2016 NY Times article.

wealth distribution.jpg

Just look at that! WHAT THE FUCK! Where in nature does anything like that happen? Certainly not in any places I'd ever want to live.

By contrast, mushrooms do an amazing job of breaking down nutrients and distributing them amongst ecosystems,
and they have been around before any other lifeforms, and they will outlast us for sure. They know what's up. Decentralization is the time-honored way of the world, not centralization.

So now we're kind of back to why I am SO fired up for Steemit and related appropriate technologies. They could maybe actually help us transition to the only truly sustainable and abundant future possible: a decentralized, collaborative and cooperative one.

And, as you can tell, I love writing. This place is just the extra oomph I need to serve up some long-simmering stews. Like the unlikely cooking adventures I go on in the wilderness.

twiggy fire.jpg

Or this pizza baked on a camp stove…


Or reflecting on my work as an experiential educator, focusing on project-based learning and getting the most from one's direct experience of everyday life, encouraging rather than stunting the glorious natural genius all kids have.

Just check out this shrine my 12-year-old homeschooler made for his first ever houseplant, BUM, Beautiful Utter Magnificence:


And, of course, so much more.

If you’ve made it this far, thank you so much for reading. I'd be curious to hear what you think. I hope it’s been fun, at least.

Excited to connect more with y’all =)

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Welcome to Steemit @jaredwood, best of luck to you! UpVoted and Followed. Here is a great introduction link for you to watch.
Part 1
Link: https://steemit.com/steemit/@oceancoinz/how-to-get-started-on-steemit
Part 2

Welcome to steemit. I hope you will have a great time here :D

Welcome from Marin County! Look forward to reading more of your stuff.

Welcome @jaredwood
Here are few tips for you to start fast in Steemit.
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thirdly, engage(upvote, comment, resteem) other people posts to help guide your growth. I wish you happy posting.

awwwwwwww!!! you big saucy loveboat of a brimming ferocious intelligence! Welcome =) I'm super happy you're here :P maybe I'll get to keep up with what's cooking your brain oven on a regular basis now !

The orange castle looks so beautiful!!!! and that is a hellishly cute picture of you up top, lol!! you know, you're the only man I've ever had a real threesome with :P put THAT in the fucking blockchain for 'eternity' until the mushrooms reclaim our copper wires and human consciousness blossoms into a million fractal magnetic waves of light exploding across the stars!

i love you Jared =) you're going to have to show me that backcountry pizza trick one of these days

LOL way to put that in the blockchain for 'eternity' ... I might just have to write up that story, too. Too bad we don't have pictures from that one :P


Yes yes yes! Wow I had the biggest smile the whole time I was reading your writing. I'm so excited you're sharing your stories here. I'm sending you and Brooke love in the Sierras!

ME TOO! On All Accounts!

Thanks, dear!! Imagining you reading this and smiling the whole time made me very happy. :D

I hope you like steem, lets be friends, a big steemit family! :)

Hi, I'm from Mendo but live in Mexico. Welcome to Steemit. Come join us a Steemit Open Mic.

Cool cool! Will check it out :) I did post a video my group made... https://steemit.com/music/@jaredwood/open-sorcerer-mutant-dance-original-music-video-from-oakland-ca-based-avant-jazz-trio to check it out. I'll make some more recordings from our band practices so we can put em up on open mic.

Welcome to Steemit. Now following you.

Sending you a big greeting from Germany ! welcome !

Hey and welcome to the party! :)

Have a great time. Here are plenty of nice people.

See ya!

Fantastic post buddy 👍 you will be a steemit super star 😎

Thanks, friend!


Hi JARED! Welcome all the way from MALAYSIA! Love what you've written. I'm a musician myself. Maybe we would be able to see some of your skills on steemit in the near future! Spread the love my friend. You've been FOLLOWED and UPVOTED! Cheers!


Hi! Thanks for the love!! Yes, I will happily share some music. I've been cooking up some ideas for ways we could collaborate across the world-- maybe you could participate :)

Nice nice nice! I'm interested to participate. Always up for trying things, after all we now live in a crypto world. Who knew!

Welcome the the platform Jared! If you're anything like @anwenbaumeister / @itchykitten you will fit in and do just fine here. Look forward to your future endeavors and posts.


Great post! Can't wait to read more about what you are doing as an experiential educator.

Thanks! I am really looking forward to writing about it, it's so near and dear to my heart it'll take some time to do that right. Is experiential education an interest of yours, too?

I am a former classroom teacher re-creating myself and I was just intrigued by the concept. Thanks for answering @jaredwood!

Good for you, @go2sheila! I dunno how y'all classroom teachers do it, often with hundreds of kids, 5+ classes a day... mad respect for you, I couldn't do that. Curious what re-creation will look like for you. I hope my thoughts and experience will be of service to you in some way. Educators, unite!! :)

Welcome to Steemit! I am new to Steemit myself, and a fellow artist. You have a wonderful energy, and I'm looking forward to reading more.

Thank you!! Let me know when you share your art :)

You're welcome! I just posted an introducemyself with some art and will post more soon.

Awesome story and intro! Stoked to be connected with you. I too am fascinated by the mycellium/internet/consciousness connections and cross pollination. We live in such amazing times of exponential global unification. Love your band name by the way! Onward and upward. Open source all the things!

Glad to be connected, too! Spread the mycelia!

YES! When humans and mycelia combine, we can make some magic happen.

~smiles fer miles~ @jaredwood I came across this via @kate-m through my feed
It's my source of soul-food here at Steemit.

A most excellent post intro dude! I was particularly impressed with the comparison of the internet with mycelium. As above so below...I expect dark matter is only called that because it is less understood. Perhaps it's the conduit that connects everything to the the ALL...just a thought.

Keep on keep'n on!

~peace out...in~


heh, yeah, dark matter is one of those scientific concepts that is hilarious to me for how little we seem to actually know about it, yet how commonly accepted it is that 'dark matter' is a thing... lol.

WAY more than an introduction my man, and I am IMPRESSED. I love how you write and the experiences you've had so far in your life. Don't give up on your dreams of utopia! @jaredwood...nice job! Following.

Did it! Made my first post about utopian dreams, a little teaser, to get the fire burnin for all the other dreamers and schemers out there!

Just read it a while ago and gave you an upvote. I have miniscule voting power but I'm with you in spirit!

Thank you! I'll never stop dreaming :) gonna get some of those thoughts out pretty soon onto posts #utopia if you have wild schemes for the best possible future please share too!

Great pictures and post. I followed you. The orange room looks very cool. I would definitely chill in that. I'm new here as well. Nice to meet you!

Ha ha ha, that was a great first post! 20 pounds of tomatoes - hell yeah, that would be great fun to deal with. Like the look of your backwoods cooking too - look forward to more posts. Take a peek at my own intro and follow if you like the look. Welcome!

Thanks, @kate-m! I checked out your intro-- very cool, looking forward to more! Followed you :) I have been really loving me some ethnobotany recently, especially writings of Dale Pendell and Martin Prechtel, and look forward to seeing your work!

Brooke, who I mentioned above in my post, is looking internationally for agroecology masters programs next fall, do you happen to know of any for her to check out? So far she's looking at programs in Norway and Santiago, Chile, and she speaks English, Portuguese, and Spanish, and is very open to suggestion

Hmmm, well I know more about ethnobotany, conservation and development courses. I've never systematically looked at agroecology. I know they have a fair amount here in Brazil but I don't know their standing on an international scale, and to be honest any Federal universities here seem to be in total disarray with constant strikes. But private institutions seem to be weathering the chaos so might be worth investigating if she speaks portuguese, and Brazil is marvellous, with lot's of opportunities to get practically involved in agroecology. I guess it also depends where she wants to practice in the end as well. So, basically, dunno! There's a permaculture course in Killarney in Ireland if that was something she fancied, but I think it's a diploma rather than a masters. She's so wise to be looking internationally - basically go somewhere that she won't be getting into a gazillion dollars of debt for a one-year programme. Silliness.

I reckon Scandinavian countries have a high quality of tuition whilst also offering free/dirt cheap fees. But then they're quite expensive for living costs. Why am I still talking, I already said I have no idea! lol

That's like typical Irish, if you ask an Irish person for directions they feel compelled to tell you something to try to be helpful even if they have no idea. Which of course ends up being the opposite of helpful.

Regarding ethnobotany reads, I'm sure you've already read some Wade Davis? If not he has some great books.

hahaha, thanks for the rambling response, Paddy. I dig! And Wade Davis, yea! Started reading his book about Haiti recently, totally excellent.

I keep trying to advocate she have an idea of her path, and think about work or other programs beyond a Masters in Agroecology, and other less formal ways of getting the skills she wants, but I think she wants to get some research skills and maybe be able to teach at a university level one day, and thinks that's the only way to do it. She has a Permaculture Design Certificate all ready, and is a garden educator at a school here, but she sees that our friends with permaculture skills are often kind of limited in the scope and impact that they can have working with kids and small projects, and not having opportunity to go much deeper... I think she wants a more rigorous education for herself, and she loves university life.

Anyway, "helpful" or not (I think so!) I appreciate the thoughts and tips and perspective, Kate. Thanks for sharing :)

I think a Masters is great - it's really stimulating and gives you lots of ideas and excitement and contacts and useful skills. It might also change your vision about your own path which is incredibly useful. It may also open up avenues of work and invovlement in projects that might not have been so obviously open otherwise. On the other hand a PhD will suck the life out of you and probably give you some sort of mental health issue, he he. So I think she's making an okay decision with the masters as long as she doesn't get into loads of debt because of it (and maybe even in that case, but she'd have to evaluate that herself afterwards).

Yeah, that's why she's looking internationally. Good to know difference between MS and PhD, personally, I say why not go for a Fulbright! Anyway. PS I put up my first backwoods cooking post

I'm perhaps being a little bit cynically unfair as regards doing a PhD. :) Read your post - like you're writing and your attitude towards decision-making!

Kate-M! Thank you for all the helpful information! It sound s like you are doing some incredible work in Brazil! I used to live in Salvador Bahia! Saudades! Thank you for your helpful information about grad school! I look forward to hearing more about your projects!

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    Looking forwards to more engaging posts from you.
    Success awaits you! Cheers!

Hi Jaredwood- Welcome to Steemit! We are full of adventurous creative people like yourself! You will do great here. Upvoted and Followed!

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Congratulations @jaredwood!
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Welcome, bro! Good luck!!! If you believe that, there will be success. follow @byvt

Welcome to steem @jaredwood
Follow @rinaldi

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@jaredwood, welcome to steemit. You completely got me with your introduction. You are one fun guy with tons of enthusiasm.

Ok Berzerkeley boy, wish you my very best here. Anyway I am just 12 days old here too.. but already feeling old and wise :)

Jared, May you prosper and flourish here. God Bless

hahaha, thanks @topdog. Appreciating your very best. 12 days seems like it could be an eternity here, lol. I hope I can grow up big and wise like you one day.

@jaredwood, Big and wise is still a long way to me. I am still a tiny minnow here and am also just trying to get a foot hold here. When I came in about 12 days ago, some awesome souls gave me a few words of encouragement.

I am just giving what I received here :)

Welcome @jaredwood I love your presentation it so good, Im from Spain and i agree with you in a lot of things that you say. I have a environmental education association based on permaculture. We work whit childrens too and we have a farm where we do all kinds of activities. I will go to California with my wife next november and we want to make a road trip to know all the new places that we can. Im fanatic of nature hahaha so i have to many place to go in your state. She is from NY and she only went one time to LA. I hope that your steemit experience is good and forgive me about the english Im learnig :-) I hope that you understand me. (feel free to correct me if your eyes are screeming hahaha). I will folow you for more good post and to see how your project is growing.

Rock on, Miguel! I do understand you-- your English is not bad, amigo mio. Viaje poco por España hace muchos años... muy lindo tu paìs. Wish you the best with you and your wife's projects, your farm and your contributions to those kids' lives. That's the good stuff!

When you come out to California, get in touch with me and I'll help you and your wife find places to stay, beautiful places to visit, and lots of permaculture people to meet!

Buena onda! Mucha suerte!

That sound greats, we get in touch on steemit, nice to meet you hahaha

Wow u 're so lucky to live there and to do such things in ur life =) keep posting and have fun :*

You're so right, I am very lucky. Glad you enjoyed :)

Mushrooms know what's up!

hehehe. My favorite line of the whole post!

Welcome @jaredwood
I hope you enjoy steemit!! It was a great article btw^^


Wow..welcome @jaredwood...I loved reading your story:) I love the orange room. I also love the concept of everyone sharing and teaching their talents...though your concept being so people can choose is a great idea .. I like it because of survival ...like we should know as much as we can ..where there are no duties seperated by sex i.e men cook women fix cars ...I hope I'm wording it right. ..we should learn and absorb as much as possible and be dependent on nobody. ..but share with everybody..lol I tend to ramble on...also I love Berkley spent years there...I wonder if they still have Blondies Pizza ...it was my favorite meal after rollerblading all day...and lastly I love the foothills. ..I spend 10 years in Nevada City..Grass Valley and Auburn :) well cant wait to read future posts ..following for sure :) :)

Thanks for the reflections, @kayleigh-alesta. Yes, we do still have Blondies Pizza! And that picture with Brooke was actually taken in Grass Valley, I became pretty instantly smitten with that town. The Yuba is super high right now, I didn't even recognize it! Totally agree with you, there's no need for divisions of roles based on sex. If we shared openly with each other we'd not only survive but THRIVE, and , and no reason we can't just have open sharing positive cultures!

I love Grass Valley I was a CNA on sutton way by Grocery Outlet...being here in Vegas just leaves me missing trees.. lakes...the fairgrounds and deer lol...I took so many pictures of the wildlife :) :) Agreed on us all sharing and Thriving :) Happy to meet you :)

Welcome to Steem @jaredwood I have sent you a tip

You are the epitome of yuppydome. Thanks for all the pictures. How I wish I could live in California.

What?!?!?! I thought I WAS the epitome of yuppydom!!! How come HE gets it ?????? GOD, Jared! You're stealing my thunder man!!!


You totally can live in CA if you really want to. People have found all kinds of clever ways to work together and make it possible, like those housing co-ops I mentioned.

I'm from Canada. Sadly trump would deport me faster than you could say bankrupt. I was just in northern California last month visiting the Redwood National forest and it was so beautiful.

Ahh, I see. Well, SF Bay Area has many sanctuary cities, one of the better places to be undocumented, and protected from our cheeto-like president elect, but that's not necessarily an easy life... also on the topic of decentralization, look what an amazing job Trump is doing at showing people to reclaim their regional power. Anyway. Glad you got to check out the redwoods, they're really special.

If anything I would want to use the proper channels to ensure my safety and success. I have some family down in Pasadena, so maybe one day I could convince them to sponsor me. Thanks for the response and have a great day.

Makes sense. Or, you could marry someone here..

Yup that's an option. Fair fetched, but it could happen. There are 10 times as many people in the USA as in Canada, so I wonder if that translates into me having 10 times the chances of finding a women in the states as I do in Canada. lol

I hope you like steem, lets be friends, a big steemit family! :)

Welcome to Steemit!

Hi, i'm new here. You can check my posts about food, travel and random stuff. Follow me and i'll follow you back, enjoy!! :)

Wow, fantastic intro @jaredwood. You'll do fantastic here for sure

Welcome to steemit.
Have nice journey ahead.
Started Following you
Upvote and resteem .

Welcome to Steemit @jaredwood :) Nice post, i will follow your account, please follow me at @khunfarang

Welcome to Steemit @jaredwood, this is a really good platform. You’re going to love it here. Do checkout the Steemit.chat, you’ll find all the help you need over there

Please up vote and follow back guys ;)


Welcome to Steemit! Looking forward to many more posts from you. Please check out my blog as well and follow if you like.

Welcome to Steemit, @jaredwood!

Hope you enjoy being here!

This message was written by my introduceyourself bot.

Hello @jaredwood! There is more to learn and share on Steemit, and on a personal note we are happy to have you. If your main focus is the rewards, you have really misinterpreted what the community is all about. However, that does not mean you will not make money, yet our advice is that you should prioritize learning from the knowledge shared within the community and share your knowledge as we grow together. You can expect business ideas and business marketing tips from us. We want to welcome you and invite you to follow us @bearandoci so that you won't miss any vital post from us. Have a wonderful day and welcome aboard...))

Food looks good. Is that pine apple on the pizza?

Hi and welcome to Steemit, I wish you luck on your journey here.

Can I suggest you look into the #minnowsupportproject - a place for newbies to get help and support as they set out across Steemit. We have voting bots, a follow train where you can get followers and much help, support and advice.

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I've Upvoted for sure. happy to meet you in this big family.
looking forward to your next post.
You can follow my food blog to know more about me @fatkid

@jaredwood, welcome to steemit. I'm a California kid as well. Steem On!

Welcome to the club @jaredwood! I sent you a tip.

Hey man, glad you're here!

If you're interested in connecting I'm on both discord and steemit chat under the same username.

I recommend checking out @minnowsupport, great for new users!

Welcome to steemit : )

Nice post brother
Keep steem

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Keep up the writing and hope you can share lots of interesting topics. Check out some of my posts; if interested, please comment and lets review.


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Best rgds.,

Welcome to Steemit Jaredwood. Love your post. I can tell you'll make it far! Hope you enjoy your time here. 😊

Welcome to the great family

Welcome to Steemit! @jaredwood! Let´s follow each other.

I am Count Dracula and I bid you welcome :)