My job is to build massive concerts....

in introduceyourself •  9 years ago 

I've been told I should do an introduction post...

so here it is!

I'm James, based out of Toronto, Canada. I really dislike introduction posts so I'll keep this short.

That's me

I'm a freelance lighting designer and video tech, which means I'm one of those nerdy kids everyone made fun of in high school, and that's exactly where I got started.

Now I do this for a living;

Sam Smith on stage, I hear he's popular...

When I'm not hanging out backstage with rock stars, I cook a lot (mostly desserts-, invest in the stock market and target shoot with my compound bow.

I also keep busy running my own equipment rental company, Bold Productions;

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Hey James, fellow Torontoian, go Canada!

yeah there's a few of us here! I travel a lot, but I'm in town at least 8 months out of the year for the most part

Confirmed and welcome James!