Well I guess I should introduce myself...

in introduceyourself •  9 years ago 

My name is Jim but my Native American name is River Wolf. That's the name I use for my photography and writing.

I am a VERY outspoken person. I am a PROUD American but I hate what the government has done to our Country. I believe in our Constitution and that's how we should be run as a country. End of Story. I am NOT anti-Government, I AM against anyone that tries to take our Constitutional rights from us.

(Yep, that's me...)

To be perfectly honest, I am not real sure that the digital currency will even be an option in the future. I mean if they take out the internet or something happens to our power grid, then it will be as useless as the US Dollar once it loses the status as the petrodollar. If the US Dollar collapses then the currency here tied to the US Dollar will be useless too but I am hoping somehow we avoid all of that, but I am not real optimistic.

I am what many would call a "Prepper" and I am also an avid hunter, fisherman and naturalist. I am currently the CO of a zone in APIII% Ohio. None of use want a war and there is a very common misconception that it is a militia. Well, it's not! We are just the ones awake to the possibilities around us and are prepping for almost any kind of disaster you can think of. That includes natural and man made disasters.

A lot of people call it conspiracy theories, but when the things a lot of people talk about come true or are proven, the crickets chirp from the ones claiming all preppers wear tin foil hats.
Personally since I am an outdoorsman who has been camping his whole life, I am kinda looking forward to the day that the lights go out and we have to live off the land again and pray it is not a group situation like you see in "The Walking Dead" and we can build communities of people and color, sex, religion, social status and "wealth" are not as important and people learn the value of the skills others possess.

Ok, enough of that side. Let's switch gears and talk about some other things in regards to what makes me who I am.

I am a photographer who likes to focus on nature and things most people take for granted. I'll explain why in a bit.
Here are a few of my photos to give you an idea what I like to photograph.

I also do photos of people and events, but I really appreciate nature since I have spent so much of my life out in it. I like the raw, unstaged part of life and the lighting you can only get out in nature with wild things. I also LOVE taking pictures of storms. Lightning is one of my favorite things to photograph.

I am a father of 2 amazing kids. A son and a daughter who are my world. They are the reason I wake up every morning and take a breath. They are also what drove me to learn how to walk again. Let me explain...

In September of 2015 I had to have emergency spine surgery. I was told I was a sneeze away from being paralyzed.
I had a disc herniate and rupture into my spinal cord which left me with the diagnosis of Conus Medullaris Syndrome. I am really lucky. Not because I have this super rare diagnosis, but because I had the will to not let it beat me. If you want to read more about that journey in my life, please follow me because I will be posting more about it and trying to raise awareness of the symptoms and my journey with it very soon.

I am also a writer. I got divorced in 2011 and the ex kept my kids from me for the first month and a half and has done so 3 times since the divorce. That is another battle I will share soon because as a father going against the courts is a fight like nearly none other. But I digress. (Keep watching for posts on that soon as well)

Anyways, as I was going through that journey and fighting depression and my family being ripped apart, I began writing. Some of it was about love, lost love, depression and then it got to where I gained perspective and wrote about other things. I have posted a few here. I may add some of the poetry on here as well in time but for now I am just posting some of my other writings.
Whenever you see the picture below, it is one of my original writings.

I know a little about a lot of things so I will post a vast array of different blogs but for now, I am just going to focus on my writings and prepping /survival tips. I hope you'll join me on the journey.

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Welcome to Steemit, River Wolf. About the virtual currency thing, I'm not sure if taking out the Internet or the power grid will be enough to stop cryptocurrencies. People have been working on solutions for that for a while, making devices that can transmit data over ham radio, so that might be a solution. Nevertheless, things are becoming more and more decentralised as we go on. People are getting solar panels on their homes, and setting up meshnets in some cities, so shutting down the Internet and power grid becomes less of a problem. I guess time will tell though.

Welcome again and have a good one

I have been researching that as well but thanks for the heads up. More than anything my concern is steemit currency being tied to the US dollar. If it does collapse, and in October there is a good chance of some bad news, then the currency will be as worthless as the US dollar will be.
The world meetings coming up, China has already hinted at it and the US dollar no longer being the petrodollar IS, in fact, on the table.
I guess only time will tell

Jim, wonderful post and great photography. Love the colors in your work!

Thank you. I hope to share more of it in the future.

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Thank you. I'll be sure to bookmark it

Fellow Steemian!

Thank you. I hope to be able to contribute to a few topics. Nice to make your acquaintance.

We have a lot in common. Nice to meet you. Lovely photos. Thanks for your honesty.

I am glad to hear we have a bit in common. Nice to meet you as well. Also thanks for the kid words about my photography.
As for the honesty, I am brutally honest most of the time. Either people love me for it or hate me for it. There is no middle ground, lol