My Steem Introduction / 제 자기 소개입니다 / 自我介绍

in introduceyourself •  7 years ago 

Hi everyone. My name is Kyungjae Choo. I’m going to be a second year student studying CS and economics. I go to school in Providence, RI. I’m a half-korean half-chinese american. In addition to concentrating in CS and economics, I’ll also be studying korean and chinese. I’m an investor and supporter of cryptocurrency. I first got into cryptocurrency last June when the price of Bitcoin was hovering around $650. I got into Ethereum at $20 in March right around the Ethereal Enterprise Alliance was announced. I have probably made over a thousand trades by now and I am far from being a whale, let alone a dolphin. I now own around 20 different coins/cryptocurrencies and plan to be a long-term holder. However, instead of being fixated around prices in this new economy, I am now focusing on technological advancements and updates regarding the cryptocurrency world. I see ourselves as the greatest assets in our lives with the best ROIs. I firmly believe in investing in human capital, or the knowledge, wellbeing, and skills of an individual. As a result, I’m on a mission to inform myself as well as those around me about what’s out there.

안녕하세요. 저는  추경재 이라고 합니다. 얼마 후면 경제학과 컴퓨터 과학을 전공하게 될 대학교 2학년생입니다. 현재는 로드아일랜의 프로비던스 대학에 다니고 있으며, 미국에 살고있는 재중교포로 경제학과 컴퓨터 과학을 전공하는 것에 더불어 한국어와 중국어도 배울 예정입니다. 저를 간단히 설명하자면 발명가 및 암호 화폐의 지지자라고 할 수 있을 것 같습니다. 암호 화폐에 관심을 갖기 시작한 건 지난 6월 비트코인의 가격이 650$를 웃돌던 때였습니다. 에테리움엔 에테리움 엔터프라이즈 얼라이언즈가 발표되고 20$를 웃돌던때 시작했고요. 아마 지금쯤 수천 번의 거래를 해왔지만 아직 고래는커녕 돌고래의 범위에도 못 미칩니다. 현재 20개 정도의 다른 암호 화폐를 가지고 있고 장기간 보유할 생각입니다. 하지만 저는 이 새로운 경제에서 가격에 얽매이는 것을 넘어 암호 화폐 시장의 새로운 기술적 발전에 집중하고 있습니다. 저는 저희 자신들이 최고의 투자자본수익률을 가지고 있는 인생의 가장 큰 자본이라고 생각하고, 인적 자본, 지식, 복지, 그리고 개인들의 능력에 투자하는 것이 옳다고 굳게 믿고 있습니다. 결과적으로 저는 저 자신이 저와 제 주위에 사람들에게 암호 화폐 시장이라는 더 넓은 세상에 대해 알려야 할 의무가 있다고 생각합니다.

 大家好,我是秋敬宰 。我是一名计算机科学和经济学专业的布朗大学大二学生。我的大学在美国罗得岛州普罗维登斯。我是中韩混血儿,在美国出生的。除了计算机科学和经济学,我还准备学韩语和中文。 

Ambitions and Goals / 포부와 목표

 As someone who is interested in computer science and technology, I plan to post about relevant and current topics regarding cryptocurrency. I’ll be honest and say that I currently have a hard time understanding some White Papers, which may involve combination of roadmap and implementation ideas as well as some technical specification with pseudocode. However, I plan to keep on learning and I intend to gain a grasp on what most noteworthy cryptocurrencies do. In addition to informing others, I’ll also be teaching myself. I hope to write a range of articles of several complexity levels so that people are interested and informed. 

컴퓨터 과학과 기술에 관심이 많은 사람으로서, 현대 암호 화폐에 관한 주제를 이 블로그에 올릴 생각입니다. 솔직히 말해 로드맵, 실행 아이디어, 의사 코드에 관한 기술적 설명서 등을 이해하는 데 아직 어려움이 있습니다. 하지만 계속 배워나가면서 주목할 만한 암호 화폐들이 할 수 있는 것들에 대해 알아갈 것입니다. 그리고 다른 사람들에게 정보를 제공하는 것에 더해 저 자신을 가르치고 많은 사람이 관심을 갖고 이해할 수 있도록 쉬운 것부터 복잡한 것까지 넓은 범위의 글들을 쓸 생각입니다.


 As mentioned in my introductory paragraph, I’ll be studying Korean and Chinese throughout my years in college. One reason for this is because I like the pronunciation and cultures of each language. There’s something called the Sapir-Whorf Hypothesis, or theory of linguistic relativity. It basically states that the structure or composition of a language affects the way you perceive the world. Perhaps learning more languages will help me understand the world through the use of multiple perspectives. In addition to the fun that the languages offer, I also plan to use them to bridge the culture and information of different locations in the cryptocurrency world. What is cryptocurrency like in the USA, China, and Korea? What are people’s perceptions of them and how do they affect the economics, culture, and politics of countries? I plan to answer those questions for myself and you. 

소개 글에서 말씀드렸듯이 대학에 다니는 동안 한국어와 중국어를 배울 생각입니다. 그 이유는 발음과 각 나라의 문화를 좋아하기 때문이죠. 들어보셨을진 모르겠지만, 사피어-워프 가설, 또는 언어적 상대성이라는 게 있습니다. 간단히 말해 언어의 형식과 구성이 세상을 보는데 영향을 준다는 가설입니다. 제가 다른 언어를 배우려는 이유는 이것 때문입니다. 다양한 언어를 구사하게 되면 세상을 좀 더 다양한 시각으로 볼 수 있을지도 모르기 때문이죠. 또한, 재밌는것에 더불어 다른 나라의 암호 화폐 시장에서 문화와 정보를 이어주는 매개체로도 사용할 생각입니다. 예를 들어, 미국, 한국, 중국에서의 암호 화폐의 입지는 어떤가? 암호 화폐에 대한 사람들의 인식은 어떤가? 그리고 이것들이 경제, 문화, 정치에는 어떤 영향을 주는가? 이런 질문들을 여러분과 저 자신에게 답해드릴 생각입니다.


 Steemit / 스팀잇에게 전하고 싶은 말 /  公共消息

-  달을 목표로 간다면 도중에 떨어지더라도 별들에 떨어지겠죠? 목표를 크게 잡으세요.                                

-  飞向月亮,即使迷失方向,也会著陆于星际之间。 

Firstly, here’s a short story form Art and Fear by David Bayles and Ted Orland.  It teaches a lesson about quantity vs. quality and improving through practice. 
“The ceramics teacher announced on opening day that he was dividing the class into two groups. All those on the left side of the studio, he said, would be graded solely on the quantity of work they produced, all those on the right solely on its quality. His procedure was simple: on the final day of class he would bring in his bathroom scales and weigh the work of the "quantity" group: fifty pound of pots rated an "A", forty pounds a "B", and so on. Those being graded on "quality", however, needed to produce only one pot - albeit a perfect one - to get an "A".

Well, came grading time and a curious fact emerged: the works of highest quality were all produced by the group being graded for quantity. It seems that while the "quantity" group was busily churning out piles of work - and learning from their mistakes - the "quality" group had sat theorizing about perfection, and in the end had little more to show for their efforts than grandiose theories and a pile of dead clay.”

Regarding the story, I’m not going to tell you that quantity always trumps quality. However, I do think it is important to point out that practice and dedication is essential to producing something of quality. I like to tell myself to never make the same mistake twice, and to always integrate an experience into how I behave in the future. In Sociology, there is a term called resocialization. It basically details how humans are able to discard old habits and develop new norms. Perhaps, in the ceramics story, it is the techniques of the students that have improved with practice. In connection to steemit, I will strive to produce an abundance of posts whose quality will evolve over time as I grow as an individual.  

I just want to say that I have to give a lot of credit to steemit for revitalizing my recent life. Steemit offers a vibrant community that supports each other and truly utilizes the blockchain technology in a unique and tasteful way. I’m a fellow steemian who will wishes to post articles ranging from my life to the blockchain technology. I have many ideas I can’t wait to post about and I’m glad Steemit is finally getting the recognition it deserves.  

우선 제 삶에 생기를 불어 넣어 준 것에 대해 감사의 말을 전하고 싶습니다. 스팀잇은 서로를 지원하고 블록체인을 새롭고 다양한 방식으로 사용하는 활기 넘치는 커뮤니티를 제공하기 때문입니다. 제 인생에서 부터 블록체인 기술까지 다양한 글을 올리고 싶은 시팀잇 이용자로서 스팀잇이 사람들의 관심을 받기 시작해 정말 기쁜 마음입니다.제 소개문이 마음에 드셨거나 저와 함께 암호 화폐의 세계로 모험을 떠나고 싶으신 분들은 (여기)로 팔로우해 주시면 감사하겠습니다.


Special thanks to 김범철 (u/MinimalResults) for help with the Korean translations. 

If you’ve liked my introduction and want to tune in on my cryptocurrency adventures then you can follow me @kyungjaechoo.

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Welcome! I enjoyed the article you wrote on Stratis. And I'm familiar with you a bit already from the XBY Slack. I'm following you already and am looking forward to reading your posts.

Hey thanks a lot. I'll be sure to write some more content about cryptocurrency that's accurate and informative.

hello, welcome to the steem community! this is a good place with people super cool. I hope you'll like your time here :) just keep posting about what interest and entertain you

Welcome to Steemit !!

A great intro, welcome to Steemit!

Welcome to steemit community, hope you enjoy it.

Welcome to Steemit @kyungjaechoo :)

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@kyungjaechoo Welcome to Steemit! I really enjoyed your introductory post. The clay pot story is one I have never heard but will always remember after reading it. I am impressed at your love of languages and it shows what a diverse and talented individual you are. I look forward to your posts on Steemit.

Thank you very much! The ceramic pot story is certainly something to consider when trying to improve yourself. It's kind of a different way of saying "practice makes perfect" and keep trying to make progress!

Welcome to the platform, I wish everything work out for you. It’s not easy here but not difficult neither but just ask an extra effort, engagement is the key good luck I’m @goodaytraders Start by following people and they will do the same.

Wow thank you so much! I've always wanted to speak to an audience and steemit offers us a way to communicate to others while expression whatever we want. The community is great as evidenced by your nice comment lol.

앞으로 멋진 포스팅 부탁드릴게요~ (저도 중국어에 관심이 많아서 ㅎㅎ)

감사합니다! 나는 아직도 한국어를 공부하고 있어요. 중국어를 배웁시다!

반갑습니다~! 认识你很高兴!

Haha. 넘나 감사합니당 :). 谢谢!

Welcome to Steemit @kyungjaechoo :) This is one of the best Introductions I've ever saw!

welcome to steemit!

  ·  7 years ago (edited)

Welcome to the community @kyungjaechoo your introduction is marvelous. May you continue to learn the crypto world and share your knowledge with us all. Enjoy your journey here. Following you!

Thank you very much! I think we're all on a journey with steemit haha.

Yes we are and it is a wonderful journey at that.

3개 국어라니 정말 멋있네요! 글을 읽어보니 경재님은 스티밋의 가치를 상당히 잘 이해하고계신 것 같습니다 :) 앞으로의 글들이 기대되네요. 팔로우합니다!

영어, 한국어에 중국어까지 엄청나시네요!
같이 팔로우 해요!
I envy your talent for languages & smart.
Welcome to Steemit and Let's follow & share thinking together

Thanks! I'm still learning a lot and I'm just getting started with my life.



I welcome you to the steemit community with much love. I hope you find here interesting.
You are also welcome to check out assorted exquisite dishes @GLOBALFOODBOOK

welcome to Steemit @ kyungjaechoo:)

환영합니다 ^^!

welcome! good to see you in Steem

Welcome to Steemit! I'm amazed that you can speak all three languages (and seemingly well!). Hope you have a great time here :)

Thanks! You may be able to tell that my Chinese is a little weak from how short the paragraphs are. I'm actually still learning, but I do love all three languages.

That's awesome! Good luck :) I'm trying to learn Korean, but I'm still not so good haha.

Nice introduction
Welcome to steemit my friend.

I have followed you.
And upvote you.

Welcome!! :D

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Welcome to the community, Jae Choo! Follow me at

스팀잇 사용에 도움이 되고자 정보를 모아놓았습니다. 도움이 되길 바랍니다.

귀하의 도움을 주셔서 감사 합니다!

Welcome to Steem @kyungjaechoo I have sent you a tip

Thanks bottymcbotface.

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한글로 많이 올려주세요~