My introduceyourself post @lildebbiecakes

in introduceyourself •  7 years ago  (edited)

@lildebbiecakes introduceyourself post

Deb Steemit Introduce.JPG

Never say "never"

Hello fellow Steemians,

My name is Debbie Grote. My husband and I live in a small town in Iowa. We’ve lived here for thirty-five years. My husband, now a retired pharmacist, and I​, now a retired stay at home mom, have currently enjoyed collaborating on Steemit posts. We have created little “Christmas Greetings” videos with recorded words, music, paintings put into motion.
Rick, my husband, did all of the producing, and I did all of the artwork​. It was great fun. My brother in law got me interested in “Procreate” a drawing app for the iPad Pro. I found it to be very enjoyable. There’s a lot to learn, but I’ve decided you “can” teach an old dog new tricks. I just truly began to learn anything about computers only a couple years ago.”Yep”! One of those reluctant “I don’t need to know how to run one. I’ve lived without this knowledge thus far and have done quite well thank you.” Oh well, ​times are a changin’ and so am I. Always room for improvement. Never say “never.” So here I am.

Say What?

Rick said, ​“I’m going to start you up your own blog.” And I said very seriously “blog, what’s a blog?”. That’s how little I know about computers. Then he proceeds to tell me “you’re going to have to write your own “introduceyourself” all one-word​ post.”And I said “WHAT!!!”. I’m not a writer! You do it. “Quite stubborn aren’t I?” He said immediately “no you have to do it.” By the way, ​he’s stubborn too​. So here I am.

Sometimes I don’t get my way. Rick and I have been happily married for almost forty years. He’s my childhood sweetheart. Fell in love with him at the ripe old age of eleven. He was the same age. We're both 58 now. How time flies.

I’m a self-taught​ artist. My father, mother, and five other siblings received the same gift. Must be in the genes because my son and daughter are artists as well.

Here is some of my artwork. I’ve been creating and selling art for many years. I dabble in fine art, my media is usually acrylic or Derwent colored pencils, but I also have a passion for crafting. Finding odds and ends, and putting it all together to make something beautiful.


Deb Girl.JPG

Unconditional Love

Erin husband and baby.JPG

Sri Lankan Kids

Kids with Dog.JPG

Rock Painting

Deb Rocks.JPG

Glorifying God

I am a devout Christian and I try to glorify God in everything I do. So you will see that, in much of my artwork. Below is the link to my first Steemit post one of my “Christmas Greetings” short videos. Please check it out.

Slightly Creepy?

You will see that I started with a picture of Rick, Toby our grand-dog and myself. I ​use that photo to "magically" transform us into snowmen​. My daughter said it looked slightly creepy, but yet fun.

Rick's comments here... The actual quote was;

"This last one was fun, even though the snow versions of you guys were kind of horrifying, it still made me smile."

You decide! I’d love to hear your comments. Since I’m an artist who sells art work, I enjoy being critiqued. There’s always room for improvement. So if you find fault in my work, let me know, maybe I need to improve on certain skills. My daughter is trying to teach me more about what the “Procreate” app can do. So I’m hanging in there. Enjoy!

Please Upvote, Comment, Follow and/or Resteem if you have a mind to!

Photos all mine, all artwork mine.

Special thanks to my husband for his patience in helping me get this formatted and posted. We had to frequently remind each other of 1 Cor. 13:4-7

Love Never Fails

1 Corinthians 13:4 (NKJV)

4 Love suffers long and is kind; love does not envy; love does not parade itself, is not puffed up;
5 does not behave rudely, does not seek its own, is not provoked, thinks no evil;
6 does not rejoice in iniquity, but rejoices in the truth;
7 bears all things, believes all things, hopes all things, endures all things.

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Welcome Debbie :-)

Thank you @samirbouazzoun

Welcome @lildebbiecakes! Your artwork is so amazing and I am in love with your rock painting; I want one for my house!!! 😂Can't wait to see more of your work.

Happy Steeming and merry Christmas!


Thank you @noellesevilla. This is great fun entering these contests. Thank you for your support. Can’t wait to see more of your work also! Happy new year! And may peace be with you.

Aw, congratulations on you and your husbands almost forty years, that's inspiring. Your artwork is beautiful. I'm from Iowa also! I moved just this last year, to another corn growing state lol.

Hey @renascence your from Iowa also yeah! That’s awesome. Your the first Iowan I’ve met here. My husband and I originally met and grew up together in Arizona. When we were both only eighteen years of age. He wanted to go to college at Creighton University in Omaha Nebraska. We lived in Council bluffs Iowa only about a mile away from there. Thank you for your kindness!

Your welcome. Oh wow! Not to be too specific for the internet, but I live very close to Omaha now. That's really neat : ) Your're the first Iowan I've met also lol