Hi Steemians,
yesterday we published our first post and forgot to introduce ourselves:
I was born in 1981 in Germany / Bavaria. After school, I learned carpentry and then trained as a wood technician. I still enjoy working with wood and like to show you some of my projects. In 2005 I moved with my wife to Austria / Tyrol. In 2008 we got married and bought a condominium one year later. In my spare time I like to travel with the camper in nature. There I like to make photos and videos to which I also want to have you part. As a technology fan, I am always enthusiastic about the latest products that I would like to have as much as possible in my possession.
I was born in 1985 in Germany / Bavaria. After school, I did an apprenticeship as an office clerk. My mom is from the former Yugoslavia and my relatives are scattered all over the world. As a result, I have traveled a lot as a teenager and have already seen a lot of the world. These trips have always been very exciting, instructive and formative for me. Currently I am a full-time mom and enjoy living where others go on vacation. In my home I care with my cheerful southern European temperament for a lot of laughter and bright children's eyes. Through the birth of my daughters, I see the world again through the eyes of children and therefore continue to educate myself. Above all, naturopathy, needs-oriented education, non-violent communication and the free development of children have become enormously important to me. When I have some free moments for myself, I love to listen to music, read books and drink a cappuccino.
Helena was born in 2011 at our home. From that moment our life has actually completely turned. Helena is a very emotional and sensitive child and that's a good thing. She loves to be loud and to be the center of attention. She also likes music and loves to be in nature too. Her happiness and laughter enrich us every day.
In 2014, our second daughter Selina was born at home. If she was not born 3 years later, one would think that Helena and Selina are twins. They are very similar in their appearance. But what particularly strikes Selina is her loving nature and caring for her dolls. She is also very sensitive and tells you what she is feeling right now. She also loves to play in nature and can be enthusiastic about music. Her cheerfulness and the many laughs beautify us every day.

Hi Steemians,
gestern haben wir ja unseren ersten Post veröffentlicht und haben ganz vergessen uns vorzustellen:
Ich wurde 1981 in Deutschland/Bayern geboren. Nach der Schule habe ich das Tischlerhandwerk gelernt und habe mich danach zum Holztechniker weitergebildet. Das arbeiten mit Holz macht mir immer noch sehr viel Spaß und gerne kann ich euch auch ein paar meiner Projekte zeigen. 2005 zog ich mit meiner Frau nach Österreich/Tirol. Im Jahr 2008 haben wir geheiratet und uns dann ein Jahr später eine Eigentumswohnung gekauft. In meiner Freizeit bin ich gerne mit dem Camper in der Natur unterwegs. Dort mache ich gerne Fotos und Videos an diesen ich euch natürlich auch teil haben lassen möchte. Als Technikfan begeistern mich immer die neuesten Produkte die ich soweit wie möglich auch gerne in meinem Besitz haben möchte.
Ich wurde 1985 in Deutschland/Bayern geboren. Nach der Schule habe ich eine Lehre zur Bürokauffrau gemacht. Meine Mama stammt aus dem ehemaligen Jugoslawien und auch meine restliche Verwandtschaft ist in der ganzen Welt verstreut. Dadurch bin ich schon als Teenager viel umher gereist und hab schon viel von der Welt gesehen. Diese Reisen waren immer sehr spannend, lehrreich und prägend für mich. Derzeit bin ich Vollzeit-Mama und genieße es dort zu leben, wo andere Urlaub machen. In meinem Zuhause sorge ich mit meinem fröhlichen südeuropäischem Temperament für viel lachen und leuchtende Kinderaugen. Durch die Geburt meiner Töchter sehe ich die Welt nochmals durch Kinderaugen und bilde mich deshalb ständig weiter. Vor allem Naturheilkunde, bedürfnisorientierte Erziehung, gewaltfreie Kommunikation und die freie Entfaltung der Kinder sind mir enorm wichtig geworden. Wenn ich mal ein paar freie Augenblicke für mich habe höre ich leidenschaftlich gerne Musik, lese Bücher und trinke dazu einen Cappuccino.
Helena ist 2011 bei uns zuhause auf die Welt gekommen. Ab diesem Moment hat sich unser aller Leben eigentlich komplett gedreht. Helena ist ein sehr gefühlsstarkes und sensibles Kind und das ist auch gut so. Sie liebt es laut zu sein, zu turnen und im Mittelpunkt zu stehen. Auch mag sie Musik und ist ebenfalls gerne in der Natur unterwegs. Ihre Fröhlichkeit und ihr Lachen bereichern uns jeden Tag.
2014 ist unsere zweite Tochter Selina zuhause auf die Welt gekommen. Wenn sie nicht erst 3 Jahre später auf die Welt gekommen wäre würde man meinen das Helena und Selina Zwillinge sind. Sie gleichen sich in ihrem Aussehen enorm. Was aber besonders an Selina auffällt ist ihre liebevolle Art und ihre Fürsorge für ihre Puppen. Sie ist ebenfalls sehr sensibel und teilt einem mit was sie gerade fühlt. Sie spielt auch liebend gerne in der Natur und kann sich für Musik begeistern. Auch ihre Fröhlichkeit und das viele Lachen verschönern uns jeden Tag.

Thanks for sharing this wonderful #introduceyourself story of you and your lovely family, @markusgahn.
You have my upvote, follow and I have featured your story today in my post Pay It Forward Curation Contest Entry - Week 28, which is a weekly curation contest by @pifc.
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hello, thanks for your support and we are very happy that some other Stemmians have come to our attention through you. Greetings from the autumnal but sunny Austria.
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Welcome to the club. I hope you enjoy your stay in this amazing platform. :-)
PS: I've found your post after @zorank featured you in his entry for the Pay It Forward Contest
PS2: In my latest post, you can find a few tips and services for newbies to get a few extra visibility to their posts. Check it out, please:
Report on Daily Upvote Services - Bots and Humans (Bidbots Excluded)
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Thanks for your comment and your upvote ...
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It is very nice of you to come back and do this well thought of introduction.
You have adorable daughters and a lovely family! And if that last photo shows where you live, you live in a peaceful community that is one with nature. But Markus mentioned about a condominium so I am not sure. Either way, condo living I also great where most urban facilities are accessible.
Selina is four years old. Maybe it is time for a son? He can be the ladies' referee later on. 😄
Kidding aside, welcome to Steemit! I came across your introductory post through @zorank who featured it on his post which is an entry to the Pay It Forward Curation Contest. The contest is open to everyone so you are welcome to join.
See you blogging around...
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hello @macoolette. first thank you for your comment and your upvote. yes, here we live. this is the view from our local mountain on our village where we live in our condominium. we have everything in place. bakery, pharmacy, bank, supermarket, doctor, etc. if you need rest a few steps and you are in the midst of nature or on the mountain. This apartment was an absolute stroke of luck. selina is now three years old and will be 4 years in december. We do not know yet if we will have a child, a son would be great, but it took us some time to realize our family happiness, because according to the doctor, we could not have had children by natural means. Helena was born with an IVF, unfortunately the second baby was lost and Selina was born as a rainbow baby after the miscarriage on natural way. Let's see, maybe we'll be surprised again and we'll be five soon.
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I am sorry to know about your challenges in having a child. But you and Melanie are still very blessed to have the girls. And yes, who knows you'll be a family of five in the future. More blessings to your family!
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Hola @stemusgahn, bienvenido llegue a tu post, por @zorank te presento en el concurso "Pay It Forward". está ahora en su semana Nº 28, Es un concurso maravilloso. Estas invitado a participar.
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Thanks for your comment ...
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Willkommen bei Steemit!
DIe Landschaft sieht wirklich traumhaft aus!
Die Mädels sehen tatsächlich wie Zwillinge aus.
Auf Bilder von den Holzarbeiten freu ich mich schon.
Aus Interesse, weil meine Nichte und mein Neffe etwa im selben Alter sind wie Eure Große: Ist sie nicht eingeschult?
Ist die Große nicht
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Mal sehen was die nächsten Holzarbeiten sind. Wir haben schon was in Planung. Unsere Große ist 7 Jahre alt und geht seit September zur Schule.
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Nice shot beautiful family, welcome!
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Thanks for your comment and your upvote...
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Hallo @markusgahn, herzlich willkommen auf Steemit.
Wenn Du Fragen zu Steemit hast, oder Dich mit anderen „Steemians“ austauschen magst, schau einfach mal auf unserem Discord-Chat unter https://discord.gg/g6ktN45 vorbei. Mehr Informationen über den deutschsprachigen Discord-Chat findest Du in diesem Beitrag.
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Unter dem folgenden Link findest Du einige Anleitungen, die Dir den Einstieg in das Steem-Universum deutlich erleichtern werden: Deutschsprachige Tutorials für Steemit-Neulinge: Ein Überblick
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Welcome to Steemit @markusgahn!
I wish you much success and hope you find Steemit to be as rewarding and informative as I have.
Here are some links you might find useful.
Your stats on SteemNow
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Oh yea, I have upvoted you and followed you. Many blessings!
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So nice to meet you; I had to come over and have a look ... what a beautiful family! Regardless of the age difference, your girls do look like twins.
I'm one of the judges in the @pifc contest and I just wanted to invite you to join us with an entry of your own, if you'd like :) Just follow any of the links in the comments here for more details!
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Thats great that you come over and thank you for your kind words. We know that you are a judge, we saw it in the pifc contest post. We will try to join you with an own entry. But first we have to know how it works. Greetings from Austria...
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+20 SP
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Thanks for your warm welcome and your upvote.
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Thank you very much for your support. Sending "delegating" some SP to us is very kind of you and will help us to start our journey here on Stemmit.
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Herzlich Willkommen auf Steemit :)
Schön, eine komplette Familie bloggt, Das ist mega Nice.
Viel Spaß beim Schreiben und bei Fragen immer gern mal fragen. mit @rivalzzz oder anderen @ könnt ihr User direkt markieren und erreichen.
Beste Grüße,
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Danke für deinen netten Kommentar und das Angebot dich bei Fragen kontaktieren zu dürfen. Wie lange bist du denn schon dabei?
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What a lovely family we have here on Steemit @markusgahn, I would like to see your next project or stories from your family. Helena and selina seems like a very cute and adorable little girls.. hope that you'll enjoy your journey on steemit.
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Thank you for your kind words. We posted on Dtube today. It is a video of our sunday walk with the kids.
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You are welcome.. I'll check it out and enjoy your adventure, then 😉
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Youu are using steemit for your faminly. This is really a different approach. It is quite a good idea.
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Yes. We love to vlog and blog. Also our daughters are very passionate about it. We hope that someday we can earn money through that.
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Grüß dich und willkommen auf steemit :-)
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Schönen Gruß zurück aus dem sonnigen Tirol. Danke für den herzlichen Empfang...
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Welcome you all...You people are really an awesome family and looks beautiful together...
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Thanks for your comment and your upvote ...
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Welcome to Steem markusgahn! Partiko is a fast and beautiful mobile app for Steem and unlike other Steem apps, we take 0% cut of your earnings! You can also be rewarded Partiko Points while using Partiko and exchange Partiko Points for upvotes!
Partiko for Android can be downloaded here on Google Play and the iOS version is available here on the App Store.
If you have more questions, feel free to join our Discord channel and ask @crypto.talk, we're always here to help!
Thank you so much for your interest!
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Welcome to steemit @markusgahn.
Follow me @tuanis for random votes daily please checkout the report
Welcome the new steemians. Have a great day!
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Hallo und willkommen ihr Vier,
hier findet ihr eine kleine Einstiegshilfe.
Beste Grüße und viel Erfolg.
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Danke für deinen Kommentar. Werden uns das mal in Ruhe durchlesen. Liebe Grüße aus Tirol...
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Welcome to Steem! Austria looks beautiful!
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Thanks. Yes it is. Greetings to you...
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Welcome to the platform! What an awesome introduction. I hope you love it here as much as I do.
I came over because your post was featured in the pay it forward curation this week by @zorank
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Thanks for your comment. We love it already.
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Congratulations @markusgahn! You have completed the following achievement on the Steem blockchain and have been rewarded with new badge(s) :
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Do not miss the last post from @steemitboard:
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welcome to steemit and keep sharing your story with us @markusgahn, though you might face some problem with the RC later, but I think you know how to manage that, found your post through @zorank entry post to the pay it forward contest this week.
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Thanks for your comment. We will try to share as much as possible. Greetings from Austria...
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You are awesome, lovely family, and I was born in 1985 too but in America, but my ancestors might be from Germany maybe back in the 1800's. Welcome to Steemit.
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Thanks for your comment and your upvote ... My uncle also lives in America. Greetings from Austria.
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Dann wünsche ich euch hier mal ein "herzlich willkommen" :-)
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Danke für deinen Kommentar und liebe Grüße zurück...
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Wanted to welcome you to Steemit & be one of your first upvotes. For me, the 2 best things about being a Steemian are sharing and automation. The sharing part is when you upvote someone else's post, you get a piece of the curation (money/crypto) from that post (and vice versa). The automation comes from using steemauto.com to auto upvote so you can literally make crypto (Steem) in your sleep.
For example, we can share the curation on my post from 3 days ago called "Way Beyond Pad Thai" by upvoting it (The Sharing). The amount of money is shown in the post.
After signing in to steemauto.com using Steemconnect (a part of the Steem blockchain), come back and click here: "Stewsak Fanbase" and follow to upvote and receive a piece of the curation to all of my posts (the automation). Sharing is beautiful and I would love to share the piece of the money/crypto with you on all of my post. I look forward to reading your post in the near future and if you have any questions, ask away :) Have an outstanding week!
"Wishing you the best..."
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Thanks for your comment and your upvote ...
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Herzlich Willkommen :-)
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Danke. SG aus dem sonnigen Tirol.
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Nice to meet your wonderful family! I hope you enjoy your Steemit journey :)
Is this picture taken where you live? It looks amazing! :)
P.S. I came across thanks to @zorank who featured you in his entry for the Pay It Forward Contest.
I hope I see you around!
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Thank you for your nice comment. It is the view from our local mountain to our village where we live. You're right it's nice to live here. Thanks @zorank, so many have come to our attention through him. Greetings from tyrol.
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Herzlich Willkommen auf Steemit :)
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Hi, danke. Super das hier auch Leute aus Tirol mit dabei sind. Weist du ob morgen ein Steemit-Austria Meetup in Innsbruck statt findet?
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sorry, hab's zu spät gelesen.....
aber das Treffen fand gestern leider nicht statt.
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Ah ok. Schade. Weis man warum?
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Ich leider nicht. Habs von @tomhall erfahren
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Hi @markusgahn Welcome to Steemit. I hope that you find what you're looking for with this community. There are so many great people here. Don't be afraid to ask questions and have fun.
As you know @zorank featured you in this week's @pifc's Pay It Forward Curation Contest. Take a look into our community see what we're all about.
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Thank you for your warm welcome. We already see it is a great community. Maybe we will win, we will see. Greetings to you.
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My eldest two sons were born 18 months apart and as the eldest was always a little on the short side and my second was a little taller, it wasn't long until they seemed to be twins to many. Then, when the third was born 21 months later, and very much on the big side, it was soon obvious that clothing-wise, at least, I was going to be dressing for triplets!
Thanks for your great introduction post. I hope you do very well on Steemit. I found you from @zorank's Pay it Forward entry. Keep up the great work!
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Hi @markusgahn, ist toll einen Tiroler;-) hier auf Steemit zu sehen. Das Meetup gestern ist leider nicht zu stande gekommen. Solltest du irgendwelche Fragen haben, brauchst du nur zu schreiben, oder wir können mal ein kleines Meetup machen. LG
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Really nice family !
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Thanks for your comment and your upvote ...
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