Please read my story of my adventure to discover how we are now together with Steem?
Please read my story of my adventure to discover how we are now together with Steem? History is derived from his-story. I will be sharing my story and ask that you share your story with us in the comments here to help us get to know you?
I will be summarizing my story but giving great detail to the reader for insight on my life and adventure that brought us together. Starting with two people I found that has been extremely helpful to me in this process so far.
The two people above @jerrybanfield offer a free Steem course on YouTube and @joeparys courses on Udemy and YouTube videos. These courses and videos have been very helpful to me. In order for the reader to have a greater appreciation for them both, I backtrack. I was working my affiliate marketing business and came across this currency name steem. I believe there is only three ways to make money. Those three are real estate, investing and marketing. I do all three. Marketing is the same as a business ownership. I invest money in different forms and formats in order to receive compound interest. I had not tried cryptocurrency before. I had done research on Bitcoin but had not taken action. After researching I initially could not fully understand the steem concept. What I had found did just enough to keep me intrigued. As a strong advocate of Udemy I paid for @joeparys course. The course answered all my questions and helped get me started investing in steem. I made a mistake with my first post. To correct my first post, I found @jerrybanfield free course on YouTube. The course opened my eyes and introduce me to an amazing community with thousands of individuals with set goals . I came to the conclusion I had to purchase cryptocurrency. Immediately invested in Bitcoin and Steem. I use Coinbase and Block Trades to complete my purchase. I started writing and filming a course to proof how Steem maybe the best investment. Today I am writing this post as a beginner to show that I am all in to any future readers. In addition, I will be sending everyone from the links below over to steem to write insightful posts for everyone including me as a follower. I ask that you read all my blog posts by following me, and interact with me. Please comment on my post. I love to build relationships and enhance them in every positive way. I am willing to collaborate with you on projects. I love to learn and have knowledge and understanding to share. A major goal of mine is to help our community grow. I know the more I give, the more I receive in return. To give the best of me in commenting, sharing the newest of my creations and enjoying the same from others. Thank you for this adventure and I appreciate you reading the BEGINNING of the introduction!
Here are the social media account links. They may be helpful with the other links I reference.
Please continue reading because I will be revealing the ready interesting stuff about my life.
To describe “who” I am I would say I am a person of spirituality. I would be a fool not to believe in a higher power. One reason I have experience faith by surviving eight operations. The surgeries were three on the head, three on the eyes, one on the leg and a reconstructed bladder system. The reason for all of my surgeries is due to an autoimmune deficiency of a disconnect tissue disorder. This is a fancy way of saying my body holds inflammation and causes it to turn on itself. I have had to deal with this massive difficulty every day since my childhood. The pain can be so unbearable. Not only physical but in other emotional ways also. I lost my driving privileges because I could not see. I have not been able to work consistently due to the symptoms of the sickness. Some of the symptoms are fevers, chills and migraine headaches. Along with finical problems with medical and other bills. The biggest loss was a divorce of a wife for seven years. She could no longer stand what the medication was doing to my body. The steroids had me way overweight and I was weak and sleepy all the time. The side effects from the medication sometimes are worse than the medicine alone. In 2015 my mother passed away and then depression and panic attacks with seizures started happening. This is where you think changes have to come for the best right? Not Yet! First, I lost all of my income. The doctors did not want me to live alone and I was swallowing about seven pills a day. Family members came and got me to live with them out of town. I did not want to go because I was having problems taking care of my mother's affairs. I had no time to grieve. I can’t put enough emphasis on how difficult that was to deal with. I lived with my family and lost my independence in a strange place among all the other things that had happen to me.
Now, finally things change for the better but not before it got worse. The doctor I was seeing out of town gave me some medication that she told me not to miss a dose. I called her two days before I needed a refill and she did not want to do it. It was a requirement of the office that they receive three days’ notice. After continuing calling and spending most of the day on the phone with the nurse she finally gave in. Then when my family came home late from work and was tiered, No one would go and pick it up for me. I was afraid to go to sleep that night without the medication. I used the last of my leftover Uber balance to pick it up. That medication was Levetiracetam. Helps control the seizures. On top of that I had a procedure done that clean my blood and I needed the medication Mycophenolate. The insurance would not pay for it any longer. Now, here I am in an unfamiliar city. By this time, I was 315 pounds too much overweight, sick and legally blind. At this time, I was taking fifteen different medicines. Two of the most important I could not get because of transportation issues and insurance bureaucracy. That's when I knew something has to change for the better. I dropped to my knees and prayed to God until I felt in my heart that he heard my prayer. Yes, he did!
Less, then a month later I was able to find a new insurance company. My income returned and I move from my relatives home and returned back to my home city. I found a new doctor that explain to me that I was taking too many meds and they were bumping heads. Meaning doing the same thing. That was also part of my weight problem. He slowly got me from fifteen different medications to seven. I read medical books and researched my condition. This allowed me to take the power out of the doctors’ hands and be more in control. I learn how food is made and what is in foods. What I should be eating and what I should stop eating. I purchase herbs, seeds and other vitamin supplements. After putting into action what I read I when from 315 lbs. to 195 Lbs. The doctors were able to take me from seven medications to three. I believe God smiled on me. Today I am extremely blessed to have a chance to have a wonderful life and to share that with you.
My Grandmother always said there is someone somewhere worse off then you are. She lived to be one hundred years of age. She had lots of wisdom that she passed on to me. No matter how tough things are, there is someone who is not doing as well as you are. My Grandmother and Mother believed in helping people. Try to lift someone up when they are down and give to others. You will always get back more than you gave away. It’s the Golden Rule. The principle of treating others as oneself would wish to be treated. That worked for me in public education. I was a business and marketing teacher. I wanted students to understand that one path to success is education. Again, that’s one reason why I am here with you. I love to learn and share what I learn. As a reader I want to get all that you have to offer for my own edification. I am a values center and goal-oriented individual. I love to create goals and be successful at accomplishing the set goals. I believe in aiming high and always being above mediocrity. As a former educator I demanded no more from my students then I demanded of myself. That’s because anything worth doing is worth doing it right. We are better together. This is some of the wisdom my Grandmother and Mother installed within me.
I am grateful I have an amazing family today living along the east coast. I am happy that I have friends and family as a support system. Furthermore, I can be of help to them. If we take care of each other and our communities, we will be taken care of. Now, I am an east coast person who loves to travel. I live, born and raised in the state of Virginia. I live in an area known as Hampton Roads. Formally Tidewater Virginia. This area as the largest Naval base in the country. This is a peninsula and also known as the seven city, tri-city. All the military branches are here in some capacity. We are one of the largest media areas without a professional sports franchise. Never the less, there are many well-known celebrities from here. To name a few sports is Bruce Smith, Upton Brothers, Allen Iverson and many more. From music there is Teddy Riley, Pharrell Williams, Missy Elliott and many others. We are also the home of the first English settlement in the new world. We have many beaches but for me however, to stay in good health I travel when I can. One of my latest trips was a cruise in parts of South America. Pictured is a ship hostess and tour guide in Honduras. My advice if you have not learned to relax and take breaks please do so. Enjoy life because tomorrow is not promise to you.
The craziest years of my life were the formal education and teaching years. My teaching skills came later, after I had been in business for over eighteen years. I owed a tax and accounting business. I found myself helping others by solving their tax problems. Especially if they owed back taxes. An IRS Offer and Comprise is very popular now but for everyone I submitted I received a favorable decision. Also, I file the previous year's tax returns. The client paid me well to receive those refunds. I did Accounting work for small businesses. In doing that work I realize that small businesses have no idea what’s available to them. The resources to put into action as grants, business loans and marketing strategies. I did work for many businesses that only use word of mouth advertising. They still had as much work as they could handle. The word of mouth advertising is very powerful and I incorporated it into my online business. I tried to expand to soon and realize I was the only one that understood everything that needed to be done. When I got a great location, I did not have the help I needed to be totally successful. Then because I love to make deals and create income streams, I learned the real estate market. I invested in real estate and own rental property. Again, my sickness derails my plans. I use OPM (other people money) to purchase a four-unit apartment building. After putting in all the man-hours to complete the deal. My business partner at the time sold out because she could not hold on while I was sick. My Next business, I establish was a wholesale jewelry business. I did lots of traveling to shows case the merchandise and sell. I did great on the road at times. Some bad accounting brought the business to a halt. Again, it was before I when to college. The last action I did before finishing college was to invest in stocks, bonds and insurance products. My college life afforded me a Masters of Business Administration (MBA) and doctoral credits from Indiana State University. I acquired a Highly Qualify Teaching Certification from the state of Virginia; Old Dominion University. I did burn out but not before I graduated with my MBA. I attended West Virginia State a HBCU. Then I read that college does not have to cost a big amount of money to obtain a degree from learning. I agreed and when to smaller, less expensive schools. My undergraduate degree is from Bryant and Statton College. My Master's degree is from Strayer University. I was a certified Teacher in Business and Marketing Education. I also later taught Special Needs Students. That was a very rewarding job. To see someone designated as unable to learn take things a step by a step to finish. That is a lesson I think we all should learn from. Be patient with your steps to find your success. To be clear Real Estate has lots of paths and investing is only one option. To market is business. What good is any business if you don’t do marketing. That include word of mouth. Anyone can invest in the market if they know how to minimize the risk. I have found much success investing in the long-term assets. I am unsure how the cryptocurrency investing will turn out but follow me @melprofit and you will remain updated.
I completed college after my education in hard knocks. My experience is a degree to itself. The last few years I have been working to be successful in Internet Marketing. I have a plan and I am working that plan. My three main goals are to build a passive income. Build a buyers list for long term growth. Have an online business that can be duplicated by anyone in the world. My formal skills are helping me reach my goals. I believe steem is the tool for passive income. My give away of software will continue to build list and small disadvantaged people will be able to duplicate a strategy of success with hard work and patience. I use my skills in Search Engine Optimization ( SEO) and social media for traffic. Internet Marketing is a thinking business with many strategies that have to be executed to be successful. I am not only building for quick favorable results but also lasting victory. That is another reason why I am happy we are a part of Steem. I have had to overcome many illnesses. That’s my story! My story is about falling down and getting back up. Stops and starts at the most inconvenient times. Take one step backwards to take two steps forward. My story is about overcoming obstacles. Staying focus at all times, seeking out necessary resources and gaining a perspective. I had to develop a growth mindset and always reclaim my power. A strong will of determination. No matter if I am abounded or abased in God do, I trust!
A much lighter note, I am a strong fan of sports. American Football and basketball are my top two. However, I do like them all in some form. My favorite teams include the Washington Redskins in Professional football. I feature a photo from 2018 of myself with Running Back Chris Thompon. My favorite college football team is Notre Dame. In Professional basketball l follow the Los Angeles Lakers and college basketball is North Carolina Tar Heels. I am a fan of other teams and sports but I just don’t watch them as much.
One final note is I will remain a positivity strong person. My new chapter in my life is Steem and I bring that attitude to Steem. I will take this adventure to another level. I am motivated and my story reflects my spirituality of who I am. I want to be interesting as much as I am original on steem. I am not a know it all. I am new, learning and committed to success. Without shame I ask for help. All are welcome that know how to do steem and have strategies, methods and tips for success. That Work! When I am in a position, I will return the kindness. My heart is in the right place. Let us make Steem the best ever!
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Welcome Mel aka melprofit
to the Steemit platform, Yes its happening you are a steemian now. This is the moment to warm welcoming you as a new user. And you receive this message because you used the #introduceyourself tag!
And my compliments for such a great blog
I was welcomed with good advice too when I started so here i am. I know that steemit may seem very overwhelming right now but don't worry. After a few blog you will be the best blogger and contributor.
If you have any questions just ask your questions on any of my blog posts and I'll be more than happy to assist you with whatever questions you may have!
I may know the answer. But very important I recommend you to never give up any off your passwords they are yours ! Please for safety tips read and visit the white paper or my blog about safety
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Maybe great to join Steemterminal in Discord and visit @heyhaveyamet to See more newcomers onboard.
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Good Luck, Have fun and I wish you loads of success on here! :)
GREETZ from Holland
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Ok. I do have a question? I was thinking after watching countless videos I had this down but I do not! My question is please explain to me when do I use Steem power, Steem dollar. Example: I wanted to give you some Steem for your very kind comment. Also, I want to upvote my own comments with others. However, what I was taught is not happening. Help?
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Can you come to discord ? Its a chat box attached to steemit here is an invite
But if you so t. Steempower you getb when you power up steem you have. In the beginning thats not the most important thing
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Thank you for your insightfulness
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Welcome to Steemit @melprofit :)
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Welcome melprofit!
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Hey, @melprofit Welcome here dear... Glad to see you here....
Upvoted you 100%
Hope just like your #introduceyourself post your every post gets on top and you achieve your goal using steemit...
Do view my profile and follow me to get one of the amazing valueable blogs on steemit!!!! Thanks=)
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Thank you
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Welcome to Steem melprofit! Partiko is officially the fastest and most popular mobile app for Steem. Unlike other Steem apps, we take 0% cut of your earnings! You can also be rewarded with Partiko Points while using Partiko and exchange Partiko Points for upvotes!
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Hello fellow Steemian,
nice to meet you here, i'm always pleased to meet new people here.
I hope you create good Blogposts in the future so that I have something to read and possibly to comment on :)
If you also like interesting posts about politics, money, economics and Crypto don't hesitate to follow my page, you won't regret it !
Kind regards
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Thanks for the welcome
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Hello @melprofit
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I did and you are right! I like it!
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Welcome to Steem, Melprofit! A hug to you for all you've gone through with your illness and your losses. How wonderful that your prayer to God was answered when you moved to a new city.
Your grandmother was very wise to say that to you and both her and your mother sound like they were terrifically loving women.
Wishing you joy and success with your blockchain journey and please don't hesitate to ask any questions you may have. Our natives are pretty friendly.😁
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A thank you for your kind words and insightfulness. I do have lots of questions still and will follow up on the links provided. Thank you once again.
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