THE 20K POST: Since This Is My 20K Post I Thought It's About Time I Introduced Myself!! #introduceyourselfsteemCreated with Sketch.

in introduceyourself •  8 years ago  (edited)

My real name is: Shane Austin [There! I've revealed it after all this time! You can call me Shane from now if you so wish! @mammasitta already does!]

@mindhunter Krakow, Southern Poland, Summer 2016

My bio

  • Born: Dumfries, Scotland, United Kingdom

  • Work experience: 25 years in I.T. and telecoms

  • IQ: 151

  • Time on Steemit: 10 months

  • Education: BSc Chemistry / Mathematics - Edinburgh University, Scotland - 1st Class

  • Favourite Steemit tags: philosophy politics travel

  • Weight: 190lbs / Height 6'0" - 183cms

  • Countries visited: 124

  • Favourite country: Australia

  • Favourite US states: Hawaii and Alaska

  • Steemit username meaning? From one of my favourite books "Mindhunter" by FBI profiler John Douglas


Mr David Lynch

  • Languages spoken: French, Japanese, Arabic, Polish, Hebrew and German

  • My favourite witness and mentor: @timcliff

  • Favourite kinda women: Brunettes with fringes!

  • Biggest wish for Steemit in 2017: steemfest2

  • AMA: The comments section below

Peace and love to all my fellow Steemians especially to all at #janitorsunited including @fyrstikken - please don't forget the toilet rolls on offer at Lidl again will ya! Cheers big man!

@mindhunter / Shane

Noel Gallagher's 'What a Life' ....

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Finally, welcome to SteemIt Shane! :-)

Congratulations on 20k post!

Have a great day!
Steem on,

I hope I've earned the right to use the #introduceyourself tag now - it didn't exist when I first arrived!! Thanks Mike :)

do you remember how people used to try and "game" the 'introduceyourself' tag by using it to fish for profitable upvotes ?

Some newbies still do - I saw @samanthalynn getting shouted at last night for multiple tag abuse of #introduceyourself - perfectly innocent of course! Poor minnow!

OK ; guru , I was typing a reply to you and "somehow" my reply "turned" into like a ' paint ' program feature here on steemit, complete with a blue paint -brush over the words ?
THAT was weird ! ! !
Poor minnow ; probably was not the reception they might have been expecting on Steemit, I hope they are OK.
Like most onliners, steemians can be quite good at "trolling" if they think someone is 'abusing the system'. . .
I am very busy in Bitcoin, but when I get to social media it is always steemit, bitcoin "forces" me into twitter; but at least twitter is not FaceBook...
LoL if you get me started on talking about FB I WILL get MAD lol...

/ Hugz ;)

Greg :)

Oh Forex; forget that outdated thing, come make "Real" money with me in Bitcoin :)

Glad u r doin OK ...

Oh Forex; forget that outdated thing
GBP/USD market cap: $700 billion
Bitcoin: $30 billion
Mmmmm ... nuff said!!

Yeah but fiat is centralized and thus it is rigged LOL ;)

The ONLY reason we even have Fiat banknotes anymore is a back-up in case the INTERNET goes "offline" :)

Bitcoin would have already have eclipsed 'cash' except the greedy has simply refused to embrace change that is going to destroy their profitable monopoly LOL...

Bitcoin is the Thermo-Nuclear weapon Asteroid that is going to wipe-out the Dinosaurs :)

LoL sum E.L.E. (extinction level event's) are GOOD ;)

DeCentralisation WINS ! ! !

BitCoin has Won already :)

And; I invent Bitcoin Betting Systems ;)

Good @crok thing!

The hardest worker on Steemit! Period. Peace my fellow brother.

Thanks to the big brother I never had. Love you Popps! :D

P.S. Keep the faith on here OK!

Shalom and may God walk with you hunter friend.x

Boker Tov! Thank you @lynchiandream :)

Welcome to the party pal! I thought you were posting about running a 20k. I was interested because I've never heard of such a race, haha.

Ha ha! I don't think I've the energy left for a 20K run after all those posts! LOL! Comment upvoted!!

I'm not sure I would have the energy for a 20k run before any posts, and I fancy myself a good runner!

I don't think I'd have the energy for a 20K run after 20K posts ;)

P.S. Love to all the janitors in da house! #janitorsunited

Welcome to Steemit mindh... ehh Shane? mm nah, Id stick with mindhunter :D Great idea that list of "get to know you" might steal it someday. I thought I vibrated with you :( heartbroken hehehe See you around pal!

You vibrate brother - just not enough space on Steemit to allow all of them vibes! Ha ha! Yeah, no problem, please steal my format. P.S. I like da hunter better too!!

Ill take your word on it! Peace my friend

#hunterword Ride safe :)

The mindhunter has always freaked me out a little... pleased to meet you Shane. I am Yvette.

Thanks Yvette. Shane revealed. A few already knew that: @mammasitta and @redhens :)

Wow, 20k! Congrats Shane. Looks like you are a well travelled genius. Keep up the good Steeming

Wow, 20k! Congrats Shane. Looks like you are a well travelled genius.
Thanks @steevc, I've only 89 countries left to visit. I'm off to Israel for 3 weeks holiday next week! I just hit reputation 69 today too ... I'm chasing ya now :) Steem on!

You're well ahead of me on posts, so I'm surprised you rep is not higher. I'll never catch you up as I just can't post that much or make so many videos.

I've been to a fair few countries. At least 20, but not made it to South America or Africa yet.

I took 3 months off due to heartbreak remember! If not my reputation would've easily been 71-72 by now :)

You're a bad motherfucker. Visited 124 countries. Holy shit!

Only 89 left to go ;) ... next life!! ... or maybe a lottery win??

You reminds me of the Johnny Cash song "I've Been Everywhere". Really cool song!

LoL that's pretty funny, 20,ooo posts; Hi let me introduce myself, I been here almost a year; I am Shane . . .


/ Hugz ;)

Greg :)

Thanks my mad @crok - there was no #introduceyourself tag when I first arrived here remember ;) Stay mad Gregster! Shane.<3


Impressive bio Shane. If you don't mind me asking, between work, studies, steemit and travel... when do you get time to knit? You are more than welcome back down here in Oz mate - we need all the IQ points we can get. Haha SK.

I knit on planes. It confuses people! They love me Down Under - they call me Shano! Big fan of Brissy and Qld :) Supping a bottle of Bundy up here at the mo ... a Sunday arvo rum and coke. Nice. Helps with the mood @sirknight :)

Oh hi @mindhunter, welcome to steemit! :P

Thanks @clayboyn - your the first person to ever say that to me! EVER! Comment upvoted :)

Great post - nice to finally 'meet' you ;)
Thanks for the honorable mention!

You are going to love it here! Follow me at

I hope to love it here ... go check my Daily Dose vid!! :D

I got a few questions. Sorry, I used to be blond so I need a detailed answer for each question. How do you know that you got an IQ of 151? Why did you study math and chemistry? Which countries did you not like at all and for what reason? Why is your favorite state not Texas? Come on, admit it, Texas is great! You as a man drink champagne? How come? What is so special about fringes? Will you ever forgive me, that I still use facebook and resteeeeeeeeem...
By the way… Congrats <3

-I was a member of Mensa for many years, and had my IQ tested several times.
-Because I was good at it at school
-Never found a country I didn't like ... yet!
-Texas is too hot for a Scotsman in Summer!
-Champagne because I love the dry taste and bubbles up my nose.
-That fringe fetish is weird - there is no explanation!
-I will forgive you for fb and resteemitis!

Vielen lieben Dank, lieber Shane. Und wie lebt es sich mit einem hohen IQ? Ist es nicht manchmal anstrengend und langweilig zugleich mit deinen Mitmenschen?
Bin ich erleichtert, dass du mir soviel Gnade zugestehst 😉. Hug!

Yes it can be a burden somtimes @koalafamily! Danke for your comment: Absolut lesenswert!