Hello Steemit From Aceh / Hello Stermit dari Aceh

in introduceyourself •  7 years ago 

Hai Everyone :)


Stemian Introduce My Name Misbah, I Studied at Politehnik Department of IT, I am a New Member in Steemit for that, Please Steemit Friend to Teach and Give Knowledge, Information, Suggestion or anything Concerning Steemit.

Regards @misbahuljannah


Perkenalkan Nama Saya Misbah, Saya kuliah di Politehnik Jurusan IT, Saya Anggota Baru di Steemit untuk itu, mohon kawan steemit mau mengajari dan memberikan ilmu, informasi, saran atau apapun yang menyangkut steemit.

Salam @misbahuljannah

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Welcome to Steemit Land! Great to see you continuing to post more often now!
I wish you the best! Hope you gonna have fun with our community and see you soon.

Thank You for Visiting My Place

welcome to steemit!! ^_^

@twinbabies let me follow you, thanks

Thank You for Visiting My Place

Welcome to steemit #Misbah Thanks for joining us

Welcome to the steemit community, hopefully you can find new things, insights and knowledge here, maybe you also have something unique to share with all the steemanian. Greetings know from me @teukukhaidir and thank you.

Thank You for Visiting My Place,, regards @misbahuljannah

Thank You for Visiting My Place,, regards @misbahuljannah

welcome @misbahuljannah...
let's learn and share here, hope you are successful ... thanks too for support by @hien-tran

Thank You for Visiting My Place,, regards @misbahuljannah


Thank You for Visiting My Place,, regards @misbahuljannah

weIlcome to steemit, I Studied at Politeknik please cooperate!!!

Thank You for Visiting My Place,, Regards @misbahuljannah

Hallo, hai @misbahuljannah.. Selamat berkumpul di Steemit! Senang melihat anda kumpul.. telah diupvote yah.. 😊


Trim's sekali yaa..

Hey there Misbah, welcome to steemit. I am sure you'll have a good time around here :)

Thank You for Visiting My Place,, Regards @misbahuljannah

selamat bergabung @misbahuljannah
