Hello everyone!
It is great to be part of the steemit community. I always wanted to start a blog. However, the traditional and established blog plattforms were never really up my alley. When I heard of steemit I just had to check it out. (Thanks to @moinyamina for introducing it to me).
I am a vegan based in Germany. Right now, I am still working as a school teacher, but hopefully one day I will work in a less restricted and more creative surrounding.
I just picked up photography and I am still enjoying the naive stage of me snapping pictures without thinking about any technical finesses. Also, I do enjoy art and literature a lot.
[Classroom, 2017]
My latest obsession is Tarot, or to be more exact: Lenormand. I believe in synchronicities and that sometimes the universe wants to tell me something by repeatedly showing it to me. Also, I love that the cards are like a big puzzle or riddle that needs to be solved.
[Sarajevo, 2017]
Next to that, I love traveling and expanding my horizon. I used to be a very planned traveler with a to-do-list and a time schedule. Now, I really try to let the place guide me and be more open to surprises. I want to practice the "art of travel" more.
I am excited to be part of the community! If there are any others who are teachers or interested in tarot, please leave a comment, so maybe we could connect! (Of course, everyone else is welcome to do so, too! ♥)
Follow me on Instagram @missbeatnik