Living with blindness, my story

in introduceyourself •  8 years ago  (edited)

At the age of 6, I was diagnosed with a degenerating eye condition that would slowly chew up most of my vision. I became legally blind a few years later, not being able to see the top line on the eye charts. The diagnosis was devistating for my mum, because growing up in China, it meant that I wouldn’t get a proper education, would have trouble living independently, let alone have any meaningful job prospects. At this time my mum made a brave and radical decision, a decision to bring me to Australia. I’m forever thankful for the incredible sacrifices my mum had to make in bringing me to a foreign country and raising me on her own.

Bullying and loneliness accompanied me throughout my childhood

At school, I experienced frequent bullying and loneliness as I struggled to fit in. My mum would work two or three jobs to keep our family financially afloat, so when I returned home from school each day, there still weren’t anyone around for me to talk to and to reassure me that everything was going to be OK.

Time and time again, I despaired, wishing everything would be different, that I would see normally again, that I would have a complete family,and would have friends that understood me. I longed to be loved and accepted.

In 2003 everything changed

Please bear with me as I share this very important part of my life journey. This part of my life shaped who I am today.

Growing up, I hated anything to do with religion. I thought to myself, if God existed, why did he make me the way that I am. But in 2003, my best friend, Jason, started going to church and invited me to go with him. There I found what my heart had been longing for all along. Within several months, my life was radically changed. I had profound experiences of God and experienced unconditional love from the church family. I felt I had returned home.

My life now

There have been so many wonderful people who have contributed to helping me become the person I am today. I will forever remember the volunteers that came to my place to read text books and study notes to me because I couldn’t see the text. It is because of those wonderful people (Francie and Colleen), that I have been able to graduate with a double degree, and a job in the Australian Government.

I have been blessed with a wonderful wife and a gorgeous son. Although I still face daily challenges, life is good!

Navigating Steemit with my ears

Without enough eye sight to read text on a computer screen or mobile phone, my experience of Steemit is entirely auditory. Through the use of a screen reader/text to speech software, I listen carefully as the synthesized voices read back to me the content you have put together. I intend to describe in more detail about this in a future post.

Thank you for letting me share my story with you all on Steemit.

I am so greatful to be able to share my story amongst such a supportive community.

You guys are the ones that make Steemit such a wonderful community, and I hope to be part of this journey with you all.

To read more about my story, you can read Part 1 of my mini memoir here.


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  ·  7 years ago (edited)

Hey @nextgen622. I was stalking your profile today and I saw this! I didn't know your story man! Have you ever heard of John Mellor? You can look his website up at

I just looked at the itinerary and he's coming to Melbourne in July! I don't know why but for some reason I thought you live in Melbourne so forgive me if I'm wrong. But either way, would you be willing to attend at least one of the church services he's going to be a guest in?

Oh by the way, let me leave a link to YouTube here for you to get to know a little bit about him. Done!

Thanks a lot for this bro! I haven't heard of him, but will definitely check it out. And yes you are right I do live in Melb. Cheers

  ·  7 years ago (edited)

Let me know how it goes brother. You will be in my prayers! And I'm sure you already know this fact that in ALL things God works together for our good so no matter what, it's all good! Have a great day my friend :]

Definitely, will let you know. Thanks bro.


  ·  5 years ago (edited)

You have an amazing testimony @nextgen622! Thank you for providing a link for me to find and read it!

”At this time my mum made a brave and radical decision, a decision to bring me to Australia. I’m forever thankful for the incredible sacrifices my mum had to make in bringing me to a foreign country and raising me on her own.”

While I unfortunately have some experience being a child from a broken home (my parents also divorced …), I really can’t fully appreciate and understand what this must have been like for you and your mother (any more than I can understand what it must have been like to grow up under the One Child policy of China …). And yet, while she did this for you and surely had some idea about what was in store for your family, our Lord had your eternal destiny in His hands.

”Growing up, I hated anything to do with religion. I thought to myself, if God existed, why did he make me the way that I am. But in 2003, my best friend, Jason, started going to church and invited me to go with him. There I found what my heart had been longing for all along.”

Is there a more difficult question than “why bad things happen to good people?” I believe His word tells us the answer, but outside of the Holy Spirit bringing it to life in us, how are we to understand it? In His Sovereignty, it appears He brought you to Australia to find the answer. Through the blessing of your best friend, Jason! All praise and glory to Him and Him alone!

P.S. I will be reading more of your story through your Memoir posts …

Amen. Thanks for the insights brother. Indeed, all glory to God.

Awesome--thanks for sharing :) so great to see such positive thinking and optimism! I wanted to let you know of a few options out there--you are most certainly not alone. They have these assistive technology devices for blind that help with everyday things like reading, facial recognition, etc.--it uses an advanced optical character recognition system to help you recognize characters. I definitely recommend! I know this technology will continue to grow and flourish, but it's important to have options now that can make life a lot easier. Thanks for sharing your story :)

Thanks a lot for this! Really appreciate you taking the time to read my earlier posts and taking the time to comment with the links . Yes, assistive technologies and screen readers is exactly what I use. Thanks again


Thanks @alona.

Hi as a whale maker I have decided to feature your post in the footer of my latest post enjoy the upvote :)

Thanks mate

Hey Jimmy, I'm also blind. And in 2016, there's so much technology that didn't exist for people who were blind fifty years ago. Is legal to use in Australia? Its helped me out loads with finding all the books I want.

Great to meet you. Heard some good stuff about bookShare, but never had the chance to try it out. Think it is legal here.

Awesome intro Jimmy! Keep it up!

As a fellow blind person I'm all in favor of turning your disability into money. Good luck!

Thanks mate

Thanks mate

Thanks for sharing @nextgen622. I found you through the post that @jacor featured you in. I want to hear more of your story, so I'm following you.

Thanks @pinkyh60 for following me. I appreciate your support.
I will be sharing more of my story very soon.