why do I dance?

in introduceyourself •  7 years ago 


Why are you dancing? Does dancing help you to express your creativity? Do you feel stronger when you dance?
Why do I dance ...
I am dancing, because it is my way of relaxing ... It is the way I can stay active and I can be in form
The dance must move to tell a story; it is where you can put all your feelings about a problem out completely and what you hide in it gives you a fresh start and cleans your mind. I am a dancer and I dance to love the dance so much, it is my passion and before all, it is my life!
Dancing is breathing.
I dance, because it is a way of expressing my emotions, not expressing myself, dealing with my motives. I can not spend a day without dancing, because it is all I have. I started dancing all over the world many years ago and after that I discovered my own dance over time. I try to teach others how to find their own truths and freedom in music and dancing.
Dance provide to express myself and this case very important for me

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