POIDA! Lets get SteemIt-ing!

in introduceyourself •  7 years ago  (edited)

Gday Mate!
My names Peter aka Poida and i'm from Australia! The land down under where we ride kangaroos and where bears drop from the tree and kill ya!

My nickname is Poida it's a slang for Peter. Heres a photo of me and my Dragon ball Z Anime figures.

Im 24 and just learnt about Cryptos which lead me here to SteemIt. Love PC games like League, OW and CSGO.
Love the Anime Dragon ball! Currently watching Super. Its the only anime i watch because its the BEST! Love Japan! I love the culture and the vibes there its amazing! Its a bit fast pace but once you get use to how everything works there its really peaceful and has tonnes of delicious foods!

Here's a photo of me with Mt.Fuji in the back in 2015.

I'll leave you a video of what happens down here in Straya! Nah not really. It's not that full on. Just sayin.


Here are some pictures of got off google that pretty much sums it up here..





Ok ok the spider one is not true.. its not that big..

Anyways! Catcha around!

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Welcome aboard mate!

Cheeers mate!

Nice to have you here. I watched some anime back in the day and it really made me want to visit Japan, still on my bucket list. And Australia has all the animals and bugs that scare me the most.

This article will keep you motivated not matter what happens here.

We have the worst bugs! We had a locust problem in victoria

welcome to Steemit @poida:)

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