RE: A Whaleshares Bank on Steemit

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A Whaleshares Bank on Steemit

in introduceyourself •  5 years ago 

And here we go again. When I said "meddling" I wasn't referring to you but to the dozens of other people that came from Steemit to try and undermine.

When you constantly barrage people with how smart you are compared to how stupid they are, are you surprised when you are met with hostility? Telling people that they are stupid because they don't want things to be the same as you do doesn't make them stupid, it makes you ignorant to other people's way of thinking.

What does the price of their token or how they distribute the token matter? If there are people that like the tipping structure, let them tip. I tip away all of my daily rewards to people that I like or enjoy the content they share. There are others that do the same. I try to tip the people that I know will keep their tokens on the chain but I have no say with what they do with them.

Does that affect you or any other person who has left the platform? It shouldn't, yet you felt the need to give @pankso a piece of your mind when he simply tried to give people what they had been asking for. A way to trade WLS for Steem.

I have tried to come back to Steemit and hang out to see if the platform has become more friendly and have been met with mostly good feelings but did notice the other day that I was being flagged for getting SBI upvotes. Luckily my buddy @buttcoins counteracts any rewards I might have lost but that's neither here nor there. It's not a friendly place for everyone. I am still going to use it, and keep my rewards in my account here but you shouldn't think that the reward system is the be-all, end-all. There is a lot of room for improvement and anyone who thinks their system is perfect is naive or lying.

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When you constantly barrage people with how smart you are compared to how stupid they are, are you surprised when you are met with hostility?

My barrage was in the form of constructive feedback that in the end shown could have helped Whaleshares. I never once called anyone stupid in discord or in DMs. I do call them stupid now, so thats fair.

Does that affect you or any other person who has left the platform? It shouldn't, yet you felt the need to give @pankso a piece of your mind when he simply tried to give people what they had been asking for. A way to trade WLS for Steem.

Yes. I gave him a piece of my mind and i hope the feedback he gets goes back to people on whaleshares so they start to understand what those that are dissapointed with the path Whaleshares took have to say.
There is this very strange position the whaleshares people tend to align themselves with.

Only if its nice and not criticism.

Well there is criticism galore for Whaleshares and people will speak it. I will speak it here as well and ill give my take on things on posts i feel fit to do so on.
When Whaleshares started everyone was so happy to speak their mind about Steemit on whaleshares, being happy they left.

Why condemn me for speaking my mind about Whaleshares?

There is a lot of room for improvement and anyone who thinks their system is perfect is naive or lying.

Crypto is full of absolute garbage. I mean i just covered MINDOL few minutes ago in a post, but the point is to find something that you enjoy. Steem, whaleshares, Steemmonsters whatever.
There is a massive human component to the reward system here and it will be as perfect as we are as users and stake holders... meaning it will always be flawed.
But thats the good part of it. Us as a community molding what the platform we are on looks like.

I understand what you are saying and in part I agree with you. There have been many people just come in to tell the Whaleshares team how they should do it. You are at least decent to deal with in the sense that you left there almost a year ago and aren't coming back every few months and trolling posts on Whaleshares about how stupid it is.

What gets me is that you, or me for that matter, thinks that anyone should put stock in what we think about someone else's project. Nobody on Steemit gave two fucks about what I or anyone else had to say when I was here full-time. So just because we think that they should do something to make it more like what we want, it doesn't mean that they should do it.

As for the criticism comment, I probably criticise them as much as anyone else. To the point of many of the team not responding to any of my messages anymore. Oh well. If I had to listen to all of the bullshit they get, I would quit listening too.

In the end, I would rather hitch my wagon to a team of good hearted nags with no sense of direction than a slick team that looks really good and might drive over a cliff if they see a bag of sweet feed at the bottom.