A 10-Year Retrospective on 100 Things About Me - A Steemit Reintroduction

in introduceyourself •  7 years ago  (edited)


Almost ten years ago I joined Facebook. One of the things I wanted to do (and was popular at the time) was to write journal entries on the platform. Today, while going through some old things (both in my garage and online) I ran across this gem, a list of 100 random things about myself that I wrote just for the hell of it. 100-item lists answering all kinds of questions (like first kiss, have you ever committed a crime, etc) were popular, and this was my own personal take, hoping to garner a little more attention by making something that was purely original.

Ten years later and notes are a thing of the past, however, I've now joined this wonderful social media platform that actually respects original content. At the same time, I realized how much I've changed (and haven't) so as you read, the numbered lists are the young and naive me, while answers in italics are responses from my current self. I answered these as I read them, so you're getting my first response to each one! If you've ever wanted to know what makes me the Quantum Anomaly, let me introduce myself!

Here it goes!

  1. I'm a hardcore Sagittarius, and a powerful fire sign, even as such, I have a strong affection for water.
    While this is still mostly true, I'm not QUITE as big into astrology any more, but I still feel a connection with the elements

  2. I don't eat vegetables.
    Mostly true, although I really have been working on eating healthier foods and expanding my tastes. Every now and again I even have a spinach salad!

  3. I can make a mean chocolate moose.
    I haven't made moose from scratch in so long I would need a recipe now, but I bet it would still kick ass

  4. I love to cook.
    Still 100% true, now probably more than ever.

  5. I don't really have a favorite color, but I only like yellow when it's paired with black.
    Because of Pokemon Go, I'm now quite a bit more tolerant of yellow. Go team Instinct!

  6. I never wear shorts unless I'm swimming.
    This has been true up until about this last year. I now own 1 pair of shorts other than my swimming trunks.

  7. I have to have a comforter on my bed, even in the summer.
    I think the answer here is I need a weighted blanket, but I do so love me a soft bed.

  8. I hate the way air conditioning makes my throat dry.
    I still require high humidity conditions to survive

  9. I know almost every word to REM's "It's the End of the World as we Know It."
    But only while the radio is playing. Don't expect me to belt it out freestyle!

  10. I drive an old Buick, and I miss my convertible.
    OH THANK GOD! That evil decepticon is gone from my life. I now drive a wonderful autobot named Hardrive, a 2012 Nissan Versa hatchback, but I do miss having a convertible at times

  11. I've never gotten a ticket.
    GASP! In fact, even at this time I realize this WAS A LIE!!!! I got a speeding ticket in the convertible! I also got a ticket for expired tags sometime after this post. That's karma for ya!

  12. I love wearing glasses.
    I feel naked without them, and sexy with em!

  13. I think girls with braces are cute.
    Eh, not so much any more, I don't think they're unattractive, just not something I'm as inclined to care about, especially now that I have a wonderful wife and all.

  14. I smoke more than I should.
    3 months smoke free, nearly a year if you don't count that month I fell off the wagon...

  15. I hate having to use a different type of keyboard everywhere I go.
    I'm still really anal about this one. Key spacing is vital to good typing speeds.

  16. I'm a geek, but I also like to shoot guns and drink socially
    I don't get to shoot as much as I like, and I drink less than I used to, but this is all still true.

  17. I always have at least three serious projects that I'm not working on.
    Nowadays I try to keep it down to 1 or 2, but I have at least 8 or 10 on the waiting list at any time.

  18. I procrastinate a lot, but I'll work on that tomorrow.
    I'll update you on the status of this one later.

  19. I like to write.
    I'm updating 100 things about myself 10 years later and write short stories to epic music. Nailed it.

  20. On rare occasions, I write poetry.
    I just wrote a poem on steemit the other day!

  21. Music is only good if it gives me an emotional response.
    Every single storytrax exists because of a strong emotional response to a song. Although I would update this to intense response instead of just emotional.

  22. I'm not afraid to cry.
    Although I'm not afraid, it's something that I do hold back on occasion.

  23. I love to dance, and I'm not afraid to dance alone.
    I prefer to dance alone, but maybe I'll bust a few moves on here sometime for ya'll.

  24. I'm a sucker for female vocals.
    While storytrax episodes tend to be non-vocal, strong female vocals make their way into most of my playlists.

  25. I want to go back to school.
    If I did I might go for accounting or business, but for the most part FUCK THAT, I can learn for free online or by doing my own research.

  26. I've never seen the ocean.
    ***YAY! Item off the bucket list! I got to see the ocean in Cocoa Beach florida!

  27. I want to go to Ireland, Scotland, or New Zealand.
    But there are still plenty of bucket list locations that remain...

  28. I study quantum physics in my spare time.
    I kept my username for a reason.

  29. I hate doing math.
    Less hate and more just have little inclination for. If I can't make a formula do it in excel, I'd rather not bother.

  30. I'm not good at American history.
    But I am fascinated with ancient and world history.

  31. If its scientific, I'm in!
    Gimmie dat future tech!

  32. Fake people piss me off.
    For real, nothing will turn me into a cynical hate machine quicker.

  33. I love to sleep in sunbeams.
    I'm a lizard. I need the sun's warmth to recharge from time to time.

  34. I can get REALLY tan in the summer.
    -sigh- I CAN, but I also deal with this dumb skin thing that makes me all splotchy.

  35. I hate the sound of vacuums.
    Who knew that nice vacuums didn't sound like woodchippers? I can deal with the quiet ones now.

  36. I love hot wings.
    I have plans on getting more this tuesday. Thank you buffalo wild wings.

  37. I'm a cheap date when it comes to liquor.
    My tastes have matured a bit, but it also takes less to get me drunk, so we break even on this one.

  38. I have double jointed shoulders.
    Being in your thirties means not doing circus tricks as much. I'm still rather flexible though.

  39. In general, I'm pretty flexible.
    Oh, I didn't realize this was next. So, yeah, still true!

  40. I'm more shy than you think, I just hide it really well.
    100% Introvert right here.

  41. I love scottish rock music, but it's really hard to find.
    Youtube makes this EZPZ. Ashley MacIsaac still rules.

  42. I listen to Enya when I meditate.
    And progressive trance, and goa, and crazy meditation youtube playlists. I've also been known to meditate to hour long rain soundtracks and drum & bass.

  43. I listen to disturbed when I'm pissed.
    Disturbed is now reserved for that special feeling of anti-political dread. Still good though.

  44. I ALWAYS listen to electronic music.
    Almost always. But still have really broad and eclectic tastes, and theatrical scores now rank rather highly.

  45. I don't download anything illegal off the internet (anymore).
    More true now than it was then, let's just leave it there.

  46. I love a good book
    I really don.t read as much now as I used to, but I'm working on it. I'm currently reading Graham Hancock's "Fingerprints of the Gods"

  47. I eat when I'm stressed
    I recently discovered that stress eating was a real thing. Thanks collegehumor, for making me laugh and then go....ohhhh.

  48. I love my beard
    I'm surprised that I love my mustache as well!

  49. If it has robots, demons, or aliens, I want to play!
    Some things never change.

  50. I think touch is more important that sight.
    Oh, this is a hard one. I'd say 50/50 now, I've become a pretty visual person.

  51. My favorite scent is vanilla.
    I mean, it is my go-to, but we have quite a few essential oils and incense sticks about the place in a healthy variety.

  52. I love the way candles make a room feel in the dark.
    Any kind of low-light accent is awesome.

  53. I'll never have enough room for all of my hobbies
    There's a reason we're getting a bigger house, and it's not that we're having kids.

  54. I want to own my own business.
    Still working on that one, but it's getting closer to being a reality.

  55. I had my first patent when I was in high school.
    Do you expect me to go back and change the past? Although to be fair, it was a poor-man's patent. I still don't have an official federal stamp on that, but maybe someday.

  56. I'm most fascinated by the things I'm most afraid of.
    After thoroughly researching my fears, I'm still just as fascinated and afraid lol.

  57. I love to dream, and take naps in hope that I do.
    I have really intense dreams, but I'm not very good at napping any more.

  58. I love being barefoot.
    It's nice.

  59. ....and shirtless.
    Not so much. See splotchy skin issue above. I gotta get back to a dermatologist.

  60. I love thunderstorms and walk in them whenever I get the chance.
    Although lately the risk of flooding has kept me a little more cautious.

  61. I just got cable TV for the first time in my life.
    And I never had it again!

  62. My family line on my father's side can't be traced back any further than the western migration.
    That's what happens when kids are sold into indentured servitude to buy an ox.

  63. My grandmother was a genealogist and a historian.
    Miss ya Grandma.

  64. I have more cousins than I know.
    I only really know 2 of them, but there are a zillion of em still out there.

  65. I'm easily amused.
    Commenting on past me is fun!

  66. I love Dr. Pepper
    All other sodas are dead to me.

  67. I love to take things apart, but rarely put them back together.
    I've fixed...a FEW things!

  68. I can't lie for shit, so my honesty gets me in trouble more than not.
    Now I double-down and just call it "real talk".

  69. I think moths are beautiful.
    They're so underappreciated.

  70. I've never been to a concert that I enjoyed.
    If you don't count dance parties and DJs that is.

  71. I've never been to a rave that I didn't enjoy.
    Ah, there's the rest of that one lol.

  72. I haven't touched an illegal substance in over two years.
    Two years sounds about right.

  73. I love the look of wet hair.
    It's like shiny tentacles ON YOUR HEAD!

  74. Snapdragons are my favorite flower.
    I do love me some lillies too though.

  75. Bees make me laugh.
    Honeybees are cute, but carpenter bees fly around like fuzzy blind goofballs.

  76. I've accomplished more in 2008 than any previous year.
    I've accomplished more in 2017 than any previous year.

  77. I like dogs more than I like cats.
    But I wouldn't give my cats up for the world.

  78. I'll never outgrow my inner child.
    He's just so cool and carefree!

  79. Sometimes I feel like a walking contradiction of life.
    Closer to always than sometimes.

  80. I've only had sex with three people (as of writing this), but I don't count fooling around in to the previous calculation.
    I'm much more reserved about my sexuality than I used to be.

  81. I can't stand country music unless it makes me laugh.
    Yeah, honky tonk just ain't my style.

  82. I love to stretch.
    I need to love this again. I'm getting old lol.

  83. I love having long hair more than I thought I would.
    I kinda miss my long hair.

  84. I'm spiritual, not religious.
    There are just too many to choose from!

  85. Don't talk to me about religion, philosophy, or science, unless you have a LOT of time to spare.
    I'm not a short-winded person lol.

  86. I love to swim.
    Our new house has a pool in the neighborhood!!!!

  87. I want to write a book.
    I still need to do this.

  88. I hate Wal-Mart, but shop there anyway.
    I try to use Amazon, but that Sam's club discount still has me.

  89. I like backgammon, but don't know anyone who plays.
    I get in one game every 5 years or so.

  90. I love making people smile.
    I'm a people pleaser!

  91. I always try to give more than I take.
    I think it's just a good way to live, but gifts are always welcome.

  92. I believe in karma and the golden rule.
    My dog's name is Karma. She's a bitch and I love her.

  93. My highest level DnD character was level 12.
    I haven't had many opportunities to beat this record.

  94. I pray that the world doesn't end before I accomplish my goals.
    Still chuggin' along!

  95. I do things just for the hell of it.
    But sometimes I plan stuff.

  96. I don't steal.
    So long as we aren't counting #45

  97. I believe that everyone is here for a reason, but that reason can be unreasonable and senseless.
    I don't think reality is 100% deterministic, but it's hard to deny.

  98. I don't like being drunk, but I like to drink occasionally.
    I mean, I dont like being UNCONTROLLABLY drunk, but why else do we drink?!

  99. This document took me a little over an hour without a template.
    I really don't know when I started, but an hour or so feels about right.

  100. This document is but the tip of the iceberg of the man known as Brett aka Lord Brettonius aka Quantum Anomaly (few bonus things there for ya!).
    I MADE IT! And even when you double the content by answering every question, there's still so much to know!

What a difference 10 years makes! How have you changed in the last decade? Lemmie know in the comments below!

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#7 and #8 is literally the most visited conflict in our relationship/sleeping arrangements. #13 is a decent attempt at flattery, and #77 cracked me up because Spidey and Sunflower can be such assholes when they want to be.

Does this mean you'll be returning to cohost an episode of the @steemittalk podcast? Asking for a friend.

I may be able to join as an in-house guest here and there, although time is short what with a big move to a new house coming up!

I was hoping to see a Steemit post or two - documenting that process.

You should check out @tltran I hear she has a few of those ;)

Ah snap.. I somehow missed these!

Oh there will be more. We had an adventure in and of itself just packing the garage today. I can only imagine how the move party/unpacking will play out.

Wow! Nice Post to share!
you are so handsome! :)
btw I just upvoted your post and also followed u
Can you please follow me back?

Welcome to Steemit :) I follow u, follow me back if u want lot of fun and amazing picture every day.

Wow! Seems like you put a lot of effort into this post! It was very fun look at the 100 things you listed :DD

Thanks, it was a fair amount of effort lol!

Looking forward to your posts and a big welcome to steemit. I am following your blog. Love the name.

Thanks! I appreciate it, I feel it suits me rather well!