My Great Journey into new Territory

in introduceyourself •  7 years ago 

Hi Everyone I hope you're all having a fantastic day. Introductions are always kind of awkward because you don't know how much to say about yourself should you share your life story with all of its trails and tribulations, talk about your education and your career aspirations, and/or talk about what you're passionate about and propels you to be the best you can be? I always enjoy a good story and I hope you do too so I will talk about all of those things but, hopefully in a way that keeps you interested and engaged instead of bored. So here goes I was born and raised in Los Angeles by Persian Jewish parents. Growing up though I started noticing something my culture and city was very extroverted Persians enjoy having these loud parties and getting together with the family about once a week and I didn't really enjoy loud noisy gatherings I enjoyed being in my own room and having solitude playing my video games. As a matter of fact I also noticed that I didn't like the city I was living in either when I got older and did some travelling by myself I found out that Los Angeles is a bunch of urban sprawl and high ways whereas in other cities like Portland, Oregon and New York City you can get around with out a car.

Now why I'm here is because I want to plant seeds into people's minds about how much better the future can be if we were all a little more mindful of what's going on in our society. My early childhood and teenage years were hell because of two things my parents getting a divorce and the education system being completely out of touch with the realities of being independent and living on your own. This frustration all culminated into a speech I made in 8th grade I talked about how it seemed like everyday I came to a boring place where nothing changed and nothing ever got better. I had to put up with teachers who were in a bad mood everyday and didn't want to do their jobs. I talked about how students don't have a choice in coming to school but, the teachers did have a choice in becoming teachers and nobody forced them to do it. I remember when I gave that speech I got a standing ovation from all of the students.

It was there that I found out I had a knack for public speaking and I wasn't shy to give my opinion. Even though I felt like my childhood was a hostage situation because my parents were always fighting throughout the divorce and using me to send negative messages about one another and my school didn't really teach me things I could use to my advantage and going to school felt like going to jail I knew though I had a message that resonates with my generation and that young people in my generation can relate to me.

Now when I compare the prison of my childhood to the liberation of what it felt to be an independent adult the difference was like night and day. When I was going to community college I had a chance to go hosteling. At first I was really scared because I never traveled anywhere by myself and all sorts of thoughts swirled around my head: what if something goes wrong, what if I get kidnapped, what if I get lost, and what if somebody steals all of my things. It was my new journey into new territory but, when I got over all of those fears and actually did it I had the best time of my life. In just those 4 days I met amazing people, learned all the bus routes to go to amazing places, and made some really interesting friendships with people around the world and from all walks of life. It felt the opposite of the hostage situation of my childhood and I felt as if I was truly free and not stuck. I could do what I wanted when I wanted.

I couldn't wait to get a job and make money by myself so I could travel on the cheap more often. Then the big economic crash happened in 2008 and a new kind of hostage situation started. My entire generation fell hostage to the incompetent, inept, ignorant, and psychopathic tendencies of the Politicians and the Lobbyists who control the financial systems around the world. During this time I really wanted to move forward in my life and get a job. Getting a job at that time was almost impossible because I fell into this paradoxical situation where people who were hiring didn't want to hire anyone who hadn't been hired before. In other words they wanted experience from you when nobody was willing to give you a chance to get it. So after I got my Associate of Arts from Community College I got a job at McDonalds where I didn't even need a middle school education for that job. After I got my BA I ended up with a boring office job that I could do even if I dropped out of high school. Didn't take me long to notice something was wrong with the way society was operating.

I decided to quit my boring office job and get to the bottom of just what the hell was going on with the financial system. I opened up a YouTube page called revolutionarythinking and I started a blog too with the same name. I like to think of myself as a gamer, philosopher, speaker, and a science and technology enthusiast. With cryptocurrencies I see another great journey ahead of me because I've started to invest some money into Bitcoin and Litecoin. I'm hoping that this is a way that people can get out of the corrupt banking situation and take power back into their own hands to not be a hostage of Politicians and Lobbyists. That's why I created this steam account so people can come together and talk about ideas on how to improve their lives for the better and what we can do for future generations so we're not passing on dysfunction and ignorance as humanity goes forward into the future.

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welcome to steemit @revolutionary1, best regards..
hopefully you feel at home here. 😊

Thanks looking forward to getting to know some new and interesting people :)

  ·  7 years ago (edited)

Hi @revolutionary1
"Welcome to steemit"Greetings know,
hopefully by joining you can add insight and knowledge for us all through your useful post 😊
, with expertise you have can add insight for readers who use steemit account wherever they are.And do not forget, If you are a person who likes to read short stories and article, you can browse and read and follow on my account at @endatu. There I write it.Thank you, compact greeting always, regards steemers 😊 U5du1LgwqKognuqMRuiKn7cD9rpRbmX.gif

Will do. Thanks for the warm welcome and I hope you find some use in the content I post as well.

Thanks 😎👍

You're welcomed :-)