Howdy Ya'll

in introduceyourself •  9 years ago 

My name is Scott New and I live in Springfield Missouri. They say to include a picture of yourself so that people think you're a real person and not some bot. This one is of me dressed as a character simply named "The Wizard" from an independent film I was in called AFK: The Heroes of Prophecy. (The guy that I'm gesturing at menacingly is Jolly Blackburn, creator of Knight of the Dinner Table and a really great guy)

This is my first post on, so please be forgiving.

I'll be posting all kinds of stuff up here that's hopefully not too boorish. 

Since you're still reading, I'll pretend that you're interested so here are a few things about me:

  • I am a geek.

Not a nerd, not a dork, not a dweeb, but a geek. What's the difference between a geek and nerd? A geek has a choice.

  • I think I'm (at least kind of) creative.

I like to write and I've written a few short stories. I'll be posting them up here. I've even written a screenplay that I hope to produce someday, but that won't be for a long time.

If she'll let me, I'll post some of my fiance's photos and some of her crafty creations. I'll give her credit for them though. 

Mostly, though, I hope to post up things from my old podcast My friend Kevin and I recorded four episodes and we talk about everything from the Johnny Depp "Dark Shadows" Movie to Live Action Role Playing Games. If people seem to like them I think I can persuade him to start recording more.

  • I used to study Kung Fu

I studied with SiGung Vincent Cabais at the Shaolin Lohan School of Kung Fu in St Louis Missouri. I was never very good at it and now Sifu has moved to Hawaii so I probably won't post much about that other than to say that Sifu was a great instructor and he gave me one of my favorite quotes of all time...

    "Every man has his weakness. Mine is liquor and loose women." - Vincent Cabais

Those are words I live by everyday. Unless my fiance is reading this. Then that's just a funny joke. Ahem.

  • I'm a Southerner

 Just in case you're keeping score, that doesn't make me inbred, racist, or a moron. That last point is arguable, but it's not because I'm Southern. I'm proud of my heritage, just like you're proud of yours. I'll try not to judge you, just so long as you try not to judge me.

  • I have way too many hobbies

I used to help put on a convention in Springfield Missouri called VisionCon. Some friends and I rescued it from the verge of collapse and now it's thriving and growing. I'm very proud of what we accomplished, but most of the time it was a living hell and I will never do it again.

I like comic books, role-playing games, movies, music, and dogs. I actually like dogs better than most people.

I'm over 40 years old and I play Pokemon GO. In fact, I just evolved my first Gyarados and I was pretty excited about it.

  • I'm a recovering Diabetic

According to my doctor, I'm not diabetic anymore. I'm pre-diabetic. At one point I weighed over 330 lbs. I'm 6'5" so I carried it pretty well, but I wasn't healthy. I've lost over 80 pounds and no longer appear to have high blood sugar, so I'm sure I'll post about that, too.

I guess I have more to talk about here than I originally thought. Maybe in addition to everything else, I'll find this therapeutic and if I manage to entertain someone, help them lose a few pounds, or even answer some question that they didn't even know they had, it will all be worth it.

Well, I guess I should wrap this up. I don't want to bore you to death in this first post. I'll save that for later. I'm sure there's something I forgot to mention, but I'll just cover that in some other post.

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The Springfield numbers are growing, Muuaahaha! :)
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@sedan you may note that a coworker of yours is on said discord channel. I am the writer of technical documents, hoarder of googly-eyes. Glad to see you made it on!

I am of the Springpatch Tribe. I will like your post if you join our Discord. :-)

OP Delivers - here, have an upvote! (and welcome)

I'm on Discord now. Never used it before.

wow there are this many other springfield missourians here?