Dear old friend! I haven't seen you in a long time. [1/2]

in introduceyourself •  9 years ago  (edited)

Dear old friend,


I haven't seen you in a long time.. A friend of mine told me about a Community named 'steemit' and it sounds interesting to me: People blogging about their lifes, habits, professions and adventutres and getting paid for it. Did you hear about that? Why not give it a try I thought. Crypto-Currency in exchange for Words... Heh? Alright! This friend says they are going to like especially my stories in particular and I am going to have huge success. Whereas as I wouldn’t say so... I prefer to write you instead.  Just blame my self-esteem. There has to be always someone to blame, right? I hope you recognize the sarcasm. But you know me from old times, don't you, dear? :)

Old friend, are ready to read my story?


My Name is Michal as you can remember and I have absolutely no idea why I chose ‚showersinger’ as my account name to write you this letter, but I have to admit that I like singing in the shower. Sometimes it’s going to be the main title of dragonball or some other trash melody I adore to sing. Like right now, I would like to sing ‚hakuna Matata’ but I’m sitting alone in a cafe and I'm enjoying the silent audience while writing you this letter. :) 

Let me send you a YouTube-Link in the next letter, so you can listen to me singing. Please don't be too harsh about my voice, I'm not a professional singer. I just like to sing. :P  

Let's go back in time. Same day only a bit earlier. Imagine a sunny day at 11 o'clock in the morning. I just signed a Contract with a model agency, but am I not that excited  about. There is a very simple answer why: I've been modelling fort he past 3 years and I just changed the agency. I won't tell you everything in detail (for now) but what I can say is: I did (too) much fashion shootings. I'm wondering why You never applied for one, since you're such a wonderful person. ;) 


What is different about my new agency and why did I change? 

Let me be honest with you. There is no money in the fashion industry.  At least for the majority of all models. Even if you got the GQ Cover (it's a mans magazine) 3 Times in a row it won't assure you to do a Calvin Klain Campaign or whatever. COMMERCIALS, that's where the money is hidden. That's a point I understood a while ago. So remember: If you got wonderful edgy cheekbones, just eat more. You are just too thin and don't try to tell me anything different. So it's a people agency and not a high fashion agency. I'll can tell you more about my Career if you wish so. Just give me a response. I will answer all your questions. 


The past few years I travelled  a lot, worked with a lot of people and experienced many controversial things I would love to tell you. I'm so happy that I found your address.    


Since I haven't heard from you I became a passionate artist, photographer, musician, a philosopher AND I see myself as both, a good human and a big asshole (sometimes we're all, aren't we). I'm smiling, right now. Can you remember the time we had? Let's bring it back. There is also one thing you have to know. Unfortually I'm suffering from amnesia (a car accident I had. Don't worry. Everything is fine! :)) but you will have to help me about some details about your person. I hope you won't get too angry with me... :) 


In the next letter I will write you about my passions, especially about the photograph-thing and sketching.


At least I have three questions I would like to ask you: 


1. What's your favorite shower song? 

2. What's your favorite pie?

3. What's your favorite fashion brand?


I'm very excited to hear your response. 


Sincerely Yours



PS: My goal is about sharing my memorizing adventures with you! Memories. That's all that counts.

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Hey Michal,

good to have you arround again !

my favourite shower song is:

my favourite pie is 'curry me home' and I forgot what fashion is.

Come follow me, old friend

You got a new E-Mail.

Hello my friend and welcome,

let's sing a song?

You got a new E-Mail.