RE: Hi! This is my story. I think you'll find it a nice read.

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Hi! This is my story. I think you'll find it a nice read.

in introduceyourself •  7 years ago 

You wrote a lot but how many people will read this? Because the platform is monetised my feeling is new users like us may have missed the boat.
Is there meaning in fashion, of course, it's a codified system of values and communication, I did enjoy watching Carey swish his way around a philosophical quagmire in a cosmic Hugh Heffner jacket.
I like to question the need for fashion, philosophy and also the obligatory Steemit profile pic which is indeed a collision of pixels and hexahedrons with no connection to reality ;P

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  ·  7 years ago (edited)

Well, some people read it, you amongst them. And maybe the next one will be read by a few people more. And to tell you the truth, if just one person finds something that clicks for them, something useful and meaningful, well mission accomplished, don't you think?

And the platform is still young I think. 400,000 users (and how many of them are really active?) is nothing in the social media world. Have faith! I believe that truly meaningful content (and their authors) won't be lost!

This video of Jim Carrey is truly enjoyable and I second all your doubts, especially on the steemit pic. I felt a little awkward taking it, I must admit! And yes, that collision of pixels and hexahedrons, as you so elegantly put it, has little connection to me. This picture exists, no doubt, even as nothing more than a representation on our screens. We live in a world of forms and that's ok. It's the identification with those forms that gives rise to all of humanity's issues. The picture is a form and so exists in this world of forms. Same goes, let's say, for my body. But my body isn't me. And that picture definitely isn't me. So yeah, it has little connection to reality! 👍

Hopefully, we'll have more interactions like this in the future!