Hello, SovereignDirt here...

in introduceyourself •  9 years ago  (edited)

I'm SoverignDirt introducing myself to the Steemit community. I run the http://www.facebook.com/copblockhotsprings/ and http://www.youtube.com/channel/UCWqouLRj4-KejA87MNWJrIQ/ pages and the http://www.facebook.com/garlandcountydistrictcourt/ page and the http://www.facebook.com/SovereignDirtMinistries/page.

I hope Steemit can help get my alternative lifestyle moving... because standing up for other peoples rights does not bode well with the usual state licensed employer. Please upvote!

Many of my comments can be found simply by googling my name (which I do for you below). I am currently looking for partners to help support other like minded people in Garland County Arkansas. Things have been a little slow lately, not that I'm complaining. I feel I have alot to offer those dealing with police and courts but I find few people willing to do anything about their coerced compliance. Time will tell.

Like minded =
PEOPLE should be free to start fires in others!!!

The key is in our language and in our perceived freedom of speech.
"By your words ye are judged."
I believe precepts are built upon precepts.
I believe these precepts prove there is an "author".
Because there is an author, I believe there is authority.
Who is writing 'The'(your) Truth(reality)?

As for the name SovereignDirt, I believe through word studies that I have done, that you can't have people without a god and you can't have a god without people... Precept #1.

People without land are not sovereign.
People without God are not sovereign.
Only Gods' sovereignty confers sovereignty through ownership.
No man can own. Man can only acquire, possess and protect property, not own.
Only the creator owns.
People are land. Owned by a sovereign God. Thereby, people WITH God are sovereign hence people WITHOUT God are not. Precept #2
People think my name means I am a sovereign citizen... By no means am I sovereign by choice, ie: "I choose to be sovereign"... no.
I choose to be WITH God and by His ownership of me, I am sovereign.
Kinda like "the kings table is the kings table"... "The sovereigns land is sovereign land"...Not by my glory but by His.
SovereignDirt = ownership status + property owned.

Though I love preaching, few find what I have to say 'soft'. I tend to come around the mountain from another direction. There are too many absolute truths, legal maxims, that prove there is a god. I don't have to prove it to anybody, the proof is there waiting to be discovered, again. I do try to show the works and evidence of these truths. Some folks have been looking for proof so long they just can't focus on what is right infront of them. The proofs are built right into our language. One more easy example... Uni, Verse... Single, Spoken Sentence. God said...

I see Gods Word, ie: The KJV as a test. Who will take it at it's WORD and USE IT. It is a weapon against The State. The churches have forgotten how to use God's Word and certainly does not teach the good news... but a perverted gospel, the gospel of Paul, the liar and murderer from the beginning, the Pharisee whose leaven we were warned about by Jesus, the citizen of Rome who said, "Obey!"

And Yes, I believe Paul to be the antichrist... which leads my back to the bible as being a test to see who really read it. Who really is trying to live it? Who will see the contradictions and have the wisdom and understanding to be able to choose the real Way, The Truth and The Life?

Though I could and do talk about God alot, I try not to use it as a tool to talk about CopBlocking or court procedures. I save it for the advanced students. Most people look or hear me as a bum, or criminal or a conspiracy theorist, or anti authoritarian, or antiChrist because I am antiPaul... When dealing with legal issues I try not to confuse potential students, clients, friends, and neighbors with biblical bases for strategies I suggest.

How will they hear and believe of Heavenly things they can't see if they refuse to hear and believe of the earthly things which they can see?

If you would like to know more about me, I will google sovereigndirt for you right here: http://lmgtfy.com/?q=sovereigndirt - though posts found elsewhere on the web are subject to change at anytime for any reason.

If you have questions or comments, critiques or suggestions, please feel free to contact me any way you find to be convenient for you. I just ask that you keep your conversation as civil as you would like to receive your answer. Sometimes I have limited access to the internet due to financial restraints... so responses may require up to 6 to 8 weeks - Sometimes. Hopefully Steemit will help end this trouble!

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