I wouldn't hold a chocolate factory owner or store owner to the same standards as an exchange operator due to their inherently different natures and business niches. If a chocolate factory owner was lax on safety regulations, I would indeed hold that against them.
If you operate an exchange that clears out millions, there's no excuses for 'not knowing or noticing' . That's negligence. This doesn't change anything about the person or their character, they might be great guys for all I know, they might be more charitable and amicable than many a 'law abiding citizen', me included. But that doesn't change the facts and the results of aforementioned practices.
Money laundering and bitcoin related 'crimes' of similar nature may be victimless, but they're not free of impact. Money laundering enables criminals to grab their proceeds, to have their cake and eat it too, which does have the potential for tremendously negative chain reactions and domino effects. That's why it's such a highly contested topic (and it's definitely not much better in many fiat institutions that get implicated in cases of this nature, that doesn't make it right, it just makes both alternatives wrong).