I'm Yuliana Avalos And I Might Be A Scam Artist

in introduceyourself •  9 years ago 

Be careful this women might be a scammer. Theres information her and her boyfriend Craig Grant have been making money selling her pictures to Africans by Western Union since 2004. She has tried to make money off of the suicide of Al Circelli who died after he sent all his money to a scammer using Avalos pictures. 20/20 who ran a story on the suicide interviewed Avalos twice the first time she came off like she was hiding something so they refilmed it. A radio talk show host named David Rosenblatt in his show Davin's Den exposes nigerian scams. He discovered Craig Grant's facebook page that has him admitting to making money from her pictures and he is friends with some of these scammers on facebook. She was taking off the Match.com law suit because of the evidence. I am not trolling Avalos she has every right to use steemit but I think the users have a right to know her past. This post is a warning do not be scammed.
Links: http://www.davinsden.com/avalos/#!

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this is what scammers do, copy Yulian's pictures and tell scary stories to earn money. you should post a video of yourself steemit4000 and tell us about your life, instead of attack Yuliana and Craig Grant

yes but you both are scammers too because you selled the pictures to the scammers

nice try, everyone knows you're a scammer Craig. Simply look up "Craig grant nigerian scammer"
keep pushing ponzi schemes like bitconnect

Sources are real so this post is not baseless trolling. Upvoted for evaluation by the community.

  ·  9 years ago (edited)

Upvoted you

Hold on what? Even if this is true what place do you have posting that like the past isn't the past? Craig is a wonderful guy and he does nothing but help with all his content creating. Im not here to tell you what to post nor say but let bygones be bygones.. Cheers Happy Steeming!

So i'm OK until you know my horrific past right? You have no clue who or what many done in previous years. You meet me today and never have an issue with me for 3 years, 3 more years later you hear I beat someone to death 4 whatever reason..now i'm the worst person ever Correct? Life is "subjective" No good or bad period in life, only actions an consequences! Yea his stingy azz is Wonderful!

Omg shut up

and you still upvoted it.. ha :)

Yea I did when I see the pic because I thought it was her

do you guys know each other outside of steemit. your Both awesome lol!!

This is complex and I always appreciate learning the truth. I felt that something didn't sit well with me with that first post. Gut instincts are usually correct. Hmmmmmmm

It's like it never occurred to anyone that Steemit will be a magnet for scammers. Here they come with their sob stories... 3-2-1.

LOL Ino evidence, hey this woman MIGHT be a scammer , woow, no evidence just a hit piece ? Do u know anyone scammed by her?
and why would nigeerians buy "pictures" with western union wtf?

I found this while looking for that video that was circulating on steemit 3 monts ago where this european guy was calling out @craig-grant for promoting genesis mining which he proclaimeed a sca m ven tho everone who bought contracts ith them 3 months ago is maing alot of money and its totally a real mining company and the long ROI of a year or whatever gos down as bitcoin or ddash or etherem pprice goes up! and so they end up making more money than you can estimate eas u ont know wwhat price of the coin will be!

anywway i will still look for that video where the eurpeanuy cals out craig ssaying he was stupid for buying steem and ethereum and dash with his "girlfriends savings account" HAHAH and here craig is now with hundred s of thouands of ollars off steemit inlast 3 months and ALOt moe of bitcoonct and abunch pf other prpgrams even genesis hs made him thousands! hes basicaly already a millionaire off al this stuff cuz he had the balls to put in like a few fthouand dollars which was al e had and now look at him! he also now makes so much off steemit anposts everyday and his steemit is earning him a stedy income now!

its one of the best steemit successs stories we have so u cant say anything bad about the man now hoestly hes a steemit hero!