About introduction posts

in introduceyourself •  9 years ago 

Natty asked: Why is my introduction worth $100? - Explain to me like I am 12 please.

I've been asking myself this question. We might have all been asking this question. This is a good question.


No matter what these reasons are I think it, unwittingly or not, makes up for a good marketing scheme and it's also a good participation incentive.

Here is one reason why introduction post are worth $100. Every steemian is incentivized to vote because voting also rewards the voters and right now voting on introduction post is hot and this potentially means high reward. It's a virtuous cycle.

Here are some more thoughts from @cryptoctopus: link

Your introductory piece may be worth a $100 bucks to the network at this moment. If you were to write this once there are 10,000 piece of content being published every day then it would probably be much harder to get $100 for it. But beta is beta and the voting power hasn't been distributed yet to a large enough crowd...so a few whale voting you up moves to needle fast! After July 4th, on the payday of "Independence Day" things will change a bit on that front.

Gotta strike gold hard when you realize you have a first mover advantage. ;-)

That being said I would encourage people to post proof of their identify if they feel like it. People in general will be a lot more willing to upvote introduction post with identity proof. I know this because I did post an identity proof after @liondani ask me to do so in a reply to my introduction post and this identity proof post was generously rewarded. Also my introduction post also got boosted with so more upvote. I thank you so very much sir @liondani!


We're about to get some feedback. I just posted my identity proof post on my facebook feed without any comment or explanation as to what it is. I'll probably post it on my facebook page tomorrow to get even more views and possibly reactions. I'll probably post it on some bitcoin facebook groups where I have already post about steemit before. Afterward I might post some clarifications or other steemit post to see how people react.


[1] @natty's post

[2] My introduction post

[3] My proof of identity post

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Just wait 2-3 weeks and you will see that such topics will get maximum of $10 ))

  ·  9 years ago (edited)

That is absolutely right! And that will be a healthie sign of steemit grow! I would be worried if the opposite happens!
We just make an opening-party and anybody that is lucky to hear about it can come and get some drinks for free ...
I bet they will come to our club again if they chill out the first time... even if we charge the drinks the next time! The entrance ,music and dance will still remain free !!!

Its open bar! Yah baby!

That GIF is 46MB. For the sake of people with datacapped ISPs including mobile users, it's not a good idea to use such a large GIF as your main image. It could also cause giphy to disallow embedded images to the Steemit domain.

I'm sorry about that. I hadn't realize it was that big. Won't do it again.

You are welcome my friend!
And thanks very much for mentioning me! Wow!

I was actually pretty shocked at these posts getting so much but it's one of the things that's made me invest more time in steemit than I probably would have - the community is genuinely welcoming and see that adding users and creating a positive atmosphere is a good thing...

This site has positivity levels up there with a Disney song and amongst technologists and the internet in general, that's a pretty surprising thing!

It's great, not only can anyone "mine" steem, but we also promote unique users by giving a high reward for the first post.