I am glad it took you so long working in television to realize this. Personally I do not believe you or you are a complete idiot and should not be a source for information. Post some cold hard facts to prove your story... If any tall tales come about PREPARE to be exposed severely for I will reveal how myself, at only 34 years old, figured these things out and how television was the weapon to destroy America. So post one photo on set with a talking, lying head, explain flicker rate, color reinforcement, word repetition for different means; well you should get what you must provide if you are being honest and not some wannabe newcomer to this arduous calamity that has forced me to watch the liberty fall in the last nation and first nation it stood. I have no grandparents, or family lineage because all, but one of the men were war heroes, whether giving their life to provide cover, a couple uncles falling on grenades to save the rest and I can go on and on and prove it. my female ancestors all died in mass when their nurses station were over run and from the 1700s to the 1960s I know at least few were raped repeatedly until they took their own lives or such "mercy" shown to them when they resisted by only instantly killing them. I am one with a huge heart and it hurts for I always have wanted children, but I refuse to bring a child into a world where most care not of loss of liberty and I have no family. One more obvious answer if you were in media; print or television: whom did the editors get story approvals from when they used to have the last word. You need reply with answers proving your prior roles and it is simple if you were there and if you were there you are no contributor to this nations short future because u could easily explain how this 5th column of hidden evil are using the it all for an agenda liars allowed. They Form your militias people as is our duty.
RE: Why I quit CNN & Turned down 100+ offers from Television to fight for your right to free speech!
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Why I quit CNN & Turned down 100+ offers from Television to fight for your right to free speech!