Introduce Yourself and tell me if you believe the Illuminati New World Order exists?

in introduceyourself •  9 years ago  (edited)

I am looking to gauge Steemit to see what the users on this platform think about this Conspiracy? So in the comment section please tell me if you think the Illuminati or the New World Order or both exists? If you think it's the Khazarian Mafia or some similar name to that say that as well. Looking forward to seeing where users on this platform stand on this issue?

So simply state in the comment section if you believe the conspiracy is real or not and why?

My video on the real "Illuminati Exposed" in case you want to know my opinion on the matter:

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Hi! Just a guy who has forever known that we are being spoon fed is not the real meal. I am am artist and have my own art supply store at the confluence of two rivers here in Canada. I have always been a person who questions what I am being told. I am a non- conformist by nature and therefore have read extensively but it has been just in the last decade where I have started to make the connections. There are so many layers, interconnected subjects and mis-information (by design) that I, until recently have simply been reading and studying different subjects that fascinate me. They now do more than fascinate me. A few years ago I got involved in an on-line game called The Stone. I purchased it for my wife as it was advertised as a way for people to find their "Other". Someone, somewhere in the world had the same symbols given to them when they purchased the "game". What I quickly discovered was that it wasn't that at all. That was just a means to an end. What it really was, was an on-line puzzle that required you use the internet to solve an image. There were hundreds of puzzles found on a visual matrix that needed to be solved and remarkably they were all interconnected to tell a much larger story. Each puzzles' subject was one of real life mysteries and was designed to make you think outside the box. To make you look beyond the image you were looking at and discect it as would a good detective. It wasn't only what you saw that lead you in the right direction but what you didn't see. Anyways, this game had a profound affect on me. It made me look at the world around me in a whole different light. The game eventually went bankrupt before we could get to the final answer so a few of us decided we would offer our services to the originator and continue making the art and writing the answer pages for him. He agreed just as long as he "signed off" on each subject, answer page and image. A group of us did so and realized by doing this it allowed us to deconstruct a subject and create a final image and answer from the bottom up. This taught us to deconstruct what we saw in our everday lives from the bottom up as well. To dive deep below the surface of what was revealed to find the true meaning and eventual outcome. This is why I am not at all surprised to find out that the Media is in cahoots with one group over the other or that it may not matter at all if Trump or Clinton wins inNovember. I believe whole heartedly that the world is being controlled and manipulated by a few. They know the vast majority of people are too wrapped up in everyday life, sports, reality tv, poverty and a miriade of other reasons to even be aware they exist or that they are making the real decisions that determine how we live. I believe that Social Media has opened a door to the truth that can't be closed as it has revealed an ideology. Of course they control MSM so they use it to distract, confuse and lie but they also know they have to make in-roads into Social Media as well which they are clearly doing with Twitter and Google and Facebook. They aren't too concerned that they have been revealed as like I said, they are arrogant and control so much it will truly take a revolution of the mind and spirit to retake our lives. The Illuminati exist, no doubt. Perhaps their arrogance is because they believe they are on the road to victory because of Agenda 21. Sustainable Development is of course on the surface what every earth loving human would want. Clean air, clean water, etcetera, etcetra. The trouble is that it is a catch phrase (just like "Find your Other") that is designed to gather the masses for a cause that really doesn't exist. The real outcome for them is ultimate control. Just as in the Twilight Zone episode where the aliens came to earth "To Serve Man" it depends on whose definition of Sustainable Development you are using and more imortantly how it is achieved and of course with which side dish Man will be served with. All this being said, I'm sure I haven't a real clue as to what is really going on. It could be far more complex than this old Canadian can fathom or it might be exactly as it seems. I was always dumbstruck how people didn't understand Obama when he said he was going to radically transform America. I was told long ago that when someone reveals their true nature to you, believe them the first time. Believe the Illuminati when they tell you what their agenda is. Believe the politicians when an apparent gaff reveals their true nature.
I'm looking forward to reading other peoples thoughts and experiences and I apologize for the length of my first post.

Thanks for the reply, welcome to steemit, hope you enjoy my book man!

Undoubtedly !

Thanks for commenting! Check out my blog / youtube channel / book for info exposing them.


Thanks for commenting! Check out my work exposing them if you are interested.

Here is an interesting text relating to the founding of the Bavarian Illuminati, being a sort of off-shoot or corruption of Freemasony:

One thought which I've had is that, the idea of the Illuminati is the real conspiracy... the idea that there is one big organisation which can manipulate millions or billions of people around the world. Perhaps that's just a ghost, a shadow on the cave wall, and the real power is with each of us.

@churdtzu thanks for the post, yes I have seen that link before but maybe others haven't? As for the idea that the "illuminati" is a conspiracy itself, I think you are onto something in that, they have no name in reality like "Bilderberg". It is just the syndicate or "that thing of ours". So in modern times the hidden hand that guides society is just that, a no named entity but an association of elite to control society, where they rule by collective inside a small group of self appointed central bankers. By not having a name, there is no entity that can be targeted, just individuals within that are exposed whilst the group continues on in silence and unknown. So I call them "illuminati" because that is the best last known name for this group of central banking families that financially run the world.

Yes, that's another important idea, but slightly different to mine. What I'm saying is, maybe there is no such group that runs the world - maybe we run the world, it's just that we don't realise our own power.

Well we do run the world, I would agree with that 100%. We are the ones who build everything, create everything and invent everything. The central bankers just tricked us into doing it for them. So you are 100% right, if we realize our own power, they got nothing. If we all switched to using bitcoins and steem dollars etc, they would have no power over us. It is a matter of waking up and freeing oneself. Our chains are invisible and only exist in the mind.

The illuminati as many may know it does not exist in the way that most people believe it to be though this is neither very important. The New World Order most definately exists and has been coded into our very history so that it might one day come to fruition. But, it's not the New World Order that you think it is. To witness the NWO having been coded into our very being I must direct your attention to the most proliferated iconic imagery on the planet. I am talking about a cluster of images and messages that excist in every nation, every town and damn near upon the very person of every human on the planet. That single piece of imagery is none other than the one dollar bill. Take a dollar bill out and have a look at it. Besides the massive number of items on it that contain 13 of everything - 13 arrows, 13 bricks, 13 olive leaves, 13 stars, 13 stripes, 13 feathers - if you take a closer look you will also see 3 seperate messages in Latin. They read:

E Pluribus Unum - “one from many.”

Annuit Coeptis - “He (God) approves [of our] (America's) undertakings.”

and lastly....

Novus Ordo Seclorum - “a new order of the ages.”

So as you can see very clearly now, not only were the creators of the dollar bill interested in perhaps calling something special forward by way of this infamoius number, the #13, but more importantly when we understand what the Latin means things become much more clear. It is obvious that the architects of this bill knew long ago that it was in her cards to one day bring about a new order for the ages. A new order backed by God, and an order in which many shall become one.

Now, look around you and where you live, but also look around the entire world asnd what do you see? A lot of problems right? And no sign of anything getting better correct? Suffice to say if you didn't believe that our humanity is due for a new world order than you would be assuming that all is fine in the world and with her people. But all is not fine. And so we indeed must now begin to entertain and then embrace some sense of a New World Order. After all, we can't have things stay as they are or contoinue to get worse right? So a new world order is precisely what we need.

And finally, where everybody gets this all wrong is in their thinking that it is this Illuminati, or the richest bloodline, or the .001% elites that are the ones who shall usher in a New World Order. And right so it may be, if we allow it to happen that way. But we don't have to have a New World Order of, by, and for the Elites, do we? It's our choice is it not? So YES, we need a New World Order, but it must be an order of, by, and for, THE PEOPLE. (A system that should govern from the bottom up and not the top down - It should be a system that combines all the best in class elements of our past systems of governence - Democracy, Socialism, Communism, Meritocracy).

Let us together begin to create this New World Order. And let us make it a New World Order of, by, and for, THE PEOPLE.

Good Post, thanks for commenting.

@pierce-the-veil: Thanks for the post on this topic @titus-frost.
I actually covered the upper levels of control on this planet in my second post on Steemit which can be found here:

Unfortunately, like so many quality posts, it went unnoticed.

In the hopes that you gain some traction with this type of content, I hereby upvote you.

Best Regards,


Hey @pierce-the-veil thanks for the comment and upvote! I just followed you on here, lets keep working together to expose this information!

Indeed Brother!

If you feel so inclined, I would be happy to bring you on as a guest in the near future. < We go into this type of stuff and more.

Past episodes have covered: Governmental Factions, SSP, Agendas, Ruling Elite as Puppets, and then on to Psychedelics, Law, Universal Contracting, Tactical Wordsmithing (TM), inter alia.

All the Best with your posts!

Yeah, anytime just let me know when you want me to and I will come on. I have written a 480 page historical fiction novel covering the "illuminati" and I have the Titus Frost Youtube Channel, as for Alternate Energy, I covered Low Energy Nuclear Reactions (Cold Fusion) in my book and how it was used on 9/11 = IXXI. I also covered how Nikola Tesla's "Ether Science" is the basis for the US Military Space Programs in many videos but mainly in "Trapped in the Ether", and "Star Wars: The Ether Awakens" films. See below:

"Trapped in the Ether"

"Star Wars: The Ether Awakens"

Yesssss. This is exactly on point sir.
contact me further if you will at: [email protected]
We can work out scheduling from there.


Yes I do.

wow thank you for advise

I think it's the Lizard People myself.