RE: >> Scientist and Martial Artist-Introduce Yourself (English and Spanish version)

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>> Scientist and Martial Artist-Introduce Yourself (English and Spanish version)

in introduceyourself •  7 years ago 

Thank you @finnian ! You're very kind. And thanks for your words too! It's cool to find other people that likes electronic music, you can understand the feelings of listen to it when driving to the beach, or in a concert under the starry sky ✩ or just relaxing at's...indescribable!

Hey! really? Try Muay Thai, it's amazing all the techniques and abilities that you can learn and the endurance and strength that you can get.

Oh! Really interesting, and it's a very good idea because spanish is spoken in many countries, not only in Spain or Latin America but in a couple of countries in Africa and in Middle East too (i learned that in a youtube video haha), and of course speaking another language helps business growth. And
Latin American people care a lot about residential security, so i think you're doing a great investment. And if your looking a spanish speaking country keep in mind El Salvador, you´ll learn a lot about it through my posts.

P.S: Sorry for answer you days later, but i was studying for an exam that i had today.

Thanks again for your comment and help. Regards from El Salvador.

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Hello again,

What exam were you studying for? Yes, I will probably start Muay Thai soon. I tried BJJ but want something more appropriate for street fighting defense. It helps sure, but it has a lot of rules. In real fights, people are going to have weapons and be striking you. BJJ assumes none of that is happening.

I will look into El Salvador more, thanks!

Hello @finnian. I was studying for an exam of the subject "physics 3" which treats about electromagnetism (but only ideal cases, i will see real cases in the nature when i study the subject "electromagnetism" which it's harder than the first one 😅)

Yes! of course BJJ it's amazing and helpful, but as you said people are going to be striking you, and sometimes maybe there will be more than two opponents for that you must try to not fall to the floor or you'll be in problems. So, complementing with muay thai will be great, you'll be "the most complete fighter in the world" as Yuri Boyka hahaha. Look at Tony Jaa's movies, they are very good. 😎