The old Intro bizz, heave ho, here we go!

in introduceyourself •  8 years ago 

Good morning, afternoon and good evening to the Steemit universe!

Introductions are never easy and this one was a while coming. Ive been a part of the site for 12 months but I suppose one could say fear (yes that old chestnut) kept me from really taking the bull by the horns and giving this a ripe old go, so for argument sakes I consider that I have just joined for the chance to be a part of this thriving community.
(yes.... you may see me talk in old catch phrases from time to time, I'm Aussie, we tend to do that =D )


(haha look at those eyebrows, gosh! But hey I didn't have any until I was in high school =P And yes that's the look of horror on my face for what I've just gotten myself into!)

SO.. moving on, here goes.

My name is Katherine, most call me Kat but I've been called numerous things over the years. Some nice some not so savoury, but then a little salt and pepper never hurt anyone. I live in Sydney, Australia in the typical 80's 3 bedroom, 1 bathroom brick home that I share with my mother and a menagerie of assorted pests... I mean pets. I am an avid reader, a Netflix hound, a youtube junkie, a WoW addict and above all define myself as an artist. I have been teaching myself chainmaille recently and its such a calming, beautiful craft. Beyond that I love working on animal portraits, sculpture and jewellery making. I am coming up to my 34th birthday this month and its one of the times of year I just never enjoy very much.

Generally every year at July and Christmas I sit around lamenting all the would be, could be, should be moments of my life and wish for something better. But as mentioned previously, I have let fear rule most of my adult life. My mother suffered a stroke last November and I suppose, even more than my fathers death its made me realise that life truly is short and you never really know what might happen. It may sound harsh but I really do not want to end up like my mother, estranged from what little family we have here, no true friends that care wether she is alive or in pain or lonely and worst of all with nothing of lasting value to leave to the world where at the end, your spirit has been broken so badly that you are left in this limbo of waiting to die.

There has to be more than that in life.


I anticipate it will be a long process, and I will fail at some point, but the challenge is to be ever moving forward. So in view of this I have picked up my old steemit account, dusted off my virtual quill, and set myself the task of being accountable for my own life. It is my hope that along my journey, documenting my process and sharing some stories along the way will help me keep pushing for what I want out of life and give me somewhere to look back on and celebrate my wins and chuckle over my losses. If my rambling thoughts can make the community laugh along with me (or at me, hey, either way laughing is good for the soul) well then that's just a bonus.

So what are my plans. For the short term I have set myself a goal of joining in on an art competition which is run world wide for the month of July. I will post a separate post detailing the important info but essentially every day there is a prompt to draw something specific. This all started with 'Inktober' and has moved on to including other themes, July is listed as 'Zooly' where you draw a different animal every day. I am looking forward to seeing if my drawing skills have not completely left me. And I hope that I find my love for art again.

You can expect to see posts from me about art and art supplies, tutorials and tips for art and possibly gaming related things along with anything else my cryptic wee mind can settle on such as recipes, general thoughts, social opinions and reviews.

For long term, I am giving myself 12 months so see what having a positive attitude, some hard work, and a little determination can produce.

Time to tell fear to "bite me someplace where the sun don't shine".

Wish me luck and I hope to see you along for the ride!

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I was trilled reading your post and truly hpp for o resolve to take the bull by the horn. Be aware, life is what you make of it, fashion yours the way you want are in steemit, feel free to express your passion, anger, fears and shortcoming as you did as we are one big community and like family here. we love you and wish you all the best. Remember one thing, no matter what, family such, read a short story I posted days ago on family verses office... follow me on @kenhudoy for many more inspirational stories and natural health tips...
Remember once more, we love and cant stop loving you... All for one, one for all
Happy steeming!

such a lovely welcome! thankyou for your encouragement. I will for sure check out your stories.

sure maam...thanks

Welcome here @wolf-moon-girl :) Nice post, i will follow your account, please follow me at @khunfarang

Hi thanks for the welcome!

Welcome to the world of Steemit @wolf-moon-girl you will meet many good people with different interest in the community. Follow you! Follow me back 🤗

Happy Steeming

Yeah it seems like a pretty inclusive, awesome place!

Welcome to Steemit! We're glad to have you here, and I know you'll enjoy it. Here's a follow from me to get you started building your audience. I look forward to more posts from you.

Thanks for the warm welcome! I'l need to brainstorm post topics =P

I'm sure you'll come up with plenty. It's easy to get ideas once you start thinking about what's important to you, and read other people's posts. This is an inspiring place to be.

I hadn't heard of 'Inktober' before but as a writer I know about NaNoWriMo (national novel writing month) -- sounds similar!

Welcome to Steemit!

Thanks for the welcome! Inktober is huge across youtube and Instagram. I have a couple of friends from the US who are active in NaNoWriMo. Some really interesting stories get churned out that month. Its great to see so many taking part.

Nice work, i hope you grow fast on steemit ;)

Thanks! Hope your having an awesome weekend. Don't get up to too much mischief.

You are more than welcome, i'll try to have more fun than you

Hi I hope you enjoy your time here, its a great community :) Nice post, i will follow your account, please follow me at @youss

Thanks for the warm welcome and follow! Hope your having a great weekend

Welcome to the Steemfamily !!! Followed. Follow me back 😘

Welcome and Thank You for being with us!! Following your Blog now