Mi primer mes en steem / My first month in steem

in introduceyourself •  6 years ago  (edited)

(english above)

Hola a todos stemians:

Por fin me he decidido a escribir mi post de presentación, aunque llevo ya un mes desde que me cree la cuenta, hasta ahora no había decidido realizar este trámite puesto que tampoco conocía lo suficiente el ecosistema y desde luego no sabía que había este ritual de presentación... me encanta!

Soy español, concretamente de una pequeña ciudad del noroeste llamada A Coruña.

Cortesía viaturi.com

Es una ciudad muy tranquila a las orillas del atlántico, en la que tienes de todo, pero sin las molestias de las grandes urbes, es la capital de la provincia y aunque siempre tenemos fama de que hace mal tiempo, pues tenemos un clima muy suave sin gran frio en invierno ni calor en verano...

Localización de A Coruña

Llevo metido como inversor en el mundo de las criptomonedas desde noviembre de 2017, pase todo el subidón y luego la bajada a los infiernos de este ultimo año, pero bueno, mi inversión nunca fue grande y desde luego no fue de dinero que no pudiese perder...

Desde 2018, mi propio trabajo en una empresa informática aquí en España me ha vuelto a traer una y otra vez al mundo blockchain. Buscando plataformas blockchain de aplicaciones descentralizadas llegué a saber de Steem, y en cuanto empecé a ver como funcionaba la verdad es que me dejó en shock, increible que estando en este mundillo desde hacía casi 2 años no me hubiese metido a ver como funcionaba este ecosistema, me parece fascinante.

Desde que supe de la plataforma me ha fascinado, soy usuario de muchas de sus aplicaciones, desde steem monsters hasta actifit. Creo que la idea del sistema de recompensas y lo que permite la tokenización de cualquier aplicación abre unas posibilidades enormes para los desarrolladores, estoy por tanto entusiasmado y me he convertido en un inversor de esta gran red que es Steem, y que será mucho mayor.
Creo que Steem actualmente es como la antigua internet, por eso muchos de los contenidos son bastante pobres, sobretodo por su mercantilización.
Creo que una vez que la red vaya creciendo se irá librando de mucha información basura que la gente va introduciendo, ya que la mayoria del contenido tapará el resto, como pasa actualmente en internet, además creo que se mejorarán las herramientas actuales de búsqueda en la red para hacer más accesibles los contenidos a los usuarios interesados.

Aunque pretendo saber algo de graficas y precios de criptomonedas, la verdad es que en eso no tengo demasiada idea, repito y retwiteo cosas que he visto o que me han llamado la atención, pero no tengo ideas propias sobre esto.

Lo que me hace realmente ser inversor es la tecnología que subyace, creo que es sin duda lo que aporta valor a cada una de las monedas, eso y su nivel de implantación. Ahora mismo obviamente el nivel de implantación del Bitcoin supera con mucho al resto, pero esto creo que no siempre será así.

Todo lo que estoy viendo como "lo último" en mi trabajo pasa por tecnologías descentralizadas blockchain, por tanto creo que todo este mundo tiene un margen de crecimiento aun enorme, a nivel tecnológico está poco implantado, en cuanto consiga llegar al gran publico habrá un enorme crecimiento.

Por lo tanto os animo a todos a seguir colaborando con este gran proyecto y seguir en contacto con las tecnologías disruptivas como el blockchain.

Saludos y gracias por la gran acogida que me habéis dado!

Hello stemians:

Finally I have decided to write my presentation post, although it has been a month since I created the account, so far I had not decided to write this post because I didn't know enough about the ecosystem and I certainly did not know that there was this ritual presentation ... I love it!

I am Spanish, specifically from a small northwest town called A Coruña.

Cortesía viaturi.com

It is a very quiet city on the banks of the Atlantic, where you have everything, but without the hassles of large cities, it is the capital of the province and although we are always known for bad weather, we have a very mild climate without great cold in winter or heat in summer ...

Location of A Coruña

I have been involved as an investor in the world of cryptocurrencies since November 2017, pass all the high and then the descent into hell this past year, but hey, my investment was never great and certainly not money that could not lose ...

Since 2018, my own work in a computer company here in Spain has brought me back again and again to the blockchain world. Looking for decentralized blockchain platforms I got to know about Steem, and as soon as I started to see how the truth worked, it left me in shock, incredible that being in this world for almost 2 years had not got me to see how this ecosystem worked I find it fascinating.

Since I learned about the platform, it has fascinated me, I am a user of many of its applications, from steem monsters to actifit. I think that the idea of the reward system and what allows the tokenization of any application opens enormous possibilities for developers, I am therefore excited and I have become an investor of this great network that is Steem, and that will be much greater.
I think Steem is currently like the old Internet, so many of the contents are quite poor, especially for its commercialization.
I think that once the network grows, it will be rid of a lot of junk information that people are introducing, since most of the content will cover the rest, as it currently happens on the Internet, and I believe that the current search tools will be improved. network to make content more accessible to interested users.

Although I pretend to know some graphs and prices of cryptocurrencies, the truth is that in that I do not have too much idea, I repeat and retweet things that I have seen or that have caught my attention, but I do not have my own ideas about this.

What really makes me an investor is the technology that underlies, I think it is undoubtedly what brings value to each of the currencies, that and their level of implementation. Right now the level of implementation of Bitcoin far exceeds the rest, but this I think will not always be like that.

Everything I'm seeing as "the last" in my work goes through decentralized blockchain technologies, so I think that this whole world has a huge margin of growth, at a technological level it is not well established, as soon as it reaches the public there will be a huge growth.

Therefore, I encourage all of you to continue collaborating with this great project and keep in touch with disruptive technologies such as the blockchain.

Greetings and thanks for the great welcome you have given me!

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Hi and welcome here! When I started on steemit, my biggest problem was to find interesting people to interact with. So, to help newcomers getting started I created a directory with other interesting and or talented steemians to follow or interact with. Feel free to check it out at https://www.steemiandir.com I am sure it will help you find like-minded people. Enjoy your stay here and do not hesitate to contact me if you have any questions!

Hello, do u know if there is a similar index like you but in spanish content? Thank you @anonyvoter

You mean in spanish language?

Yes, an index of active users in spanish, and in particular Spain users, because I think there is more south american than spanish people in this net, if you want I can help you to make it up. What do u think?

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Heya and welcome to the STEEM blockchain with everything it has to offer. It can take time to find your way around the place and see what is on offer so I built a handy website to put all of the people, games and applications in the one place. I would recommend going to steem-transfer for a look and you will get a great head start as you join our great community.

If you have any questions about what to do or where to go feel free to send me a message on my steem profile @niallon11 or find me on discord at in the Steemexplorers discord. Other than that just have fun and engage with the other users. That's the no1 tip for growing your account and your enjoyment.