Introduction - Activist/Procrastinator. Ahojte - Aktivistka/Prokrastinátorka.

in introduceyourself •  7 years ago 

HEY! My name is Zuzana.
But who is that?



I remember my first hitchhiking trip. Florence->Slovakia. I was only 12 at the time. And since then? Well, pretty much everything from a free dinner, cigarettes and gin&tonic to jumping out of a van, because the driver wanted to kidnap me (he stopped the car when he saw I'm jumping out, so I didn't hurt myself - except a bruise and grazed knees).


Why? It's super nice.
Where? My hometown, Bratislava, Vienna, Serbia, Lithuania..
What? Organising events, helping refugees, elderly, homeless... and environment.

Ultimate procrastinator

Should I be reading a textbook? But this Vonnegut novel looks sooo much better! Should I be revising JAVA programming for school-leaving exams? Hm, right after I introduce myself on Steemit!
But believe it or not, the best things in my life happened thanks to procrastination.

AI student

Hah, this is actually a lie. I'm only writing this to fit in(you all are somehow interested in IT, aren't you?):D. But I'm starting a degree in Artificial intelligence in September, so it's almost truth.

Wannabe Eco

To be accurate, I am Eco looser. But I try, I really do. Whether it's going vegetarian, wasteless, palm-oil free or reducing car usage (and much more), I'm trying to do my best. But here I am, sipping water through disposable plastic straw (straws with tapped water, really?)

Aspiring vanlifer

I can't imagine my future without travelling. And I want to travel a lot, really. Full-time, if possible. But I guess one needs to have a place called home. That's why I came to this conclusion - I need to live in a house on wheels.
A van. I have spent countless hours planning and I'm still faaar form reaching this and hundreds od things need to be done (uni for example:D ). But, Sprinter van, don't worry, I'm on my way.

Ochrid 2 02.jpg
As far as I remember, this was in Florina, Greece.

One of my best volunteer experiences - Adasevci refugee camp, Serbia

Ah, yeah, Baltic isn't that cold - Ishoj, Denmark

Edinburgh, Scotland

+fun fact

I sometimes turn black in

Thanks for reading!

Slovak version

Ahojte! Volám sa Zuzana.
A to je kto?



Pamätám si svoj prvý stop. Florencia->Slovensko. Mala som len 12. A odvtedy? Hm, viacmenej všetko od zdarma večere a gin tonicu až po vyskakovanie z dodávky, pretože ma šofér chcel znásilniť (zastavil, keď videl, že vyskakujem, takže som si nejak neublížila - okrem modriny a rozbitých kolien).


Prečo? Je to proste milé.
Kde? Trenčín, Bratislava, Viedeň, Srbsko, Litva..
Čo? Organizácia udalostí, pomoc utečencom, dôchodcom, bezdomovcom... a životnému prostrediu.

Ultimátna prokrastinátorka

Mala by som čítať učebnice? Ale táto Vonnegutova knižka vyzerá o tooľko zaujímavejšie! Mala by som si zopakovať JAVU na Maturitu? Hm, hneď ako sa predstavím na Steemit-e.
Ale verte či nie, tie najlepšie veci sa mi stali len vďaka prokrastinovaniu.

Študentka AI

Hah, toto je vlastne lož. Napísala som to len preto, aby som "zapadla" (všetkých vás nejako zaujíma IT, nie?) Ale v septembri začínam bakalára na Umelú inteligenciu, takže vlastne až tak neklamem:D

Rádoby ekologička

Vlastne som skôr nepodarená ekologička. Ale snažím sa, vážne. Či už ide o vegetariánstvo, život bez odpadu, bojkot palmového oleja alebo obmedzovanie auta atď, robím, čo môžem. Ale napriek tomu, aha, práve pijem vodu cez plastovú slamku na jedno použitie (slamky aj k obyčajnej čistej vode, vážne?)

Ašpirujúca nomádka

Svoju budúcnosť si bez cestovania neviem predstaviť. A chcem cestovať veľa, fakt. Najlepšie stále. Ale myslím, že kadždý občas potrebuje miesto, ktoré môže nazvať domovom. Preto som prišla k záveru - musím mať dom na kolesách.
Karavan. Strávila som už nespočetné hodiny plánovaním a stále som od toho ďaaaleko a musím spraviť stovky vecí (napríklad univerzitu:D ). Ale, Sprinter Van, neboj sa, som na ceste.

Ochrid 2 02.jpg
Ak si dobre pamätám, toto bolo vo Florine, Grécko.

Jedna z mojich najlepších dobrovoľníckych spomienok - Utečenecký tábor Adasevci, Srbsko.

Ah, hej, Baltské more nie je až tak studené - Ishoj, Dánsko.

Edinburgh, Škótsko

+fun fact

Občas v lete takto sč

Ďakujem za prečítanie!

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Hey Zuzana! You've made such a great introduction post. I hope you're going to enjoy this platform, so good luck and steem on!

Yay, thanks:)

Hello, Zuzana, and Welcome to Steemit.

A life of travelling is great, but there's no place like home. So, your plan to live a "van life" is a great idea.

Also, now that you are on Steemit, you can document your experiences and publish them on this platform. That might attract a large audience or people who might want to follow your tracks.

Below are a few basic points of advice re posting on Steemit.
1 – Longer posts are more lucrative than short posts. If you make a post of 20–30 paragraphs, it's more likely to earn rewards.
2 – Include some photos, images or graphs, to complement the text.
3 – Make sure the text and photos are formatted properly, so that your post looks attractive and appealing.
4 – Be yourself.
5 – Be interesting and informative.
6 – Create quality content. Steemit is intended to be a platform of quality content. (You will see many insignificant posts with meager content and no quality. Most of those of posts [called “shitposts” by Steemit whale Stellabelle] will earn few rewards and soon pass into oblivion.)
7 – Get online and start curating. Read various posts, comment on those posts you find interesting, and upvote those posts. That’s the best way to attract followers.

Hope this helps for now. Good luck, and Full Steem Ahead!

:) thank you very much

One more point. Submitting photos in the various photo contests is a great way to earn a bit of Steem and to attract followers. Here are links to 3 contests.

@photocontests, organized by @juliank
Daily color challenges, organized by @colorchallenge (Temporarily inactive)
#tepchallenge, organized by @theexplorer

For entries into those photo contests, short posts are OK. But it's a good idea to add a bit of text explaining the photo, to give the post some meat and to make it more interesting.

Welcome to Steemit platform, from all of us in promo-nigeria. Steemit is a beautiful place to be and we are sure you will be happy here. Get to know more by blogging consistently. Never be discouraged, seek for assistant when necessary. Cheers!

Hi Zuzana :) Greetings from fellow hitchhiker!

Hello! :) nice to meet you

Moc vtipně napsanej post o sobě :)

vďakavďaka:D :)

Awesome :D And then I'll be the one to to your JAVA University assignments :D for sure :D
No krasa, a potom ti ja budem robit zadania na to vidim :D Na poslednu chvilu jak vzdy :D

Hi Zuzana. Welcome to steemit. I hope you'll enjoy this platform. Have a great day. :-)

Hello:) Thanks, have a great day too!

Super. :)

Welcome to Steemit @zzuzza!

I wish you much success and hope you find Steemit to be as rewarding and informative as I have.

Here are some links you might find useful.
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Introbot is hosted and managed with donations from @byColeman to help make your journey on Steemit be truly rewarding. Your feedback is always welcome so that we may improve this welcome message.
Oh yea, I have upvoted you and followed you. Many blessings from @introbot & @bycoleman

Tak vítej, veselá kopo, doufám, že Tě to tu s námi bude dlouho bavit! :-)

hh, vítam :) vďaka

Super představení! Vítej:)

Hah, ďakujem:) vítam :D

hi @zzuzza Welcome to Steemit Community. Looking forward for your next post. See you around. You can also join in STEEMSCHOOLS discord here They can help you grow in this steemit community. If you still don't have a discord account. Just register first through the link I gave you. I'm glad to help you. See you there!

Hello Zuzana, welcome to Steem! :-)

Hello, Gandalf! :D

Love your photos ohhhhh wow.

Nice story :) Welcome to steemit