Hello steemians .....!!
Saya mendengar tentang steemit beberapa Minggu yang lalu dan langsung menyukai idenya. Sekarang saya ingin menjadi bagian dari komunitas steemit.
Introducemyselt @cutsyila
Nama saya @CUTSYILA,Umur saat ini 26 tahun.Saya cantik dan menawan orang nya,dan tinggi rata-rata seperti yang bisa Anda lihat pada gambar di atas ,heheheee [bercanda]. Saya Berasal dari INDONESIA Tepat nya di salah satu Provinsi yang terkenal di indonesia yaitu; Nanggroe Aceh Darusallam[ACEH],
Negara ini Tepat nya di daerah saya tinggal hidup nya dengan lingkungan syariah Bernuasa islami,dan memiliki pemandangan alam yang paling indah. Dengan banyak tempat terkenal seperti : kota @migas ,@sabang ,@lauttawar, @danautoba dan lain lain, spesialisasi seperti puncak puncak yang cuacanya dingin dan masih banyak pulau pulau lain nya, ...yang wisatawan mancanegara sangat tertarik pada daerah saya.
Saat ini saya adalah seorang Pekerja di salah satu INTASI PEMERINTAHAN bergerak di bidang EKONOMI, saya bergabung dengan steemit beberapa minggu yang lalu. Saya merasa bahwa steemit itu sangat menarik dan bermanfaat bagi saya,jadi saya mengajak banyak teman untuk bergabung dengan komunitas ini bersama saya,walaupun saya baru pemula,Saya pikir Steemit adalah komunitas yang hebat,senang melihat semua orang saling mendukung seperti ini.
Saya senang untuk masa depan disini!
Ini akan menjadi perjalanan yang menyenangkan dan menantang di steemit.semoga ini terus berkembang
Saya seorang TRAVELING,saya senang Travel sesuatu yang unik lain dari pada yang lain,saya merasa travel sangatlah menarik untuk mencoba sesuatu yang baru [sama seperti saya mencoba bergabung di steemit]. Ini bisa membantu saya merasa senang setiap hari waktu melelahkan yang dihabiskan di tempat saya bekerja.
Anda tahu, ketika saya masih mahasiswi, saya sangat pandai bermain SILAT. Saya berpartisipasi dalam banyak kompetisi berskala besar dan saya juga meraih banyak penghargaan.saya ingin belajar dan juga berbagi beberapa hal baik saya dengan anda, Saya berharap masyarakat indonesia khusus nya Aceh akan berkembang di sini. Kami akan posting posting terbaik dan terbaru untuk platform steemit. Anda dapat memeriksa tag [indonesia & Aceh] untuk melihat pertumbuhan komunitas INDONESIA & ACEH dalam steemit. Anda..!!
mohon bimbingan nya dan arahan nya
follow @cutsyila
Hello steemians ....!!
I heard about steemit a few weeks ago and immediately liked the idea. Now I want to be part of the steemit community.
Introduceyouselt @cutsyila
My name is @CUTSYILA, Age is currently 26 years old.I am beautiful and charming person, and average height as you can see in the picture above, heheheee [joking]. I come from INDONESIA Precisely in one of the famous Province in Indonesia namely; Nanggroe Aceh Darusallam[ACEH],
This Country is precisely its in my area living its life with Islamic environment is Islamic, and has the most beautiful natural scenery. With many famous places like: city @migas, @sabang, @lauttawar, @danautoba and others, specialties such as cold peaks and many other island islands,
I am currently a Worker in one of the ECONOMIC GOVERNMENT INTATIONS, I joined steemit a few weeks ago. I feel that steemit is very interesting and useful to me, so I invite many friends to join this community with me, even though I am new to beginner, I think Steemit is a great community, happy to see everyone support each other like this.
I am happy for the future here!It will be a fun and challenging journey in steemit. Hope this continues to grow
I am a TRAVELING, I like Traveling something unique other than others, I feel travel is very interesting to try something new [same as I tried to join in steemit]. This can help me feel happy every day of the exhausting time spent in my work place.
You know, when I was a student, I was very good at playing SILAT. I participated in many large-scale competitions and I also won many awards. I want to learn and also share some of my good things with you, I hope that his special Indonesian community Aceh will grow here. We will post the best and latest posts for the steemit platform. You can check the [indonesia & Aceh] tag to see the growth of the INDONESIA & ACEH community in
please guidance her and referrals
follow @cucutsyila
안녕 steemians ..... !!
- 나는 몇 주 전에 steemit에 대해 듣고 즉시 아이디어를 좋아했습니다. 이제 저는 steemit 커뮤니티에 참여하고 싶습니다. *
*자신을 소개 @cutsyila *!
@CUTSYILA*, 나이 오늘 26 년 동안 전 그의 아름답고 매력적인 사람, 당신은 heheheee [농담], 위의 그림에서 볼 수 있듯이 평균 신장 @ 나 이름을 지정합니다. 나는 인도네시아에서 온다 정확하게 인도네시아의 유명한 지방 중 하나에서; ** Nanggroe Aceh Darusallam ** [ACEH],
*이 나라는 이슬람 환경을 가진 삶을 살아가는 내 지역에있어 이슬람이며 가장 아름다운 자연 경관이 있습니다. 같은 많은 유명한 장소 : 도시 @ migas, @ sabang, @ lauttawar, @ daanautoba 및 기타, 추운 봉우리와 많은 다른 섬 섬과 같은 전문 ...
현재 저는 ECONOMIC GOVERNMENT INTATIONS에서 일하는 노동자입니다. 몇 주 전에 저는 Steemit에 입사했습니다. 나는 나를 위해 매우 흥미롭고 유용한 steemit 느낌, 그래서 내가 새로운 초보자 오전하지만, 내가 Steemit 모든 사람이 서로 같은 지원을보고 행복 좋은 사회, 생각, 나와 함께이 커뮤니티에 가입하도록 친구를 초대 할 수 있습니다.
미래에 행복합니다!
steemit에서 재미 있고 도전적인 여행이 될 것입니다. 희망이 계속 발전 할 것입니다
내 취미
나는 여행, 사랑하는 여행 뭔가 독특한 다른 사람보다, 나는 여행이 매우 새로운 것을 시도하는 것이 재미 있다고 느낀다 [steemit에 합류하려고 노력했다.] 매일 직장에서 보낸 시간을 다 써 버리는 것이 행복하게 느껴집니다.
알다시피, 내가 학생이었을 때 나는 SILAT를 아주 잘했다. 나는 많은 대규모 대회에 참가하고 또한 penghargaan.saya의 많은 내가 너와 함께 좋은 일들 중 일부는, 나는 그의 특별한 인도네시아어 사회 아체 여기 번창 바랍니다 공유도 배우고 싶어했다. 우리는 steemit 플랫폼에 대한 최고 및 최신 게시물을 게시 할 것입니다. 태그를 확인하실 수 있습니다 [ 인도네시아와 아체 ]는 커뮤니티 인도네시아 아체 & steemit의 성장을 볼 수 있습니다. 너 .. ..
Welcome to Steem Community @cutsyila! As a gentle reminder, please keep your master password safe. The best practise is to use your private posting key to login to Steemit when posting; and the private active key for wallet related transactions.
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Bereh bereh
intro yang bagus tapi robot belum nyala..
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terima kasih
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Helo, hai @cutsyila.. Selamat bertemu di Steemit! Senang melihat anda kumpul.. upvote yah.. ;^)
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terima kasih,mohon bimbingan nya @puncakbukit
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thank @puncakbukit
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Selamat datang di steemit @cutsyila, saya senang anda bergabung.
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terimakasih ,mohon arahannya kak @geronim
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thanks @geroni
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Welcome to Steem. Do read A thumb rule for steemit minnows - 50:100:200:25 for starter tips.
Please bookmark Steem BluePaper and Steem Whitepaper and don't miss reading when you have time.
All the Best!!!
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Welcome to Steem. Do read A thumb rule for steemit minnows - 50:100:200:25 for starter tips.
Please bookmark Steem BluePaper and Steem Whitepaper and don't miss reading when you have time.
All the Best!!!
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Welcome to Steem. Do read A thumb rule for steemit minnows - 50:100:200:25 for starter tips.
Please bookmark Steem BluePaper and Steem Whitepaper and don't miss reading when you have time.
All the Best!!!
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Udah bagus semua,tinggal dikit aja,udah kawin apa belum dek🤣🤣 BTW cantik ya,welcome to steemit🤘🏻
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Terima kasih..
Menurut @riezalzulfa
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Gak tau juga dek,mungkin belum ya🤣🤣🙏
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