
in introduceyyourself •  7 years ago 

Assalamualaikum Wr. Wb.

Good morning everyone.

Allow me to introduce myself as a new user in steemit. My name is Fiza Rinanda. I was born in Manggeng, March 15, 1996. My hobby is sports and football. I studied at the Lhokseumawe State Polytechnic campus, majoring in Finance and Islamic Banking. I come from a place on the south west coast of aceh. Manggeng is a subdistrict name, berkabupaten Aceh Barat Daya.

I know steemit from pak @janvanhoess, he is very persistent to socialize stemeet to the young and old. from him I feel very interested to join steemit. I think, still need to learn from him because I am a beginner. and also for friends who read this I also expect his guidance.

with steemit I will share about photos about the life and beauty of this magnificent aceh nature, to be read by the whole world. so that this aceh is better known by people all over the world.

Well, that's about a simple introduction I can do. Again, I beg to cooperate with all my friends.


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