Anti-Feminism - It's a girl thing!

in introducingmyself •  8 years ago 

Over the last two years there has been a huge increase in the amount of women who are kicking out the old ideology of Feminism and moving towards living a more traditional role of woman.

Now before anyone jumps all over me, let's get one thing straight. Being an anti-feminist does NOT mean that we don't agree with equality because we sure as heck do. The difference with the anti-feminist league is that they agree with equality but don't want supremacy.

Feminism has now gone so far that men have to apologise for being and behaving like men, women have more rights and privileges than men and the whole of society has become skewed.

I've been a relationship counsellor for many years and the one thing that I can always guarantee is that when the woman in the relationship is a hard nosed Feminist, the relationship with her man isn't going to work. He'll do his best to please her and appease her but eventually she will accuse him of oppressing her and he will be left confused and psychologically damaged.

One of my main specialities is how deal with an Alpha Male in the home. Research shows that 79% of women would rather have an Alpha Male than a subservient, passive and ultimately divorced 'new male'. In my future posts, I'm going to show the ladies how to treat the Alpha Male and how the man can become an Alpha Male.

Let's put relationships back in order and make this world a better place!

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Hi great article and what you write about is so true! It's not just relationships that is messed up it's every part of society that's turned upside down and backwards! I am a Man and I make no apologies for being a man! Lol.
The more everyone tells us that men and women are equal the more divided we become! We are not equal to each other we are opposites of each other. Equal means same and women and men sure are not the same. We think, feel, understand, learn differently so how could we ever be equal!
I think the sooner we know what we are the sooner we will be at peace with one another. Women need to be women and men need to be men! Couples that have this figured out live happy and productive lives. Great post and Followed.

Thank you for this. I totally agree. The happiest of relationships that I encounter in my work are those where the male and female acknowledge their differences and use them to make a balanced relationship xxx

Re-steemed :) We are biologically different and trying to alter thousand of years of instinctual and survivalistic (e.g. cave-man hunting for the family role) behaviour is emasculating us guys.

So true! When I encounter a couple whose relationship is in trouble and the woman is a feminist, I always casually ask her who her favourite Hollywood tough guy is... When she tells me, I then say so if (eg Bruce Willis) came to your house, would you ask him to do the dishes or would you get him a beer and gaze adoringly at him? A woman has to treat her man like she would treat her favourite hollywood tough guy. If she treats him like a King, the chances are, he'll treat her like a Queen.

My new favorite Steemian <3

ahh bless you. Thank youxxx