
in introducingyourself •  7 years ago  (edited)

WhatsApp Image 2018-03-18 at 15.34.05.jpeghai semua sahabat steemit dimanapun kaliann berada...

hi all steemit friends wherever you are ...

pertamakali mendengar tentang steemit dari kawan saya yang sudah aktif di steemit..
disini saya di ajak untuk bergabung dengan blog steemit... nah setelah mendengar penjelasan panjang lebar kali samping hahahahaa....(garing) akhirnya saya pun tertarik untuk bergabung dengan blog steemit...

first heard about steemit from my friend who is already active in steemit ..
here I was invited to join the blog steemit ... well after hearing the explanation at length next time hahahahaa .... (crisp) I was finally interested to join the blog steemit ...

Langsung aja yah temen - temen saya perkenalkan diri saya:
Immediately aja yah broo I introduce myself:

Nama saya Jepri yohannes robinson munthe sering dipanggil dengan panggilan jepri dan tak banyak juga orang memanggil saya robinson.... ga pa deh panggilan apa aja bagi gw fine2 aja.. selama itu sopan :)

My name is Jepri yohannes robinson munthe often called by call jepri and not many people also call me robinson .... no what deh call what aja for me fine2 aja .. as long as it is polite :)

gw lahir di tangerang, tanggal 24 oktober 1993 gw besar di jakarta selatan... dari sekolah sd,smp,sma gw di tangerang tapi sekarang gw di Aceh.... hahahaa. kok jauh banget nyasarnya?? nah itu rejeki gw mendapatkan pekerjaan di sini di Tanah Rencong :D

I was born in tangerang, dated 24 october 1993 gw big in south jakarta ... from school sd, smp, sma gw in tangerang but now i am in Aceh .... hahahaa. why is it so far ?? nah that fortune I get a job here in Tanah Rencong: D

dota 2.jpghobi gw disini bermain game online.... tapi dominan lebih ke arah DOTA 2 sih.. mnurut gw Game DOTA 2 seru dan keren
di game ini secara ga langsung gw di ajarkan tuk cerdik dan berpikir secara cepat.. dan nilai moral yang gw ambil dr game dota 2 adalah jangan egois...melainkan saling tolong menolong / saling membantu sesama kawan..intinya kerjasama TEAM laaah :D

hobi gw here play online game .... but dominant more towards DOTA 2 hell .. according to me DotA Game 2 exciting and cool
in this game indirectly i teach in the wily and think fast .. and the moral value that i take dr game dota 2 is not selfish ... but mutual help / help each other fellow ..inthe cooperation TEAM laaah: D

oh ya pekerjaan gw adalah sebagai operator.. kerjaan gw sehari - hari input data sampai tangan gw keriting....
untung gw suka maen dota... jadi masalah input2 gampang broohhh.. hahahhaa :D

oh yes my job is as an operator .. my work everyday input data until my hands curly ....
fortunately I like maen dota ... so the problem input2 easy broohhh .. hahahhaa: D

Salam dari gw.. Keep Smile
Greetings from me .. Keep Smile

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Welcome. I pray things turn around for you. Good luck!

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