Hello steemit community, Introduction

in introduction •  7 years ago 

HI steemit community, first off I would to thank you for accepting me in.

Now, about my self I am an avid curious learner when it involves most fields of study, some of my favorite are Psychology, art, & music, however I have taken a liking to story writing as well.

Some skills I have, 3D modeling, texturing, Java, C, C#, C++, python, R, electrical engineering/electronic hobbyist and learning Xcode on mac currently

In terms of degree, I have none, but some college, I didn't make the cut. College was unsuitable for me, rarely learned anything worthwhile or remotely new to me. I could open a whole can of worms on college and how flawed, and practically useless it can be. But I'll save that for a different day.

interests: Learning, EE, LN, Manga, Anime, Games, Females.
Sex: Male
single(no really I am, I only go for females, no traps. No I'm dead serious here I have a friend that got not duped once but twice with traps, he said "When I met her she was the most beautiful women I've seen." This was at the world chicken festival we have every year.

Financially: Broke as shit.

Town: Shitfest(serious, they let everything rot, and go into despair, not to mention odd news happens here.)

I am not a NEET, though it would be nice, but I do have a job I somewhat like, at least the people.

What will I blog about?
perhaps I'll post my thoughts/review on different shows/books, maybe even my projects if and when I get to a certain satisfied status, I'm one of those people I like to give/make quality rather then quantity, so I guess you say I have higher standards, and be the way I imagine it.

I could write more than this but if I am not careful I could easily write 2-3 pages of text with-in a few hours
Plus i believe I may just ramble so I think that is all I have to say for now. If you have a question, feel free to ask me(I know I have no profile picture or background I'll get to that soon, now where did I put that usb drive...) I would like to add I'm pretty humble, anything to help me I appreciate it a lot, but it is not obligated for anyone to do so.

Take care my steemers.

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