My Introduction.

in introduction •  6 years ago 

Good day fellow Steemians,

Allow myself to introduce myself, Austin Danger Powers.

On a more serious note I go by the name Baron Vernn online aka Byron Vernon.

Like a significant number of us Steemians I enjoy anarcho-captalist philosophy. I’m currently on a quest towards ever increasing personal liberty. Join me on this journey where I hope to not only liberate myself but several kindred spirits from our indentureship to the State, debit, taxes and other subtle forms of slavery that we tend to end up in and accept unthinkingly.

Every step of the way down this path to liberty I hope to share, edutain, infotain, contribute to our community and in the end play a role in this awakening. With the majority of us being individualists historically living, thinking and operating in recluse, we’ve not been able to gather collective inputus.

Until now that is, with the formation of billions of individuals, armies of one soon to be a force for liberty to be reckoned with finally in communication and ever increasing unity.

I also have deep interests in technology/programming, philosophy/thinking, fitness/strength, self defence, health/well-being and related subjects.

Baron Vernn.

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@baron-vernn, congratulations on making your first post! I gave you a $.05 vote!
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