Hey, it's me! My Introductory Post!

in introduction •  7 years ago 

I'm Dante Petrilla, a writer, coach, NLP practitioner, thinker and avid reader, living in Ireland. I write both fiction and non-fiction, have published a number of books on Kindle at Amazon. Just search my name there and you'll see them.

I love nature and photography as well. Here are a couple of my pics from around these parts!



I used to suffer from depression - quite badly. I was suicidal, in fact, for quite some time. But I learned how to change my thinking, and broke out of that deep, dark place without any psychotherapy or drugs. These days I help people change the quality of their thinking, and improve their lives. I'm into studying neuroscience and how the brain and mind work so I can better assist my clients.

I like to write articles/blogs that help educate, motivate and inspire people to live a higher quality of life. I like to get people thinking. I post every day on Twitter as well @toyourhappiness, where I usually share quotes, again, to help inspire and motivate people.

My work and study over the last few years has led me to believe that there's a deeper reality at play, which we don't preceive (most of the time). This has led me to spend a lot of time researching near death experiences (NDEs), past life regression, the afterlife, and the between lives realm. I know, it's very "out there", but absolutely fascinating stuff!

I'm very much looking forward to sharing writing and ideas that of value to my fellow Steemians, and making connections with like-minded people!

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