Steemit will fail with current flag system

in introduction •  9 years ago  (edited)

No Content due to Steemit idiots who feel empowered by pressing a little red flag over and over.

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This sounds like a nice idea. Still word is spreading quite fast.

If I have understood this platform right, it will be a fortress against the limitation of free speech. Let´s not forget that there are still some issues to be fixed and/or understood.

Your idea could be a nice boost for membership numbers, but even more people not understanding what they do could also be a desaster.

Let´s build this great voluntary free speech tool slowly but sustainable.

Keep up the good thoughts!

Very true, but it all starts with awareness. If you don't know about it or nobody tells you about it then it's as good as not existing at all. If you are rewarded for attracting new members and continue to get rewarded, you will spread the word, they will spread the word and everyone will feel good about the progress made. Thanks for your reply.

I am 100% behind you when it comes to the referral system. It is needed.

I bet it is also on the To Do list.

Check out this conversation

You raise a great point.

Good call, you got my upvote :). I wrote a similar article about this a few weeks back.
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