Allow Me to Introduce Myself...

in introduction •  8 years ago  (edited)

Hello Steemit community! (Or are we calling ourselves steemers?) My name's Heidi, I'm a happy person who loves to travel, cook, write, laugh, and photograph. I'm 27 with perpetual plans to fill up my passport with stamps. I'm relatively new to the cryptocurrency world but I was lucky to buy Ether in the early days, needless to say that sparked my interest and made me realize the potential here! Anything that allows me to travel while only needing wifi access to make some money is what I call an IDEAL situation.

After trying out that whole "college experience" and swapping majors for a whopping 5 years, I did come away with what I consider to be a quality education in writing among other things. I never graduated and I'm totally ok with that. So I decided to learn how to code via SEU (Self-Educated University) and I built my own website that I now use for blogging and sharing recipes and all that good stuff.

These past 2 years I've really emersed myself in the world of eating healthy and an overall healthy lifestyle. My dad's side of the family is Greek, that means I literally have over 20 cousins. I'm also incredibly lucky to have been raised in a household filled with good stories, loud laughs and a busy kitchen that was always smelling like garlic, lemon and the leg of lamb roasting on the grill outside. With a love of cooking thoroughly instilled in me and a newfound passion for eating healthy I've found myself consumed with finding new ways to make healthy food taste delicious.

I've also recently had a huge change in my life and now I love to travel. I've now been to countries that I never thought I would visit. I'm being emersed in so many different cultures, making friends that span the globe and picking up the culinary traditions along the way. I'm so happy to have a platform that lets me share my experiences with you!

My goal here is to give you all great recipes, healthy tips and funny travel stories. Ultimately I want to share my experiences and inspire you all to go out and find your passion and discover something new!

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Its so awesome what you did /do

Did i just fall in love? Haha just kidding, wellcome to the community, looking forward reading more from you :) check out my post too if you want to 😊

You make me feel very welcome ;) Thailand is on my list! Sounds like a crazy place that'll really stimulate you haha

Welcome Heidi! What an engaging introduction. I LOVE Greek food and I love cooking it, too so bring those recipes on :) Also, please share your website with us.

Isn't it awesome?! I'll be getting recipes up today for ya. My website is :)

Great introduction! Welcome!

Did I hear something about travel stories? All ears over here.
Welcome by the way :)

Yes, lots of stories, the kind of stories you get from avoiding all things touristy when you go somewhere new, and live like the locals! I'll be posting one today :)

Hey fatjawjones check my blog out too if you like travelling stories 😊

Welcome aboard:)

Welcome, I hope to hear more about your travels.

Welcome to steemit! I hope you can share with us your travel adventures :)

Thanks! I've got some good stories for ya


I'll be waiting for some of those great recipes! :)

You won't be waiting very long! Posting one today :)

and I will enjoy every moment you share :)

Thanks :)

Welcome and don't worry about not finishing college (not that you seem worried), as someone who has a Law Degree I can tell you that out in the real world a degree doesn't help as much as having skills and life experiences. If you don't have any debt, even better. That enables you to pursue your goals without having to be anchored to a cubicle. Good on you!

Welcome! Great introduction. I share your vision of becoming a digital nomad, I hope you accomplish each and every one of your goals.

Thank you, and same to you! Do you have anything in the works yet?

Welcome aboard! SE Asia is also pretty great for traveling on a budget. I'm certain you will enjoy exploring the vast cuisines especially in countries like India. Meanwhile, that's a great intro and pictures! Have fun!

I really want to visit India, it's on the top of my list. I'm planning on going sometime next year. When would be the best time to head out there?

If you want to travel to Kashmir or the Himalaya then June-Sept is a good time. For South-India you may consider Oct-Feb. For North India Oct-Nov and Feb-March is ideal! For the North-Eastern part of India you can visit Jan-April as the rains would've stopped by then. I travel quite a bit myself and will be posting about some of my experiences soon.

Wow thanks so much for that great info! I'll be looking forward to reading your posts :)

Welcome to the fun! I am also a coder (started at SEU, then moved on to brick-and-mortar/online institutions), and a travel enthusiast.

Traveling coders unite! :)

Welcome to this wonderful world of Steem!

Heidi, nice to meet such a wonderful person! You are positive, spirited, beautiful girl. It's hard to put down from your blog, you write so thrilling, bright, fun. The photos make your stories perfect! Now I'd love to travel widely! Thanks! )))

Welcome to steemit! I hope you have tons of fun! :)

Ahaaa... so that is how you get to just travel and do nothing. You were one of the lucky few who were early 'investors'. Well, I wish i was, although i realize it's a ponzi with no future...

I know, don't you just hate it when someone can see the potential of a new platform, utilize it and invest wisely and reap the benefits? Man, why would anyone want to do that...
As for the "do nothing" notion, I'm going to have to harshly disagree with that one bud. ;)

Have a great day! Hopefully one day you'll lose that pessimism.

Wish we could follow people. Promise you will get a follow when I can!

Dope blog Heidi

hey thanks @kingjohal, you can follow people- there's a blue follow botton on the persons profile page. But I'm not sure if you actually get notified when they post... maybe they just show up more on the "recommended posts" section.

Thanks for the love, I really appreciate it :)

Look forward to living vicariously through your travels and hopefully becoming inspired to make my own.

Looking forward for your Healthy recipes!

Welcome. Have you ever been to Costa Rica? Was thinking of checking it out.

I've yet to go to there but I think they have this crazy huge dog park for hundred of strays where you can hike around with all of the happy pups, I'd LOVE to go there! Let me know if you make travel plans!

I love the first picture in the post of you :) Where was it taken?

That was taken in Teahupo'o Tahiti

Thanks :)

I send you a message on Facebook :)

Hi Heidi probably really way to late to comment here, but I feel inspired and I love the way you talk about changing your mind at University (College). I did the whole business thing the first time - back in 80's and then ended up studying medieval history, ancient civilizations and art. Never did finish a degree either. I wish I had had the courage to hit the road like you. I wanted to and even remember checking out flights and backpacks. But... made a big mistake and let others influence me. I am inspired and thrilled by your adventures so far. Here I am a grandma now and still thinking about just going for a lot of my undone dreams! Do it if you are young (or old) - cause trust me it is true what they say - you never regret the things you did do - only the things you didn't do! Wow I gotta write another post!

Don't quench the spirit! It's never too late to try :)

:) nice..... follow back please

Look at you now! I feel like I am owed some recipes.

Nice to meet you