
in introduction •  7 years ago 

Hi, I'm Jons 32 years old, the father of two boys and a sweet little girl. I knew stemeet from my brother who joined in January, he told me that stemeet is the platform of sharing experiences, not only in term of written but everybody has the freedom to promote the skill of photograph, culinary experiences, the uniques and etc. Because writing is not my hobby, so I will try the other part which I expect can give the positive constribution for the viewers.

I would like to say the biggest thank to @rizalsahabat who helps my wife @ayijons therefore she has reached popularity in number 36 only about three days in stemeet. I hope his trick also works on me.

Because I'm junior, the appresiation, critic and suggestion will be warmly appreciated. image

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You did the typo, steemit not stemeet
Over all you done good.