Meet A Gen-Xer: The Guy Who Rarely Takes Lemon In His Tea

in introduction •  7 years ago  (edited)

As a person who enjoys finding possible connections within my contacts, I decided to start a series as a way of making introductions happen faster (the more minds brainstorming....the more effective the result right?)

Each person featured in the series would be answering 36 questions. And yes, a number of them are from the famed '36 questions' that allow two people to have a deeper connection (by getting to know one another via a set of questions) in a short amount of time. 

Q#1: You're flying business class and the flight is about 15 hours. Given the choice of anyone in the world, whom would you want seated next to you?

A#1: Living, I would pick Stephen King, I love his books and have been an avid reader of his stories for years. Dead, Robin Williams, I met him once when he payed a visit to the squadron I was in while in the Navy. He's every bit as funny and charismatic as everyone says he was.


Q#2: Would you like to be famous? In what way?

A#2: No, in spite of being more popular, being famous seems to be a constant struggle to conform to what society wants you to be based on the things you do. 

Q#3: Before making a telephone call, do you ever rehearse what you are going to say? Why?

A#3: Depends on the call; business, yes, I like to have my responses ready when I get a question that I may expect them to ask. Personal, no, I tend to be pretty quick in my responses to my friends and family, being open and honest with them.

Q#4: What would constitute a “perfect” day for you?

A#4: Spending time with my kids doing what they like.

Q#5: When did you last sing to yourself? To someone else?

A#5: Today, I usually have music playing when I am out working and sing along with most of the songs. Someone else, indirectly to my friend, a few weeks ago on a road trip to New Orleans for VooDoo fest.

Q#6: If you were able to live to the age of 90 and retain either the mind or body of a 30-year-old for the last 60 years of your life, which would you want?

A#6: The mind, the body can be conditioned to stay fit for that long with regular exercise and activities.

Q#7: Do you have a secret hunch about how you will die?

A#7: This is hard to guess, anything can happen at any time, also I work in a very dangerous field of work, so this can happen at any time.

Q#8: Name three things you'd like to have in common when you next meet someone.

A#8: Interests, I have a wide variety of interests so this is easily accomplished. Moral beliefs, This is a bit harder because most morals are ingrained into us at an early age and few people have to ability to change their view of things. Openness, another hard one as most people tend to hide things from their past that they don't want others to know.

Q#9: For what in your life do you feel most grateful?

A#9: That my children have grown mostly with out major illnesses or other complications.

Q#10: If you could change anything about the way you were raised, what would it be?

A#10: Nothing, I think I was was raised with a balance of right and wrong ways. 

Q#11: If you were to tell your life story as quickly as possible, how would it go? (4 minute limit)

A#11: Born and raised in a small city in Texas. Dropped out of school twice. Joined the military and traveled the world for 12 years, got married and separated during that time and had six kids. Now working in the oil and gas industry.

Q#12: If you could wake up tomorrow having gained any one quality or ability, what would it be?

A#12: Instantaneous travel, would be such a helpful ability in visiting family and friends.

Q#13: If a crystal ball could tell you the truth about yourself, your life, the future or anything else, what would you want to know?

A#13: What was in store for me.

Q#14: Is there something that you’ve dreamed of doing for a long time? Why haven’t you done it?

A#14: I have actually been slowly crossing things off my "bucket list", because of my job, I have the means and time off to do pretty much what I like. 

Q#15: What is the greatest accomplishment of your life?

A#15: My kids

Q#16: What do you value most in a friendship?

A#16: Honesty and trust, I have many friends that I have known for over twenty years, the fact that I can turn to any one of them and ask their honest opinion is the most valuable to me. They can in turn expect the same from me.

Q#17: What is your most treasured memory?

A#17: The day each of my children were born

Q#18: What is your most terrible memory?

A#18: The day my So told me that she no longer loved me and wished to no longer be married to me.

Q#19: If you knew that in one year you would die suddenly, would you change anything about the way you are now living? Why?

A#19: No, I think how I am living now is the best way I can live my life with the circumstances that I have been presented with.

Q#20: What film or TV show makes you feel really hopeful each time you watch it (that you can get through anything life throws at you)?

A#20: The Book of Life

Q#21: What roles do love and affection play in your life?

A#21: I look at these as very important aspects in my life, hopefully to find some one to share these with once again.

Q#22: Why Do you do the things that you do? (What is your 'why'

A#22: My kids, I do everything I have ever done to make sure they have what they need.

Q#23: How close and warm is your family? Do you feel your childhood was happier than most other people’s?

A#23: I am closer to certain family members than others. Everyone has a different upbringing, no ones childhood will be the same as yours.

Q#24: If you suddenly had $20,000 to spend on someone. How would you spend it? ( can be for multiple just can't spend it on yourself)

A#24: I would get my mom a better place to live, buy my kids the things that the want and help my sister.

Q#25: What is the one improvement on yourself you know you can do now that you have been putting off? (Why do you think that is?)

A#25: Working out more

Q#26: Complete this sentence: “I wish I had someone with whom I could share …”

A#26: my life with.

Q#27: What's the most important thing your close friends know about you?

A#27: That I will always be someone that they can count on.

Q#28: What are the three things that frustrate you about other people? (Are there things that frustrate you before that they don’t now? Are there things about people in general that frustrate you before and now…or you’re not bothered?) 

A#28: Not knowing how to use technology, being an app or some other kind of device. Other than that, I'm very rarely bothered by what others do.

Q#29: What's an embarrassing moment in your life that you were able to get over? (Is there something that you still have yet to get over?)

A#29:I often put myself in embarrassing situations, so there isn't much I get embarrassed by.

Q#30: When did you last cry in front of another person? By yourself? 

A#30: A few months ago, in front of my ex. By myself, watching a movie the other night.

Q#31: Do you consider yourself a likable person? (Why? Why Not?)

A#31: I have an unapproachable appearance, but once people get to know me they know I am very likable. I do consider myself likable because I can usually get along with anyone I meet.

Q#32: What, if anything, is too serious to be joked about?

A#32: My kids.

Q#33: If you were to die this evening with no opportunity to communicate with anyone, what would you most regret not having told someone? Why haven’t you told them yet?

A#33: I have lately been pretty open an honest with mostly every one I meet or spend time with, I don't think there is much I would regret having not said.

Q#34: Your house, containing everything you own, catches fire. After saving your loved ones and pets, you have time to safely make a final dash to save any one item. What would it be? Why?

A#34: Old photo albums, those memories can't be reproduced.

Q#35: Of all the people in your family, whose death would you find most disturbing? Why?

A#35: My dad, having survived cancer once already, he is the strongest man I know. 

Q#36: What’s your theme song?

A#36: The Wanderer by Dion seems to fit me most at the moment.

Don* is 39 and lives in Texas. When he has free time, he attempts to attend as much concerts (including music festivals) as he can. 

Note: I've changed Don's* name for privacy. If there is a part of this post that you would like to pick his brain about, let me know and I will arrange an introduction (To date he is open to people reaching out). 

Photo by Mercedes Herrero 


Sound like something you might want to do? You just let me know your best email address and I’ll send you 36 questions to answer. Your mini-bio would be your anonymised name (You can pick…or let me pick for you. That is if you would appreciate an introduction, but just prefer I do it privately. However, if you are open to link to your site, Twitter/Instagram feed...then I will keep your name and link to those feeds!), age, city and some quick facts about you (2-3 sentences).

As I am a big supporter of privacy. You can also give an approximation of your age or the generation you belong to (example: 'Young Millenial'). 

You are more than welcome to link to your post (whether or not it is on Steemit) as a comment (just hit the reply button in-line with the social sharing links)! If you think I should switch any of the questions with something else...go for it. Feedback is welcome here.   

For upvoting, I had heard from Steve Clark (@steevc), that it is better to upvote posts that are less than 7 days old. So if you would like to be sure I get rewarded, head here to see newer posts.  

Search Terms: Generation X / Connection /  The Experimental Generation of Interpersonal Closeness: A Procedure and Some Preliminary Findings /  interpersonal closeness / Arthur Aron / Parenting / Proud Dad / Texan / Ex Wife / Separation / Childbirth

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Uh oh! I probably should not have called you up OW! :( I see now how it could be difficult to determine originality if I am using the same questions ---- though getting different answers.)

Lesson learned!

I've cited a different source of the questions (There's a link to a piece from The Guardian).