Meet Lyra!

in introduction •  8 years ago 

As a new Steemit user I would like to introduce myself! My name, Lyra, comes from a small constellation in the Northern Hemisphere known mostly for its brightest star Vega. As a huge astronomy enthusiast, this name is very fitting.

It is interesting how I came to know about! I run for about an hour each day and listen to podcasts. I started with popular ones like Serial (fantastic), S-Town (was anyone else disappointed?), and TED. As I worked my way down the top charts, I began stumbling on more obscure topics, but none the less, interesting. Earlier this week, somehow I came across The Battle of New Orleans podcast. They interviewed Jeff Berwick which caught my attention. Later I came across Steemit Talk Podcast and ultimately decided to check it out for myself!

As a current grad student work two jobs, most of my time is spent at school and work. With my free time, when I have it, I enjoy backpacking through Northern Michigan. Below are some pictures from my latest trip: Manistee National Forest (over 30 miles in three days).

Additionally, I love cooking. I have been a huge follower of Pinterest primarily for the innovative recipes! I hope to find a similar base on Steemit, and if not, plan to create my own!
Below: Pineapple, Bacon, and Chicken kabobs!!

Something I tried for the very first time, Ahi Tuna. I was surprised how much I enjoyed this dish as I am not a fan of seafood. The sesame​ seeds gave it a nice texture.

And a personal favorite: Chicken/Bacon/Avocado Flatbread. I used ranch as a sauce and drizzled​ bbq sauce ​​​on top! Yum!

As for my introduction, thats a wrap! I ​look forward to getting to know the Steemit community! If you are intrested in food, excerise, and outdoors please follow!

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Aloha Lyra, welcome to Steemit!! You have a wonderful introduction :)

I love Ahi tuna ad there are many ways to prepare and eat it. I'd have to share a recipe one day. Anyway, I am glad you tried even though you aren't a fan of seafood. Props to you!!
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E malama pono.
Take care.