in introduction •  7 years ago 


HELOO Steemians!!! I'd like to introduce myself, my name is ARMAN MALIK

I have lived a very interesting life with many ups and downs.... . However I like to think that all the downs are only making me stronger (although sometimes I forget this).
I spent many years struggling i love making good friends ,,Friends make like beautiful ,
I'm into movies, romantic movies ,adventures movies ,fighting movies
I love women like every guy does. I don't like being disappointment and frustrated,
I always want things to go my way that's why i work real hard and try to make it work that way.
I m having my own business. having my own construction company
I love food but I hope food doesn't kill me one day. Lol. I'm good at CAR racing ,bike racing love singing ,
I am quick at understanding and knowing stuffs like that, I'm good with words, I can form good poems and write ups and all that.
I customized my own car ..

I should stop here as I have to save something to write about in the future articles.....
funny that I say that - I was having a really hard time trying to figure out what I should write about.
I signed up a days ago with my best friend who is into crypt o-currency and leaned about Ste emit from a friend,
he jumped right in, head first.... me not so much. I will be honest I was hesitant, and a little confused.
Since then I have read many different articles and have finally built up the courage to do it!!!
I am going to take this somewhat slow and try a few different things, I would really appreciate tips and feedback so I can learn.
I hope to be a successful part of this amazing platform and community and look forward to what the future holds for me here on Ste emit!!!
I hope to be able to impact through my post, also to be able to socialize and make new z do follow me and i wil also follow you
Thanks for having me here on Semite.PLZ up vote me and comments nee thinks guys

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