If only i could import and replace my wordpress website

in introduction •  8 years ago 

Hi there, I'm Nick, I'm new here. 

I've written very few things on my website that i would see as ideal content to be shared here. As i don't want to copy my own work and have it in two places (this seems a bit silly... Am I wrong?) I'm interested in speculating on the type of content that needs to be on this website. 

Often i tweet images or screenshots i find funny, That doesnt appear to be common here but i could see how such a feature could work for new members. 

Often i share videos in large skype groups these have a very disorganized responses spanning many days, while this website would work for this, again, it doesnt seem like it's the content that is here currently, but i should be for attracting new users and use cases. 

If i resumed the production of video, i used to make a few YouTube videos, that doesnt seem to fit here with the user base, but yet again, i could see how the content could work in this system and work very well. 

If i just wanted to share a link to an article that wasn't my own, this would make sense with this current voting system and reward system but it doesnt seems to be common here yet. (Wasn't this what reddit used to be for?)

Should people be sharing non original content? I think so, you may disagree, let me know what you think.

This thing needs spellcheck, i think i did good though. 

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Nickfost_ Nick Foster tweeted @ 03 Aug 2016 - 13:30 UTC

Man somebody gotta get this pothead nigga some visine. Look how red his eyes is. https://t.co/Jt3PlBf9xr

Disclaimer: I am just a bot trying to be helpful.

I think that since you can earn money on this site, posting links could be looked at as profiting from another person's work. So it mostly seems to be original content...

As for your original site, you could always cut and paste stuff here and then simply shut down the wordpress site. Or just leave it and create new things here. :)

Right now there is just so much content that ISN'T here. It may NEVER be here if we expect the original author to post it. There is so much information that should be added tagged and part of history, maybe it won't be on the front page but if you're looking for a topic it makes the website more rich.

It may a good way to promote your link.