Quae Frei

in introduction •  7 years ago 

Quae Frei (Pronounced: ‘Koo-aye’ ‘Free-aye’); Is a self-taught individual, who desires to learn for himself as much objectively verifiable information as he can, as well as help spread knowledge and wisdom to others as to possibly help affect a positive societal shift and co-creation towards the foundational changes necessary for a transition of culture and societal operations away from the still used outdated, outmoded and oppressive constructs of the past still in use today, to social systems, processes and operations that could allow for a more symbiotic and sustainable, thus a potential for an authentic freedom for all involved.
Since 2015 he has mainly offered this support through the social medium of his Facebook page: United Citizens of Earth (#UCE). UCE has had a reach of up to over a million people weekly and steadily increased to 84K+ likes until it’s growth was capped and even censored due to an algorithm shift from FB which was used to generate more “customers” by making it very difficult to “organically” reach users if one doesn’t pay to advertise or be “sponsored” by FB.
He offers support for wide-range critical thinking skills and personal engagements towards efficiency and effectiveness alignment.
Quae has garnered these skills and capacities of research, discernment, and application by way of living a very dynamic life that required such abilities for basic survival, while also having certain early-environment based proclivities towards authentic self-direction.

Three years prior to starting the project of UCE in 2015, these capacities were further developed when Quae focused, as the sole engagement of his life from 2012-2015, towards the purpose of figuring out what consists of “effective societal change”, and began studying quite intensely into a myriad of topics and subjects towards that end.
Currently Quae is continuing to work on this Human Fallibility Compilation Series (check out Book 1: ‘Paradox’ , Book 2: ‘Fallacy’, and Book 3: ‘Bias’), as well as the many different projects and productions involved within his chosen path of self-direction. He still continues to consistently engage the public through the medium of UCE on the social media platform.

Quae is also participating in the co-creation of methods, processes, tools and techniques towards effective societal change towards collective freedom through the mediums of the website http://thinkandact.earth/ which is the conceptual presentation / foundation / realization side, otherwise known as the ‘Think project, and FreeingSystems Co. http://thinkandact.earth/act/ which is the database / steps & processes / the actualization side, otherwise known as the ‘Act project.

The foundation is multi layered out of necessity, so, briefly, the virtual Think project of the foundation is #UCE / United Citizens of Earth, and i do a majority of my time there.
The Act project is really the main focus of this foundation, the act project is the actualization of the realizations we gain from the Think project, where we focus upon facts and solutions.
The Act project [www.FreeingSystems.Com] is basically us going around helping individuals and/or communities to implement Freeing Systems that reduce a dependence of reliance upon oppressive operating constructs for access to survival.

Some of what we do is Biotechture, Agroecology, Symbiotic and Sustainable power systems, as well as symbiotic and sustainable means of production applications.
We also do a variety of workshops such as societal communicative and decision making processes, as well as, operating processes.
We even do basic medical, educational and combat / weapons skills training along with a myriad of survival techniques and methods.
If you care to see any of my published works, or articles, just ask!!!

Our site is multiple things in one. The Think side is @UnitedCitizensofEarth / #UCE, which we do a variety of things, we will touch upon any topic of discourse and try and bring the conversation to a point of relevancy for the individual and/or anybody paying attention.
This aspect is mainly just a virtual outreach upon what we propose, advocate and enact, as well as we do touch upon many issues, current events, technologies, systems, things that people can do today to begin to thrive and negate a few negative systemic effects of oppression.
We do not consider ourselves media, even though we do write articles and do investigative journalism.
We would consider ourselves a foundation, that like the name suggests, we are trying to focus on Thinking Effectively as to Act effectively.

www.FreeingSystems.com is the part of our foundation that is the Act part.
We go into the ways one can Act to implement the process we propose, advocate and enact.
Which is - Technical Efficiency & Restorative Sustainability for Integral Wellness.
In terms of what step 1 is, that would be the realization of our point of this process, being a 'Myriad Access Juxtaposition', step 2 s to Actualize the realization, that is where Act comes in, we provide many of the physical steps necessary to transition ones physical process towards the proposal, advocative and what we even do personally in our own lives, which is enact a simple methodological process we call - Technical Efficiency & Restorative Sustainability for Integral Wellness, which is Proven to work, Hypothetically and Actually.
So what we propose, advocate and enact is just a Process, but this process, like i said, can be proven to be effective in individual and/or collective thrivability as well as negation of negative systemic effects of oppressive societal operating constructs.

People can help us out, first by themselves Understanding and Realizing the scope of what we are talking about, as well the Point of Why it is Necessary.
After one realizes this (which we here at UCE will and do help in any way we can to clarify whatever it is that needs to be clarified) And Wants to Act for themselves and/or collective, you can contact us for basic inquiry and for even more in depth, potentially hands on assistance or integration, you can go through the FreeingSystems Side and work with us directly.

We travel all over, trying to help ppl in this endeavour, as such we are Hoping that More folks become interested in applying these Steps towards Sustainability and Freeing Systems that can allow for a more collective and authentic freedom for our future!

We merely give a Process, that is Universally and Immediately Applicable, meaning, anyone, anywhere can apply it.
This Process, allows for one and/or collective to Thrive in abundance, that Also, Negates the negative systemic effects of capitalism.
We are not calling for "mass-unity" - that is a fallacy, will never happen, nor would we want such a monotone existence.

The process we give is a "Myriad Access Juxtaposition" - meaning that the process can be used nearly Everywhere for any given situation, as well as create a symbiosis between otherwise contradicting instances, such as socio-economic ideology in theory, or between an introvert & extrovert individual / society.
Technical Efficiency & Restorative Sustainability for Integral Wellness is a form of effective actioning methodology, while also being an individual/collective foundational value shift.

This Process can be understood simply although it can be complex.
Just think about this:
Do you apply this process we propose to your everyday life?
If you think about a situation you do daily, think about the implications of the words we provided in this process, think about if You Enact this process in full in your day to day situations, can you imagine the implications and benefits of such a thought and action process..

This Process has Proven itself not just in common sense, but in actualization as well, We (UCE team members & more) utilize this process, to our exponential advantage.
This Process, allows an Individual to DO SOMETHING EFFECTIVE TODAY.
No matter what resource ability one has either, this is mainly DIY, although we do give Many variations as well as applications of this process and the steps we also provide for the implementation of this Process and the the Systemic Effects of such.

Environment Dictates Behaviour - states the consensus of behavioural and social science (among others).
As such, as humans we have the ability to create and co-create our environment.
Considering we have the technology (eco-friendly) and knowledge to live in a Symbiotic civilized and intelligent manner, it seems quite absurd that we are fighting each other to stay within this obviously unsustainable and detrimental paradigm of any variation of capitalism.

Again, we as humans no longer have the amount of time necessary to naturally transition through socio-economic paradigm, but we can begin to implement the proven Solutions today.
Which does Not require the myth of "mass-unity" nor even Initial Macro Application.
This is for the People, By the People.

Yes of course we will need to begin to apply Freeing Systems into all of our lives, and since we currently live under an oppressive shit paradigm, we must engage with and participate with it for survival, but we can begin to start using the system to negate the system, and this action alone has the great potential of Rendering that paradigm of capitalism Obsolete.

Now is that not the point?
To co-create systems of symbiosis between all life and non life on this planet, So that we can Advance as a species, as to Survive as a species, Potentially as a type 2 civilization or more!!!
We only give a Process.
We engage Rational Discussion, not Competitive Argument.
We utilize Objectively Verifiable Information and use Physically Referential terminology, as best to our ability.
Check out our website to Learn More, and feel free to contact us for any inquiries.

Be Well and Nourished!!!

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