A little introduction: (drumroll please.....)
Hi! I'm C. Michelle Gonzalez. Some call me Michelle, some simply C. Others seem to prefer my first name Casie (Pronounced: Kay-Cee) which wouldn't be so bad if I hadn't spent my entire life correcting them of it's proper pronunciation.
Anyway, I am the proud owner and operator of this quaint little shop called Soul Travel Creations. (https://SoulTravelCreations.weebly.com)
As a Capricorn and Life Lesson Number 3, I have been warned numerous times of becoming the proverbial "Jack of All Trades, Master of None". Yet, riding the cusp of the explorer, Sagittarius, I can't seem to help being fascinated by so many beautiful shinnies!
Since the age of 8, when we first began learning cursive in grade school, I've loved how the words would flow so romantically from soul through pen to paper. I love the melodies hidden within poetic verses that beckon my soul to dance the graceful tune.
As a teen, I not only awakened to my empathic abilities to feel the energies of others around me, but the energies of the earth and sky as well. It was then that I got my first camera. (A disposable 110!) By the time graduation came, my Senior Yearbook was filled with pictures of the sky and vast country landscapes, as well as my most prized creative writing assignments from English class.
Fast forward eons later, with two grown children, one grandchild and two failed marriages behind me; I discovered that I wasn't too shabby at digital art. I'd always longed to feel the gentle stroke of the brush flow through me but never believed I had any artistic abilities. After all, I was told early on in school (by teachers and friends) that music and art were not meant for me.
Now, I had grown accustomed to having visions and becoming more aware in the lucid dreaming world (or as I like to call them, Soul Travels). But one night, not too long ago, I had a vision within a dream that was so surreal. I was instructed to "paint" it. While I didn't really believe I would be able to do it, I was all to excited to at least try. I bought a cheap dollar store canvas, cheap acrylic paints and really cheap dollar store brushes. While the vision was intended to be a veil pulling back to reveal the light of the new world, during the painting process, I was led to a butterfly flying into the sunrise with the title, "New Beginnings." And that was the first piece of actual artwork that I'd ever attempted to paint. It was my first experience with that feeling of the gentle stroke of the brush flowing through me. And it was the first piece of actual and "real" ART that I'd ever sold!
Combining all of these shinnies into one was the beginning of Soul Travel Creations. To my knowledge, I am the only one in my field who offers our exclusive Artisan Soul Reading cards with each piece of fine art sold. It's my way of relaying the messages that I hear whispered through the ethers as each piece is being created (or photographed). Perhaps they were meant to be private love letters between the subject and myself, but isn't Love always greatest when shared?
Anyway, if it is me you're looking for, then I do so hope that you are a lover of words, of art, photography, nature and anything else that captures the light of my passion!
To you and yours,