Self Introduction

in introduction •  7 years ago 

Hey, guys! I'm the fresh man here and this is my first post.
My name is Wu Jianhui. I always be called Jack. I am from Guangdong province, China. I am studying in a beautiful college which is located in Zhanjiang city.
This is a memorial tower which symbolizes the long history of our college.92C8447151F5F304DA6077C4ED1_17316D93_18267.jpg

I have already stayed in Zhangjiang for four years. My home is more than 300 kilometres far from here. Many old friends wondered what the hell was I thinking. Why did I choose to study here? I could enter into the famous universities in Guangzhou which is near my hometown. However, I thought that living in a strange city for a long time is helpful for growing up. As expected, I learned a lot of things during these four years. Most of things shoud be done independently.

Zhangjiang is a wonderful seaside city ! We always drived the motorcycles to reach at this lovely beach and had fun together.

I met a girl when I was grade three in college. She was named Carhy! Cathy is a lovely girl. She love reading, photography, watching movies, etc. I have never met such a charming girl before. We have experienced too many things and unforgetable memory deeply rooted in our brains.

In my blog, I will post many interesring things about what I see, what I hear and how I feel. All the dollors I will make here would be used for travelling with Cathy. If you want to know more about oridinary people lives in China, please follow me and giving a like would be appreciated. Mua~

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Hello Wu Jianhui, welcome to Steemit!

The memorial tower looks beautiful; you and Carhy seem like a lovely couple.

What were you studying in Zhanjiang?

Cheers! : )

My major is Business English.^_^